path: root/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality
diff options
authorLibravatar Kristóf Marussy <marussy@mit.bme.hu>2020-06-25 19:55:10 +0200
committerLibravatar Kristóf Marussy <marussy@mit.bme.hu>2020-06-25 19:55:10 +0200
commitc3a6d4b9cf3657070d180aa65ddbf0459e880329 (patch)
tree780c4fc61578dcb309af53fb0c164c7627e51676 /Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality
parentNew configuration language parser WIP (diff)
parentScope unsat benchmarks (diff)
Merge branch 'kris'
Diffstat (limited to 'Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality')
11 files changed, 1838 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94f97e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
4import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors
6abstract class AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator implements PolyhedronSaturationOperator {
7 @Accessors val Polyhedron polyhedron
9 new(Polyhedron polyhedron) {
10 if (polyhedron.dimensions.empty) {
11 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polyhedron must have at least one dimension.")
12 }
13 this.polyhedron = polyhedron
14 }
16 override saturate() {
17 if (polyhedron.expressionsToSaturate.empty) {
18 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
19 }
20 for (constraint : polyhedron.constraints) {
21 if (constraint.zero) {
22 if (constraint.lowerBound !== null && constraint.lowerBound > 0) {
23 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
24 }
25 if (constraint.upperBound !== null && constraint.upperBound < 0) {
26 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
27 }
28 } else {
29 if (constraint.lowerBound !== null && constraint.upperBound !== null &&
30 constraint.upperBound < constraint.lowerBound) {
31 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 doSaturate()
36 }
38 protected def PolyhedronSaturationResult doSaturate()
40 protected def getNonTrivialConstraints() {
41 ImmutableList.copyOf(polyhedron.constraints.filter [ constraint |
42 (constraint.lowerBound !== null || constraint.upperBound !== null) && !constraint.zero
43 ])
44 }
46 private static def isZero(LinearConstraint constraint) {
47 constraint.coefficients.values.forall[it == 0]
48 }
50 override close() throws Exception {
51 // Nothing to close by default.
52 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/CbcPolyhedronSolver.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/CbcPolyhedronSolver.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..708f93dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/CbcPolyhedronSolver.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
4import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.ilp.cbc.CbcResult
6import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.ilp.cbc.CbcSolver
7import java.util.HashSet
8import java.util.List
9import java.util.Map
10import java.util.Set
11import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor
14class CbcPolyhedronSolver implements PolyhedronSolver {
15 val boolean lpRelaxation
16 val double timeoutSeconds
17 val boolean silent
19 new() {
20 this(false, -1, true)
21 }
23 override createSaturationOperator(Polyhedron polyhedron) {
24 new CbcSaturationOperator(polyhedron, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent)
25 }
28class CbcSaturationOperator extends AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator {
29 static val EPSILON = 1e-6
31 val boolean lpRelaxation
32 val double timeoutSeconds
33 val boolean silent
34 val double[] columnLowerBounds
35 val double[] columnUpperBounds
36 val double[] objective
37 val Map<Dimension, Integer> dimensionsToIndicesMap
39 new(Polyhedron polyhedron, boolean lpRelaxation, double timeoutSeconds, boolean silent) {
40 super(polyhedron)
41 this.lpRelaxation = lpRelaxation
42 this.timeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds
43 this.silent = silent
44 val numDimensions = polyhedron.dimensions.size
45 columnLowerBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions)
46 columnUpperBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions)
47 objective = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numDimensions)
48 dimensionsToIndicesMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(polyhedron.dimensions.indexed.toMap([value], [key]))
49 }
51 override doSaturate() {
52 val numDimensions = polyhedron.dimensions.size
53 for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) {
54 val dimension = polyhedron.dimensions.get(j)
55 columnLowerBounds.set(j, dimension.lowerBound.toDouble(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
56 columnUpperBounds.set(j, dimension.upperBound.toDouble(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
57 }
58 val constraints = nonTrivialConstraints
59 val numConstraints = constraints.size
60 val rowStarts = newIntArrayOfSize(numConstraints + 1)
61 val rowLowerBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numConstraints)
62 val rowUpperBounds = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numConstraints)
63 val numEntries = constraints.map[coefficients.size].reduce[a, b|a + b] ?: 0
64 rowStarts.set(numConstraints, numEntries)
65 val columnIndices = newIntArrayOfSize(numEntries)
66 val entries = newDoubleArrayOfSize(numEntries)
67 val unconstrainedDimensions = new HashSet
68 for (dimension : polyhedron.dimensions) {
69 if (dimension.lowerBound === null && dimension.upperBound === null) {
