path: root/sway/meson.build
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* container: Don't track outputsLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2024-01-18
| | | | The scene graph abstraction does this for us
* Delete old damage tracking codeLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2024-01-18
| | | | The new scene graph abstraction handles this for us.
* Introduce sway_text_nodeLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2024-01-18
| | | | | This is a helper on top of a wlr_scene_buffer that will handle text rendering for us.
* renderer: Remove in favor of scene_graphLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2024-01-18
* scene_graph: Introduce sway_scene_descriptorLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2024-01-18
| | | | | | | | | Across a wayland compositor, there are multiple shells: It can be a toplevel, or a layer_shell, or even something more meta like a drag icon or highlight indicators when dragging windows around. This object lets us store values that represent these modes of operation and keep track of what object is being represented.
* render: Use wlroots scale filterLibravatar Alexander Orzechowski2023-06-19
* input/libinput: add scroll_button_lock methodLibravatar Cezary Drożak2023-06-16
| | | | | | | Closes https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/6987 Co-authored-by: JJGadgets <git@jjgadgets.tech> Co-authored-by: DeltaWhy <mike5713@gmail.com>
* Add libinput RotationAngleLibravatar Lucas Zampieri2022-12-09
| | | | | | This patch adds the libinput option RotationAngle to sway. Signoff-by: Lucas Zampieri <lzampier@redhat.com>
* Add `primary_selection` config optionLibravatar Aidan Dang2022-12-05
| | | | | | | | | | | | See: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/4511 Adds a bool config option `primary_selection`, which explicitly enables/disables the primary selection clipboard. Defaults to enabled. This is implemented as a launch-only option which enables or disables the creation of the `zwp_primary_selection_device_manager_v1` global. Co-authored-by: Tilde Rose <t1lde@protonmail.com>
* Make libinput backend optionalLibravatar Simon Ser2022-11-28
* root: move the workspace matching code to its own fileLibravatar Ronan Pigott2022-11-26
| | | | | | | This removes the pid_workspace bits from tree/root before it gets too interesting. No functional change.
* build: drop intermediate libraries for protocolsLibravatar Simon Ser2022-11-25
* Support libinput's 1.21 new dwtp optionLibravatar pudiva chip líquida2022-10-30
| | | | | | | | | Support the new dwtp (disable while trackpointing) option introduced in libinput 1.21, allowing users to control whether the trackpoint (like those in Thinkpads, but not only) should be disabled while using the keyboard/touchpad. See: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libinput/libinput/-/issues/731
* sway/commands/output: Add command for unplugging non-physical outputsLibravatar Andri Yngvason2022-10-07
* Rename dpms output command to powerLibravatar Simon Ser2022-06-23
| | | | | | | | The "dpms" command refers to VESA Display Power Management Signaling, a deprecated standard. It's superseded by VESA DPM. Instead of tying out command name to a particular standard, use the neutral term "power".
* build: link with -pthreadLibravatar Simon Ser2022-05-30
| | | | | | | | | | Fixes the following FreeBSD error: ld: error: undefined symbol: pthread_getschedparam >>> referenced by realtime.c:25 (../sway/realtime.c:25) >>> sway/sway.p/realtime.c.o:(set_rr_scheduling) Fixes: a3a82efbf6b5 ("realtime: request SCHED_RR using CAP_SYS_NICE")
* sway: add bindgesture commandLibravatar Florian Franzen2022-05-30
| | | | Co-authored-by: Michael Weiser <michael.weiser@gmx.de>
* realtime: request SCHED_RR using CAP_SYS_NICELibravatar Rouven Czerwinski2022-05-18
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Try to gain SCHED_RR (round-robin) realtime scheduling privileges before starting the server. This requires CAP_SYS_NICE on Linux systems. We additionally register a pthread_atfork callback which resets the scheduling class back to SCHED_OTHER (the Linux system default). Due to CAP_SYS_NICE, setting RLIMIT_RTPRIO has no effect on the process as documented within man 7 sched (from Linux): Privileged (CAP_SYS_NICE) threads ignore the RLIMIT_RTPRIO limit; as with older kernels, they can make arbitrary changes to scheduling policy and priority. See getrlimit(2) for further information on RLIMIT_RTPRIO Note that this requires the sway distribution packagers to set the CAP_SYS_NICE capability on the sway binary. Supersedes #6992
* Implement ext-session-lock-v1Libravatar Daniel De Graaf2022-04-29
* Chase wlroots X11 hints updateLibravatar kraftwerk282022-04-18
* Replace pcre with pcre2Libravatar ndren2022-03-12
| | | Closes: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/6838
* Add 'output render_bit_depth [8|10]' commandLibravatar Manuel Stoeckl2021-11-23
| | | | | | | This makes it possible to hint to the renderer and backends how many bits per channel the buffers that the compositor draws windows onto should have. Renderers and backends may deviate from this if they do not support the formats with higher bit depth.
