path: root/package.json
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* First postLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-04-05
* Add blogLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-23
| | | | | | | | | | | | Site structure follows SEO tips from https://johnnyreilly.com/how-we-fixed-my-seo * The blog pages have as simple of an URL as possible. To this end, the home page of the site is actually the first index page of the blog. * Customize the blog index page BlogListPage component to show the landing page as the first index page. * Rename /archive to /blog to avoid a dated feel. * Remove the date from post URLs using the slug property.
* Simplify compressionLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-21
| | | | | Compress Docusaurus-generated files in a separate script instead of a post-build hook to avoid post-build hook ordering and concurrency issues.
* Also compress Docusaurus-generated filesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-21
| | | | | | | | | Run the compression manually for files that are not generated by Webpack. We must take over the @docusaurus/plugin-sitemap plugin to make sure we run after it has generated sitemap.xml. Docusaurus runs all plugin post-build actions in parallel with Promise.all, so the only way to do this is to invoke the post-build action in our own one.
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-21
* Add static asset compressionLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-21
* Add Docusaurus recommended browserslistLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-20
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-20
* Typographical improvementsLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-20
| | | | | * Use custom font subsetting for OpenType features * Tighter tracking for headings
* Preload fontLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-19
* Do not embed assets with url-loaderLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-18
| | | | | | | | | No need to embed fonts that we aren't going to use into CSS. See https://github.com/johnnyreilly/blog.johnnyreilly.com/pull/397 https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/issues/5493 https://v4.webpack.js.org/loaders/url-loader/#limit
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-18
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-17
* Add contacts sectionLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-17
| | | | Also enables responsive image optimization
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-16
* Add license pageLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-16
* Add landing page sections and update resumeLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* chore(deps): bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* bump dependenciesLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* Formatting with prettierLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* Speed up build with swcMinifyLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* Speed up build with swc-loaderLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15
* Initial commitLibravatar Kristóf Marussy2024-03-15