70 unconstrainedDimensions += dimension
71 }
72 }
73 var int index = 0
74 for (var int i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++) {
75 rowStarts.set(i, index)
76 val constraint = constraints.get(i)
77 rowLowerBounds.set(i, constraint.lowerBound.toDouble(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
78 rowUpperBounds.set(i, constraint.upperBound.toDouble(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY))
79 if (!dimensionsToIndicesMap.keySet.containsAll(constraint.coefficients.keySet)) {
80 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constrains has unknown dimensions")
81 }
82 for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) {
83 val dimension = polyhedron.dimensions.get(j)
84 val coefficient = constraint.coefficients.get(dimension)
85 if (coefficient !== null && coefficient != 0) {
86 unconstrainedDimensions -= dimension
87 columnIndices.set(index, j)
88 entries.set(index, coefficient)
89 index++
90 }
91 }
92 }
93 if (index != numEntries) {
94 throw new AssertionError("Last entry does not equal the number of entries in the constraint matrix")
95 }
96 for (expressionToSaturate : polyhedron.expressionsToSaturate) {
97 val result = saturate(expressionToSaturate, rowStarts, columnIndices, entries, rowLowerBounds,
98 rowUpperBounds, unconstrainedDimensions, constraints)
99 if (result != PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED) {
100 return result
101 }
102 }
103 PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
104 }
106 protected def saturate(LinearBoundedExpression expressionToSaturate, int[] rowStarts, int[] columnIndices,
107 double[] entries, double[] rowLowerBounds, double[] rowUpperBounds, Set<Dimension> unconstrainedDimensions,
108 ImmutableList<LinearConstraint> constraints) {
109 val numDimensions = objective.size
110 for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) {
111 objective.set(j, 0)
112 }
113 switch (expressionToSaturate) {
114 Dimension: {
115 // CBC will return nonsensical results or call free() with invalid arguments if
116 // it is passed a fully unconstrained (-Inf lower and +Int upper bound, no inequalities) variable
117 // in the objective function.
118 if (unconstrainedDimensions.contains(expressionToSaturate)) {
119 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
120 }
121 val j = getIndex(expressionToSaturate)
122 objective.set(j, 1)
123 }
124 LinearConstraint: {
125 for (pair : expressionToSaturate.coefficients.entrySet) {
126 val dimension = pair.key
127 // We also have to check for unconstrained dimensions here to avoid crashing.
128 if (unconstrainedDimensions.contains(dimension)) {
129 expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = null
130 expressionToSaturate.upperBound = null
131 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
132 }
133 val j = getIndex(dimension)
134 objective.set(j, pair.value)
135 }
136 }
137 default:
138 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown expression: " + expressionToSaturate)
139 }
140 val minimizationResult = CbcSolver.solve(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices,
141 entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent)
142 switch (minimizationResult) {
143 CbcResult.SolutionBounded: {
144 val doubleValue = minimizationResult.value
145 val roundedValue = Math.ceil(doubleValue - EPSILON)
146 val intValue = roundedValue as int
147 val oldBound = expressionToSaturate.lowerBound
148 if (oldBound === null || intValue >= oldBound) {
149 expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = intValue
150 setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, roundedValue, columnLowerBounds, rowLowerBounds)
151 } else {
152 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected decrease of lower bound by " + (oldBound - doubleValue))
153 }
154 }
155 case CbcResult.SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED: {
156 if (expressionToSaturate.lowerBound !== null) {
157 throw new IllegalStateException("Finite lower bound became infinite")
158 }
159 setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, columnLowerBounds, rowLowerBounds)
160 }
161 case CbcResult.UNSAT:
162 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
163 case CbcResult.ABANDONED,
164 case CbcResult.TIMEOUT:
165 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.UNKNOWN
166 default:
167 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CbcResult: " + minimizationResult)
168 }
169 for (var int j = 0; j < numDimensions; j++) {
170 val objectiveCoefficient = objective.get(j)
171 objective.set(j, -objectiveCoefficient)
172 }
173 val maximizationResult = CbcSolver.solve(columnLowerBounds, columnUpperBounds, rowStarts, columnIndices,
174 entries, rowLowerBounds, rowUpperBounds, objective, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds, silent)
175 switch (maximizationResult) {
176 CbcResult.SolutionBounded: {
177 val doubleValue = -maximizationResult.value
178 val roundedValue = Math.floor(doubleValue + EPSILON)
179 val intValue = roundedValue as int
180 val oldBound = expressionToSaturate.upperBound
181 if (oldBound === null || intValue <= oldBound) {
182 expressionToSaturate.upperBound = intValue
183 setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, roundedValue, columnUpperBounds, rowUpperBounds)
184 } else {
185 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected increase of upper bound by " + (doubleValue - oldBound))