* Implement xdg-activation-v1Libravatar Simon Ser2021-06-02
| | | | See https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/pull/2718.
* Automatically map built-in touchscreens/tablets to built-in panelsLibravatar Simon Ser2021-02-25
| | | | | Detect whether an output is built-in via its type. Detect whether a touchscreen or tablet tool is built-in via its ID_PATH property.
* build: Add dependency on libdrmLibravatar Tadeo Kondrak2021-02-23
| | | | | | As of 66343839b146a54505b746784cd42a8efb844963, sway now uses a libdrm header. Add this dependency to the build system so headers from it can be used on systems where pkg-config is required to find them.
* input/tablet: add tool_mode option to set tablet tools as relative inputLibravatar Tudor Brindus2020-10-12
| | | | Closes #4139.
* Add support for workspace_min_width bar option.Libravatar Tarmack2020-10-11
* Remove code related to the security featuresLibravatar Érico Rolim2020-05-21
| | | | | | - Remove struct definitions - Remove struct members - Remove initializations and frees
* commands: Add per-view shortcuts_inhibitor commandLibravatar Michael Weiser2020-05-13
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Add a separate per-view shortcuts_inhibitor command that can be used with criteria to override the per-seat defaults. This allows to e.g. disable shortcuts inhibiting globally but enable it for specific, known-good virtualization and remote desktop software or, alternatively, to blacklist that one slightly broken piece of software that just doesn't seem to get it right but insists on trying. Add a flag to sway_view and handling logic in the input manager that respects that flag if configured but falls back to per-seat config otherwise. Add the actual command but with just enable and disable subcommands since there's no value in duplicating the per-seat activate/deactivate/toggle logic here. Split the inhibitor retrieval helper in two so we can use the backend half in the command to retrieve inhibitors for a specific surface and not just the currently focused one. Extend the manual page with documentation of the command and references to its per-seat sibling and usefulness with criteria. Signed-off-by: Michael Weiser <michael.weiser@gmx.de>
* Port input method and text input from rootstonLibravatar xdavidwu2020-04-04
| | | | | | | This ports swaywm/wlroots#1203, swaywm/wlroots#1303, swaywm/wlroots#1308, swaywm/wlroots#1759 rootston part to sway. Co-Authored-By: Leo Chen <leo881003@gmail.com>
* commands: Add shortcuts_inhibitor commandLibravatar Michael Weiser2020-03-11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Add a command to influence keyboard shortcuts inhibitors. In its current form it can be used to activate, deactivate or toggle an existing inhibitor on the surface currently receiving input. This can be used to define an escape shortcut such as: bindsym --inhibited $mod+Escape seat - shortcuts_inhibitor deactivate It also allows the user to configure a per-seat default of whether keyboard inhibitors are honoured by default (the default) or not. Using the activate/toggle command they can then enable the lingering inhibitor at a later time of their choosing. As a side effect this allows to specifically address a named seat for actions as well, whatever use-case that might serve. Signed-off-by: Michael Weiser <michael.weiser@gmx.de>
* Add an adaptive_sync output commandLibravatar Simon Ser2020-03-07
| | | | | | | | | This enables/disables adaptive synchronization on the output. For now, the default is disabled because it might cause flickering on some hardware if clients don't submit frames at regular enough intervals. In the future an "auto" option will only enable adaptive sync if a fullscreen client opts-in via a Wayland protocol.
* Add seat <seat> idle_{inhibit,wake} <sources...>Libravatar Drew DeVault2019-12-12
| | | | | | | | | | This adds seat configuration options which can be used to configure what events affect the idle behavior of sway. An example use-case is mobile devices: you would remove touch from the list of idle_wake events. This allows the phone to stay on while you're actively using it, but doesn't wake from idle on touch events while it's sleeping in your pocket.
