path: root/Stochastic/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/faulttree/transformation/solver/StormDftHandler.xtend
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Stochastic/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/faulttree/transformation/solver/StormDftHandler.xtend')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Stochastic/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/faulttree/transformation/solver/StormDftHandler.xtend b/Stochastic/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/faulttree/transformation/solver/StormDftHandler.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91c6a0d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Stochastic/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/faulttree/transformation/solver/StormDftHandler.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.faulttree.transformation.solver
3import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
4import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.builder.DocumentationLevel
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.builder.SolverConfiguration
6import java.io.BufferedReader
7import java.io.IOException
8import java.io.InputStream
9import java.io.InputStreamReader
10import java.util.regex.Pattern
11import jnr.constants.platform.Signal
12import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils
14class StormDftException extends RuntimeException {
15 new(String s) {
16 super(s)
17 }
19 new(String s, Exception e) {
20 super(s, e)
21 }
24class StormDftHandler {
25 static val DOUBLE_REGEX = "[-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?"
26 static val SINGLE_RESULT_GROUP = "single"
27 static val LOWER_BOUND_GROUP = "lower"
28 static val UPPER_BOUND_GROUP = "upper"
30 static val RESULT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(RESULT_REGEX)
32 // See http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/jdk/file/jdk7-b147/src/solaris/native/java/lang/UNIXProcess_md.c#l332
33 static val SIGNAL_EXIT_VALUE_OFFSET = if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_SOLARIS) 0 else 0x80
35 static val STORM_GENERAL_ERROR = (-1).bitwiseAnd(0xff)
36 static val STORM_TIMEOUT = (-2).bitwiseAnd(0xff)
37 static val STORM_MEMOUT = (-3).bitwiseAnd(0xff)
39 def callSolver(String dftFilePath, StormDftConfiguration configuration) {
40 val commandLine = configuration.toCommandLine(dftFilePath)
41 val documentationLevel = configuration.documentationLevel
42 val printOutput = documentationLevel == DocumentationLevel.NORMAL ||
43 documentationLevel == DocumentationLevel.FULL
44 val processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder().command(commandLine)
45 var Process process = null
46 try {
47 try {
48 process = processBuilder.start
49 process.outputStream.close
50 val result = readOutput(process.inputStream, printOutput)
51 val error = readError(process.errorStream, printOutput)
52 val exitValue = process.waitFor
53 if (result === null) {
54 interpretExitStatus(exitValue, error)
55 } else {
56 result
57 }
58 } catch (IOException e) {
59 throw new StormDftException("Error during input/output handling of the stochastic solver.", e)
60 }
61 } catch (Exception e) {
62 if (process !== null) {
63 process.destroyForcibly.waitFor
64 }
65 throw e
66 }
67 }
69 private def toCommandLine(extension StormDftConfiguration configuration, String dftFilePath) {
70 extension val optionsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder
71 add(solverPath ?: StormDftConfiguration.DEFAULT_SOLVER_PATH)
72 if (runtimeLimit != SolverConfiguration.Unlimited) {
73 add("--timeout", runtimeLimit.toString)
74 }
75 add("--precision", precision.toString)
76 if (bisimulation) {
77 add("--bisimulation")
78 }
79 if (symmetryReduction) {
80 add("--symmetryreduction")
81 }
82 if (modularization) {
83 add("--modularisation")
84 }
85 if (!dontCarePropagation) {
86 add("--disabledc")
87 }
88 if (approximationInUse) {
89 val heuristicName = switch (approximationHeuristic) {
90 case DEPTH:
91 "depth"
92 default:
93 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown approximation heuristic: " + approximationHeuristic)
94 }
95 add("--approximation", approximation.toString, "--approximationheuristic", heuristicName)
96 }
97 add("--dftfile", dftFilePath)
98 switch (objective) {
99 case FtAnalysisObjective.MTTF:
100 add("--expectedtime")
101 FtAnalysisObjective.TimeBound:
102 add("--timebound")
103 default:
104 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown analysis objective: " + objective)
105 }
106 if (documentationLevel == DocumentationLevel.FULL) {
107 add("--verbose")
108 }
109 build
110 }
112 private def readOutput(InputStream inputStream, boolean printOutput) {
113 val bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))
114 try {
115 var String line
116 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine) !== null) {
117 if (printOutput) {
118 println(line)
119 }
120 val matcher = RESULT_PATTERN.matcher(line)
121 if (matcher.find) {
122 try {
123 val single = matcher.group(SINGLE_RESULT_GROUP)
124 if (single !== null) {
125 val singleValue = Double.parseDouble(single)
126 return new ReliabilityResult.Solution(singleValue)
127 }
128 val lower = matcher.group(LOWER_BOUND_GROUP)
129 val upper = matcher.group(UPPER_BOUND_GROUP)
130 if (lower !== null && upper !== null) {
131 val lowerValue = Double.parseDouble(lower)
132 val upperValue = Double.parseDouble(upper)
133 return new ReliabilityResult.Solution(lowerValue, upperValue)
134 }
135 throw new StormDftException("Inconsistent stochastic solver output: " + line)
136 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
137 throw new StormDftException("Malformatted number from stochastic solver.", e)
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 } finally {
142 bufferedReader.close
143 }
144 null
145 }
147 private def readError(InputStream inputStream, boolean printOutput) {
148 val bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))
149 try {
150 val lines = newArrayList
151 var String line
152 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine) !== null) {
153 if (printOutput) {
154 System.err.println(line)
155 }
156 lines += line
157 }
158 lines.join("\n")
159 } finally {
160 bufferedReader.close
161 }
162 }
164 private def interpretExitStatus(int exitValue, String error) {
165 switch (exitValue) {
167 throw new StormDftException("Storm error: " + error)
169 case SIGNAL_EXIT_VALUE_OFFSET + Signal.SIGXCPU.intValue:
170 ReliabilityResult.TIMEOUT
171 case STORM_MEMOUT,
172 case SIGNAL_EXIT_VALUE_OFFSET + Signal.SIGXFSZ.intValue:
173 ReliabilityResult.MEMOUT
174 default: {
175 if (exitValue > SIGNAL_EXIT_VALUE_OFFSET) {
176 val signalNumber = exitValue - SIGNAL_EXIT_VALUE_OFFSET
177 val signal = Signal.values.findFirst[intValue == signalNumber]
178 if (signal !== null) {
179 throw new StormDftException("Storm unexpectedly killed by signal " + signal + ": " + error)
180 }
181 }
182 throw new StormDftException("Storm unexpectedly exit with status " + exitValue + ": " + error)
183 }
184 }
185 }