186 }
187 }
188 case CbcResult.SOLUTION_UNBOUNDED: {
189 if (expressionToSaturate.lowerBound !== null) {
190 throw new IllegalStateException("Finite upper bound became infinite")
191 }
192 expressionToSaturate.upperBound = null
193 setBound(expressionToSaturate, constraints, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, columnUpperBounds, rowUpperBounds)
194 }
195 case CbcResult.UNSAT:
196 if (lpRelaxation) {
197 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
198 } else {
199 throw new RuntimeException("Minimization was SAT, but maximization is UNSAT")
200 }
201 case CbcResult.ABANDONED,
202 case CbcResult.TIMEOUT:
203 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.UNKNOWN
204 default:
205 throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CbcResult: " + maximizationResult)
206 }
207 return PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
208 }
210 private def toDouble(Integer nullableInt, double defaultValue) {
211 if (nullableInt === null) {
212 defaultValue
213 } else {
214 nullableInt.doubleValue
215 }
216 }
218 private def int getIndex(Dimension dimension) {
219 val index = dimensionsToIndicesMap.get(dimension)
220 if (index === null) {
221 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dimension: " + dimension)
222 }
223 index
224 }
226 private def void setBound(LinearBoundedExpression expression, List<LinearConstraint> constraints, double bound,
227 double[] columnBounds, double[] rowBounds) {
228 switch (expression) {
229 Dimension: {
230 val j = getIndex(expression)
231 columnBounds.set(j, bound)
232 }
233 LinearConstraint: {
234 val i = constraints.indexOf(expression)
235 if (i >= 0) {
236 rowBounds.set(i, bound)
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/LinearTypeConstraintHint.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/LinearTypeConstraintHint.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c21ca1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/LinearTypeConstraintHint.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.Type
4import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.patterns.PatternGenerator
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialInterpretation
6import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch
7import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher
9interface LinearTypeExpressionBuilderFactory {
10 def ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> createMatcher(String queryName)
12 def LinearTypeExpressionBuilder createBuilder()
15interface LinearTypeExpressionBuilder {
16 def LinearTypeExpressionBuilder add(int scale, Type type)
18 def LinearBoundedExpression build()
22interface RelationConstraintUpdater {
23 def void update(PartialInterpretation p)
26interface LinearTypeConstraintHint {
27 def CharSequence getAdditionalPatterns(PatternGenerator patternGenerator)
29 def RelationConstraintUpdater createConstraintUpdater(LinearTypeExpressionBuilderFactory builderFactory)
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/MultiplicityGoalConstraintCalculator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/MultiplicityGoalConstraintCalculator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..034420d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/MultiplicityGoalConstraintCalculator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier
4import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IQuerySpecification
5import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine
6import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher
7import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.emf.EMFScope
9class MultiplicityGoalConstraintCalculator {
10 val String targetRelationName
11 val IQuerySpecification<?> querySpecification
12 var ViatraQueryMatcher<?> matcher
13 val int minValue
14 val boolean containment
15 val int cost
17 public new(String targetRelationName, IQuerySpecification<?> querySpecification, int minValue, boolean containment, int cost) {
18 this.targetRelationName = targetRelationName
19 this.querySpecification = querySpecification
20 this.matcher = null
21 this.minValue = minValue
22 this.containment = containment
23 this.cost = cost
24 }
26 new(MultiplicityGoalConstraintCalculator other) {
27 this.targetRelationName = other.targetRelationName
28 this.querySpecification = other.querySpecification
29 this.matcher = null
30 this.minValue = other.minValue
31 this.containment = other.containment
32 this.cost = other.cost
33 }
35 def getName() {
36 targetRelationName
37 }
39 def isContainment() {
40 return containment
41 }
43 def init(Notifier notifier) {
44 val engine = ViatraQueryEngine.on(new EMFScope(notifier))
45 matcher = querySpecification.getMatcher(engine)
46 }
48 def calculateValue() {
49 var res = 0
50 val allMatches = this.matcher.allMatches
51 for(match : allMatches) {
52 val existingMultiplicity = match.get(4) as Integer
53 if(existingMultiplicity < this.minValue) {
54 val missingMultiplicity = this.minValue-existingMultiplicity
55 res += missingMultiplicity
56 }
57// if(missingMultiplicity!=0) {
58// println(targetRelationName+ " missing multiplicity: "+missingMultiplicity)
59// }
60 }
61// if(res>0)
62// println(targetRelationName+ " all missing multiplicities: "+res + "*"+cost+"="+res*cost)
63 return res*cost