* add scale_filter output config optionLibravatar Ronan Pigott2019-11-29
* Add support for wlr_keyboard_groupLibravatar Brian Ashworth2019-11-21
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A wlr_keyboard_group allows for multiple keyboard devices to be combined into one logical keyboard. This is useful for keyboards that are split into multiple input devices despite appearing as one physical keyboard in the user's mind. This adds support for wlr_keyboard_groups to sway. There are two keyboard groupings currently supported, which can be set on a per-seat basis. The first keyboard grouping is none, which disables all grouping and provides no functional change. The second is keymap, which groups the keyboard devices in the seat by their keymap. With this grouping, the effective layout and repeat info is also synced across keyboard devices in the seat. Device specific bindings will still be executed as normal, but everything else related to key and modifier events will be handled by the keyboard group's keyboard.
* view: add max_render_timeLibravatar Ivan Molodetskikh2019-11-17
* Add sway_surfaceLibravatar Ivan Molodetskikh2019-11-17
| | | | For extending wlr_surface with additional things.
* output: add max_render_timeLibravatar Ivan Molodetskikh2019-11-17
* Implement input map_to_region commandLibravatar Tadeo Kondrak2019-11-17
* input: Add support for tablet protocol.Libravatar John Chadwick2019-09-25
| | | | | | Sway has basic support for drawing tablets, but does not expose properties such as pressure sensitivity. This implements the wlr tablet v2 protocol, providing tablet events to Wayland clients.
* Remove xdg-shell v6 supportLibravatar Simon Ser2019-08-20
| | | | | | All major toolkits and apps have gained xdg-shell stable support. Closes: https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/3690
* ipc: add input::libinput_config eventLibravatar Brian Ashworth2019-07-23
| | | | | | | | | This adds a libinput_config change type to the input event for when the libinput config for a device changes In order for this to be possible to track, the libinput config code had to be refactored. It is now extracted into a separate file to isolate it from the rest of the input management code.
* Implement input_cmd_xkb_file (#3999)Libravatar Ed Younis2019-07-17
| | | | | | | Adds a new commend "xkb_file", which constructs the internal xkb_keymap from a xkb file rather than an RMLVO configuration. This allows greater flexibility when specifying xkb configurations. An xkb file can be dumped with the xkbcomp program.
* Add calibration_matrix config optionLibravatar Sergei Dolgov2019-07-05
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Can be used to change the orientation of a touchscreen. Example usage with swaymsg: # identity swaymsg input type:touch calibration_matrix '"1 0 0 0 1 0"' # 90 degree clockwise swaymsg input type:touch calibration_matrix '"0 -1 1 1 0 0"' # 180 degree clockwise swaymsg input type:touch calibration_matrix '"-1 0 1 0 -1 1"' # 270 degree clockwise swaymsg input type:touch calibration_matrix '"0 1 0 -1 0 1"' Documentation: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/libinput/doc/latest/absolute-axes.html#calibration-of-absolute-devices
* Add a new xkb_switch_layout commandLibravatar Simon Ser2019-06-09
| | | | This allows users to programatically change the active layout.
* add seat sub command 'xcursor_theme'Libravatar Daniel Eklöf2019-06-05
| | | | | | | | | | New 'seat <name> xcursor_theme <theme> [<size>]' command that configures the default xcursor theme. The default seat's xcursor theme is also propagated to XWayland, and exported through the XCURSOR_THEME and XCURSOR_SIZE environment variables. This is done every time the default seat's configuration is changed.
* Implement output toggleLibravatar Moelf2019-05-14
| | | | discussed in #4136, this can't handle wildcard but won't crash.
* swaybg: split into standalone projectLibravatar Drew DeVault2019-04-25
| | | | | | | The new upstream is https://github.com/swaywm/swaybg This commit also refactors our use of gdk-pixbuf a bit, since the only remaining reverse dependency is swaybar tray support.
* Add deprecation warnings for new_float, new_window, and force_focus_wrapping.Libravatar Connor E2019-04-14
* Implement inhibit_idle commandLibravatar Brian Ashworth2019-03-24
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This implements the following command to set/unset a user idle inhibitor for a view: `inhibit_idle focus|fullscreen|open|none|visible` The modes are as follows: - focus: inhibited when the view is focused by any seat - fullscreen: inhibited when the view is fullscreen (or a descendant of a fullscreen container) and is visible on any output - open: inhibited until the view is closed or the inhibitor is unset or changed - none: unsets any user set idle inhibitors for the view - visible: inhibited when the view is visible on any output This should have no effect on idle inhibitors set by the applications themselves and those should still work as intended. Since this operates on the view in the handler context, it is possible to set it on the currently focused view, on any existing view with criteria, or for any future view with for_window.