BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainchore: remove dependabot config (#532)Libravatar MCMXC13 days
dependabot/github_actions/tj-actions/changed-files-44Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 42 to 44Libravatar dependabot[bot]5 weeks
dependabot/github_actions/tj-actions/changed-files-43Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 42 to 43Libravatar dependabot[bot]7 weeks
discord-better-service-urlSet more appropriate Discord `serviceURL`Libravatar mydarkstar3 months
all-contributors/add-bradymholtupdate .all-contributorsrc [skip ci]Libravatar allcontributors[bot]7 months
nathanaelhoun-fix-gh-230chore: upgrade whatsapp recipe versionLibravatar Nathanaƫl Houn18 months
masterNew jsdelivr URL for FerdiumLibravatar dqos2 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-05-02New jsdelivr URL for FerdiumHEADmasterLibravatar dqos
2022-05-02Update node modulesLibravatar Vijay A
2022-05-02docs: fix external tutorial linkLibravatar Nathanaƫl Houn
2022-04-30Add missing contributors [skip ci]Libravatar Vijay A
2022-04-30Regenerate contributors [skip ci]Libravatar Vijay A
2022-04-29Dummy commit to test if the main repo pulls in the new changes in submodulesLibravatar Vijay A
2022-04-28Upgrade 'pnpm' to '6.32.11'Libravatar Vijay A
2022-04-27Use specific version of the GH action runner OS so as to limit issues relatin...Libravatar Vijay A
2022-04-24Remove hardcoding of 'pnpm' version in CI scriptsLibravatar Vijay A
2022-04-23Downgraded 'node' to '16.14.2' so that the 'pnpm' conversion can happen smoothlyLibravatar Vijay A