64 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronScopePropagator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronScopePropagator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..120fb18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronScopePropagator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import com.google.common.cache.Cache
4import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder
5import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
6import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap
7import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet
8import com.google.common.collect.Maps
9import com.google.common.collect.Sets
10import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.Relation
11import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.Type
12import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.ModelGenerationStatistics
13import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.patterns.UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries
14import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialComplexTypeInterpretation
15import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialInterpretation
16import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialPrimitiveInterpretation
17import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.Scope
18import java.util.ArrayDeque
19import java.util.ArrayList
20import java.util.Collection
21import java.util.HashMap
22import java.util.HashSet
23import java.util.List
24import java.util.Map
25import java.util.Set
26import javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException
27import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch
28import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IQuerySpecification
29import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryEngine
30import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.ViatraQueryMatcher
31import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.emf.EMFScope
32import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor
34class PolyhedronScopePropagator extends TypeHierarchyScopePropagator {
35 static val CACHE_SIZE = 10000
37 val boolean updateHeuristic
38 val Map<Scope, LinearBoundedExpression> scopeBounds
39 val LinearBoundedExpression topLevelBounds
40 val Polyhedron polyhedron
41 val PolyhedronSaturationOperator operator
42 val Set<Relation> relevantRelations
43 val Cache<PolyhedronSignature, PolyhedronSignature> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder.maximumSize(CACHE_SIZE).build
44 List<RelationConstraintUpdater> updaters = emptyList
46 new(PartialInterpretation p, ModelGenerationStatistics statistics, Set<? extends Type> possibleNewDynamicTypes,
47 Map<RelationMultiplicityConstraint, UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries> unfinishedMultiplicityQueries,
48 IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>> hasElementInContainmentQuery,
49 Map<String, IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>>> allPatternsByName,
50 Collection<LinearTypeConstraintHint> hints, PolyhedronSolver solver, boolean propagateRelations,
51 boolean updateHeuristic) {
52 super(p, statistics)
53 this.updateHeuristic = updateHeuristic
54 val builder = new PolyhedronBuilder(p)
55 builder.buildPolyhedron(possibleNewDynamicTypes)
56 scopeBounds = builder.scopeBounds
57 topLevelBounds = builder.topLevelBounds
58 polyhedron = builder.polyhedron
59 operator = solver.createSaturationOperator(polyhedron)
60 propagateAllScopeConstraints()
61 if (propagateRelations) {
62 val maximumNumberOfNewNodes = topLevelBounds.upperBound
63 if (maximumNumberOfNewNodes === null) {
64 throw new IllegalStateException("Could not determine maximum number of new nodes, it may be unbounded")
65 }
66 if (maximumNumberOfNewNodes <= 0) {
67 throw new IllegalStateException("Maximum number of new nodes is not positive")
68 }
69 builder.buildMultiplicityConstraints(unfinishedMultiplicityQueries, hasElementInContainmentQuery,
70 allPatternsByName, hints, maximumNumberOfNewNodes)
71 relevantRelations = builder.relevantRelations
72 updaters = builder.updaters
73 } else {
74 relevantRelations = emptySet
75 }
76 }
78 override void doPropagateAllScopeConstraints() {
79 super.doPropagateAllScopeConstraints()
80 resetBounds()
81 populatePolyhedronFromScope()
82// println(polyhedron)
83 val signature = polyhedron.createSignature
84 val cachedSignature = cache.getIfPresent(signature)
85 switch (cachedSignature) {
86 case null: {
87 statistics.incrementScopePropagationSolverCount
88 val result = operator.saturate()
89 if (result == PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY) {
90 cache.put(signature, PolyhedronSignature.EMPTY)
91 setScopesInvalid()
92 } else {
93 val resultSignature = polyhedron.createSignature
94 cache.put(signature, resultSignature)
95 populateScopesFromPolyhedron()
96 }
97 }
98 case PolyhedronSignature.EMPTY:
99 setScopesInvalid()
100 PolyhedronSignature.Bounds: {
101 polyhedron.applySignature(signature)
102 populateScopesFromPolyhedron()
103 }
104 default:
105 throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown polyhedron signature: " + signature)
106 }
107// println(polyhedron)
108 if (updateHeuristic) {
109 copyScopeBoundsToHeuristic()
110 }
111 }
113 override propagateAdditionToRelation(Relation r) {
114 super.propagateAdditionToRelation(r)
115 if (relevantRelations.contains(r)) {
116 propagateAllScopeConstraints()
117 }
118 }
120 def resetBounds() {
121 for (dimension : polyhedron.dimensions) {
122 dimension.lowerBound = 0
123 dimension.upperBound = null
124 }
125 for (constraint : polyhedron.constraints) {
126 constraint.lowerBound = null
127 constraint.upperBound = null
128 }
129 }
131 private def populatePolyhedronFromScope() {
132 topLevelBounds.tightenLowerBound(partialInterpretation.minNewElements)
133 if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements >= 0) {
134 topLevelBounds.tightenUpperBound(partialInterpretation.maxNewElements)
135 }
136 for (pair : scopeBounds.entrySet) {
137 val scope = pair.key
138 val bounds = pair.value
139 bounds.tightenLowerBound(scope.minNewElements)
140 if (scope.maxNewElements >= 0) {
141 bounds.tightenUpperBound(scope.maxNewElements)
142 }
143 }
144 for (updater : updaters) {
145 updater.update(partialInterpretation)
146 }
147 }
149 private def populateScopesFromPolyhedron() {
150 checkBounds(topLevelBounds)
151 if (partialInterpretation.minNewElements > topLevelBounds.lowerBound) {
152 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Lower bound of «topLevelBounds» smaller than top-level scope: «partialInterpretation.minNewElements»''')
153 } else if (partialInterpretation.minNewElements != topLevelBounds.lowerBound) {
154 partialInterpretation.minNewElements = topLevelBounds.lowerBound
155 }
156 val topLevelUpperBound = topLevelBounds.upperBound ?: -1
157 if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements >= 0 && topLevelUpperBound >= 0 &&
158 partialInterpretation.maxNewElements < topLevelUpperBound) {
159 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Upper bound of «topLevelBounds» larger than top-level scope: «partialInterpretation.maxNewElements»''')
160 } else if (partialInterpretation.maxNewElements != topLevelUpperBound) {
161 partialInterpretation.maxNewElements = topLevelUpperBound
162 }
163 for (pair : scopeBounds.entrySet) {
164 val scope = pair.key
165 val bounds = pair.value
166 checkBounds(bounds)
167 if (scope.minNewElements > bounds.lowerBound) {
168 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Lower bound of «bounds» smaller than «scope.targetTypeInterpretation» scope: «scope.minNewElements»''')
169 } else if (scope.minNewElements != bounds.lowerBound) {
170 scope.minNewElements = bounds.lowerBound
171 }
172 val upperBound = bounds.upperBound ?: -1
173 if (scope.maxNewElements >= 0 && upperBound >= 0 && scope.maxNewElements < upperBound) {
174 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Upper bound of «bounds» larger than «scope.targetTypeInterpretation» scope: «scope.maxNewElements»''')
175 } else if (scope.maxNewElements != upperBound) {
176 scope.maxNewElements = upperBound
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 private def checkBounds(LinearBoundedExpression bounds) {
182 if (bounds.lowerBound === null) {
183 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Infinite lower bound: " + bounds)
184 } else if (bounds.lowerBound < 0) {
185 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative lower bound: " + bounds)
186 }
187 if (bounds.upperBound !== null && bounds.upperBound < 0) {
188 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative upper bound: " + bounds)
189 }
190 }
192 private static def <T extends IPatternMatch> getCalculatedMultiplicity(ViatraQueryMatcher<T> matcher,
193 PartialInterpretation p) {
194 val match = matcher.newEmptyMatch
195 match.set(0, p.problem)
196 match.set(1, p)
197 val iterator = matcher.streamAllMatches(match).iterator
198 if (!iterator.hasNext) {
199 return null
200 }
201 val value = iterator.next.get(2) as Integer
202 if (iterator.hasNext) {
203 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiplicity calculation query has more than one match")
204 }
205 value
206 }
208 @FinalFieldsConstructor
209 private static class PolyhedronBuilder implements LinearTypeExpressionBuilderFactory {
210 static val INFINITY_SCALE = 10
212 val PartialInterpretation p
214 Map<Type, Dimension> instanceCounts
215 Map<Type, Map<Dimension, Integer>> subtypeDimensions
216 Map<Map<Dimension, Integer>, LinearBoundedExpression> expressionsCache
217 Map<Type, LinearBoundedExpression> typeBounds
218 int infinity
219 ViatraQueryEngine queryEngine
220 Map<String, IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>>> allPatternsByName
221 ImmutableList.Builder<RelationConstraintUpdater> updatersBuilder
223 Map<Scope, LinearBoundedExpression> scopeBounds
224 LinearBoundedExpression topLevelBounds
225 Polyhedron polyhedron
226 Set<Relation> relevantRelations
227 List<RelationConstraintUpdater> updaters
229 def buildPolyhedron(Set<? extends Type> possibleNewDynamicTypes) {
230 instanceCounts = possibleNewDynamicTypes.toInvertedMap[new Dimension(name, 0, null)]
231 val types = p.problem.types
232 expressionsCache = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(types.size)
233 subtypeDimensions = types.toInvertedMap[findSubtypeDimensions.toInvertedMap[1]]
234 typeBounds = ImmutableMap.copyOf(subtypeDimensions.mapValues[toExpression])
235 scopeBounds = buildScopeBounds
236 topLevelBounds = instanceCounts.values.toInvertedMap[1].toExpression
237 val dimensions = ImmutableList.copyOf(instanceCounts.values)
238 val expressionsToSaturate = ImmutableList.copyOf(scopeBounds.values)
239 polyhedron = new Polyhedron(dimensions, new ArrayList, expressionsToSaturate)
240 addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron()
241 }
243 def buildMultiplicityConstraints(
244 Map<RelationMultiplicityConstraint, UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries> constraints,
245 IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>> hasElementInContainmentQuery,
246 Map<String, IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>>> allPatternsByName,
247 Collection<LinearTypeConstraintHint> hints, int maximumNuberOfNewNodes) {
248 infinity = maximumNuberOfNewNodes * INFINITY_SCALE
249 queryEngine = ViatraQueryEngine.on(new EMFScope(p))
250 this.allPatternsByName = allPatternsByName
251 updatersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder
252 val containmentConstraints = constraints.entrySet.filter[key.containment].groupBy[key.targetType]
253 for (pair : containmentConstraints.entrySet) {
254 buildContainmentConstraints(pair.key, pair.value)
255 }
256 buildConstainmentRootConstraints(containmentConstraints.keySet, hasElementInContainmentQuery)
257 for (pair : constraints.entrySet) {
258 val constraint = pair.key
259 if (!constraint.containment) {
260 buildNonContainmentConstraints(constraint, pair.value)
261 }
262 }
263 buildRelevantRelations(constraints.keySet)
264 for (hint : hints) {
265 updatersBuilder.add(hint.createConstraintUpdater(this))
266 }
267 updaters = updatersBuilder.build
268 addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron()
269 }
271 private def buildRelevantRelations(Set<RelationMultiplicityConstraint> constraints) {
272 val builder = ImmutableSet.builder
273 for (constraint : constraints) {
274 builder.add(constraint.relation)
275 if (constraint.inverseRelation !== null) {
276 builder.add(constraint.inverseRelation)
277 }
278 }
279 relevantRelations = builder.build
280 }
282 private def addCachedConstraintsToPolyhedron() {
283 val constraints = new HashSet
284 constraints.addAll(expressionsCache.values.filter(LinearConstraint))
285 constraints.removeAll(polyhedron.constraints)
286 polyhedron.constraints.addAll(constraints)
287 }
289 private def buildContainmentConstraints(Type containedType,
290 List<Map.Entry<RelationMultiplicityConstraint, UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries>> constraints) {
291 val typeCoefficients = subtypeDimensions.get(containedType)
292 val orphansLowerBoundCoefficients = new HashMap(typeCoefficients)
293 val orphansUpperBoundCoefficients = new HashMap(typeCoefficients)
294 val unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder
295 val remainingContentsQueriesBuilder = ImmutableList.builder
296 for (pair : constraints) {
297 val constraint = pair.key
298 val containerCoefficients = subtypeDimensions.get(constraint.sourceType)
299 if (constraint.isUpperBoundFinite) {
300 orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-constraint.upperBound, containerCoefficients)
301 } else {
302 orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-infinity, containerCoefficients)
303 }
304 orphansUpperBoundCoefficients.addCoefficients(-constraint.lowerBound, containerCoefficients)
305 val queries = pair.value
306 if (constraint.constrainsUnfinished) {
307 if (queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery === null) {
308 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
309 "Containment constraints need unfinished multiplicity queries")
310 }
311 unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchersBuilder.add(
312 queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine))
313 }
314 if (queries.remainingContentsQuery === null) {
315 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Containment constraints need remaining contents queries")
316 }
317 remainingContentsQueriesBuilder.add(queries.remainingContentsQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine))
318 }
319 val orphanLowerBound = orphansLowerBoundCoefficients.toExpression
320 val orphanUpperBound = orphansUpperBoundCoefficients.toExpression
321 val updater = new ContainmentConstraintUpdater(containedType.name, orphanLowerBound, orphanUpperBound,
322 unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchersBuilder.build, remainingContentsQueriesBuilder.build)
323 updatersBuilder.add(updater)
324 }
326 private def buildConstainmentRootConstraints(Set<Type> containedTypes,
327 IQuerySpecification<? extends ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>> hasElementInContainmentQuery) {
328 val matcher = hasElementInContainmentQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine)
329 val rootDimensions = Sets.newHashSet(instanceCounts.values)
330 for (type : containedTypes) {
331 val containedDimensions = subtypeDimensions.get(type).keySet
332 rootDimensions.removeAll(containedDimensions)
333 }
334 for (dimension : rootDimensions) {
335 updatersBuilder.add(new ContainmentRootConstraintUpdater(dimension, matcher))
336 }
337 }
339 private def buildNonContainmentConstraints(RelationMultiplicityConstraint constraint,
340 UnifinishedMultiplicityQueries queries) {
341 if (constraint.constrainsRemainingInverse) {
342 if (queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery === null) {
343 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reference constraints need unfinished multiplicity queries")
344 }
345 val unfinishedMultiplicityMatcher = queries.unfinishedMultiplicityQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine)
346 if (queries.remainingInverseMultiplicityQuery === null) {
347 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
348 "Reference constraints need remaining inverse multiplicity queries")
349 }
350 val remainingInverseMultiplicityMatcher = queries.remainingInverseMultiplicityQuery.getMatcher(
351 queryEngine)
352 val availableMultiplicityCoefficients = new HashMap
353 availableMultiplicityCoefficients.addCoefficients(constraint.inverseUpperBound,
354 subtypeDimensions.get(constraint.targetType))
355 availableMultiplicityCoefficients.addCoefficients(-constraint.lowerBound,
356 subtypeDimensions.get(constraint.targetType))
357 val availableMultiplicity = availableMultiplicityCoefficients.toExpression
358 updatersBuilder.add(
359 new UnfinishedMultiplicityConstraintUpdater(constraint.relation.name, availableMultiplicity,
360 unfinishedMultiplicityMatcher, remainingInverseMultiplicityMatcher))
361 }
362 if (constraint.constrainsUnrepairable) {
363 if (queries.unrepairableMultiplicityQuery === null) {
364 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reference constraints need unrepairable multiplicity queries")
365 }
366 val unrepairableMultiplicityMatcher = queries.unrepairableMultiplicityQuery.getMatcher(queryEngine)
367 val targetTypeCardinality = typeBounds.get(constraint.targetType)
368 updatersBuilder.add(
369 new UnrepairableMultiplicityConstraintUpdater(constraint.relation.name, targetTypeCardinality,
370 unrepairableMultiplicityMatcher))
371 }
372 }
374 private static def addCoefficients(Map<Dimension, Integer> accumulator, int scale, Map<Dimension, Integer> a) {
375 for (pair : a.entrySet) {
376 val dimension = pair.key
377 val currentValue = accumulator.get(pair.key) ?: 0
378 val newValue = currentValue + scale * pair.value
379 if (newValue == 0) {
380 accumulator.remove(dimension)
381 } else {
382 accumulator.put(dimension, newValue)
383 }
384 }
385 }
387 private def findSubtypeDimensions(Type type) {
388 val subtypes = new HashSet
389 val dimensions = new HashSet
390 val stack = new ArrayDeque
391 stack.addLast(type)
392 while (!stack.empty) {
393 val subtype = stack.removeLast
394 if (subtypes.add(subtype)) {
395 val dimension = instanceCounts.get(subtype)
396 if (dimension !== null) {
397 dimensions.add(dimension)
398 }
399 stack.addAll(subtype.subtypes)
400 }
401 }
402 dimensions
403 }
405 private def toExpression(Map<Dimension, Integer> coefficients) {
406 expressionsCache.computeIfAbsent(coefficients) [ c |
407 if (c.size == 1 && c.entrySet.head.value == 1) {
408 c.entrySet.head.key
409 } else {
410 new LinearConstraint(c, null, null)
411 }
412 ]
413 }
415 private def buildScopeBounds() {
416 val scopeBoundsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder
417 for (scope : p.scopes) {
418 switch (targetTypeInterpretation : scope.targetTypeInterpretation) {
419 PartialPrimitiveInterpretation:
420 throw new OperationNotSupportedException("Primitive type scopes are not yet implemented")
421 PartialComplexTypeInterpretation: {
422 val complexType = targetTypeInterpretation.interpretationOf
423 val typeBound = typeBounds.get(complexType)
424 if (typeBound === null) {
425 if (scope.minNewElements > 0) {
426 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found scope for " + complexType.name +
427 ", but the type cannot be instantiated")
428 }
429 } else {
430 scopeBoundsBuilder.put(scope, typeBound)
431 }
432 }
433 default:
434 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown PartialTypeInterpretation: " +
435 targetTypeInterpretation)
436 }
437 }
438 scopeBoundsBuilder.build
439 }
441 override createMatcher(String queryName) {
442 val querySpecification = allPatternsByName.get(queryName)
443 if (querySpecification === null) {
444 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown pattern: " + queryName)
445 }
446 querySpecification.getMatcher(queryEngine)
447 }
449 override createBuilder() {
450 new PolyhedronBuilderLinearTypeExpressionBuilder(this)
451 }
452 }
454 @FinalFieldsConstructor
455 private static class PolyhedronBuilderLinearTypeExpressionBuilder implements LinearTypeExpressionBuilder {
456 val PolyhedronBuilder polyhedronBuilder
457 val Map<Dimension, Integer> coefficients = new HashMap
459 override add(int scale, Type type) {
460 val typeCoefficients = polyhedronBuilder.subtypeDimensions.get(type)
461 if (typeCoefficients === null) {
462 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type: " + type)
463 }
464 PolyhedronBuilder.addCoefficients(coefficients, scale, typeCoefficients)
465 this
466 }
468 override build() {
469 polyhedronBuilder.toExpression(coefficients)
470 }
471 }
473 @FinalFieldsConstructor
474 private static class ContainmentConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater {
475 val String name
476 val LinearBoundedExpression orphansLowerBound
477 val LinearBoundedExpression orphansUpperBound
478 val List<ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>> unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchers
479 val List<ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch>> remainingContentsQueries
481 override update(PartialInterpretation p) {
482 tightenLowerBound(p)
483 tightenUpperBound(p)
484 }
486 private def tightenLowerBound(PartialInterpretation p) {
487 var int sum = 0
488 for (matcher : remainingContentsQueries) {
489 val value = matcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p)
490 if (value === null) {
491 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remaining contents count is missing for " + name)
492 }
493 if (value == -1) {
494 // Infinite upper bound, no need to tighten.
495 return
496 }
497 sum += value
498 }
499 orphansLowerBound.tightenUpperBound(sum)
500 }
502 private def tightenUpperBound(PartialInterpretation p) {
503 var int sum = 0
504 for (matcher : unfinishedMultiplicitiesMatchers) {
505 val value = matcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p)
506 if (value === null) {
507 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unfinished multiplicity is missing for " + name)
508 }
509 sum += value
510 }
511 orphansUpperBound.tightenLowerBound(sum)
512 }
513 }
515 @FinalFieldsConstructor
516 private static class ContainmentRootConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater {
517 val LinearBoundedExpression typeCardinality
518 val ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> hasElementInContainmentMatcher
520 override update(PartialInterpretation p) {
521 if (hasElementInContainmentMatcher.hasMatch(p)) {
522 typeCardinality.tightenUpperBound(0)
523 } else {
524 typeCardinality.tightenUpperBound(1)
525 }
526 }
528 private static def <T extends IPatternMatch> hasMatch(ViatraQueryMatcher<T> matcher, PartialInterpretation p) {
529 val match = matcher.newMatch(p.problem, p)
530 matcher.countMatches(match) != 0
531 }
532 }
534 @FinalFieldsConstructor
535 private static class UnfinishedMultiplicityConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater {
536 val String name
537 val LinearBoundedExpression availableMultiplicityExpression
538 val ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> unfinishedMultiplicityMatcher
539 val ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> remainingInverseMultiplicityMatcher
541 override update(PartialInterpretation p) {
542 val unfinishedMultiplicity = unfinishedMultiplicityMatcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p)
543 if (unfinishedMultiplicity === null) {
544 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unfinished multiplicity is missing for " + name)
545 }
546 val remainingInverseMultiplicity = remainingInverseMultiplicityMatcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p)
547 if (remainingInverseMultiplicity === null) {
548 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remaining inverse multiplicity is missing for " + name)
549 }
550 val int requiredMultiplicity = unfinishedMultiplicity - remainingInverseMultiplicity
551 availableMultiplicityExpression.tightenLowerBound(requiredMultiplicity)
552 }
553 }
555 @FinalFieldsConstructor
556 private static class UnrepairableMultiplicityConstraintUpdater implements RelationConstraintUpdater {
557 val String name
558 val LinearBoundedExpression targetCardinalityExpression
559 val ViatraQueryMatcher<? extends IPatternMatch> unrepairableMultiplicityMatcher
561 override update(PartialInterpretation p) {
562 val value = unrepairableMultiplicityMatcher.getCalculatedMultiplicity(p)
563 if (value === null) {
564 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrepairable multiplicity is missing for " + name)
565 }
566 targetCardinalityExpression.tightenLowerBound(value)
567 }
568 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronSolver.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronSolver.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e046190
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/PolyhedronSolver.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import java.util.List
4import java.util.Map
5import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors
6import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
7import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor
9interface PolyhedronSolver {
10 def PolyhedronSaturationOperator createSaturationOperator(Polyhedron polyhedron)
13enum PolyhedronSaturationResult {
19interface PolyhedronSaturationOperator extends AutoCloseable {
20 def Polyhedron getPolyhedron()
22 def PolyhedronSaturationResult saturate()
27class Polyhedron {
28 /**
29 * The list of dimensions (variables) for this polyhedron.
30 *
31 * This list must not be modified after the polyhedron was created.
32 * However, lower and upper bounds of the dimensions may be changed.
33 *
34 * Names of dimensions in this list are assumed to be unique.
35 */
36 val List<Dimension> dimensions
38 /**
39 * The list of constraints defining this polyhedron.
40 *
41 * The list and its elements may be freely modified.
42 */
43 val List<LinearConstraint> constraints
45 /**
46 * The list of constraints that should be saturated (tightened)
47 * when a {@link PolyhedronSaturationOperator} is invoked.
48 *
49 * This list may be freely modified.
50 *
51 * Place all dimensions and constraints here to saturate all the bounds.
52 */
53 val List<LinearBoundedExpression> expressionsToSaturate
55 override toString() '''
56 Dimensions:
57 «FOR dimension : dimensions»
58 «dimension»
60 Constraints:
61 «FOR constraint : constraints»
62 «constraint»
64 '''
66 def createSignature() {
67 val size = dimensions.size + constraints.size
68 val lowerBounds = newArrayOfSize(size)
69 val upperBounds = newArrayOfSize(size)
70 var int i = 0
71 for (dimension : dimensions) {
72 lowerBounds.set(i, dimension.lowerBound)
73 upperBounds.set(i, dimension.upperBound)
74 i++
75 }
76 for (constraint : constraints) {
77 lowerBounds.set(i, constraint.lowerBound)
78 upperBounds.set(i, constraint.upperBound)
79 i++
80 }
81 new PolyhedronSignature.Bounds(lowerBounds, upperBounds)
82 }
84 def applySignature(PolyhedronSignature.Bounds signature) {
85 val lowerBounds = signature.lowerBounds
86 val upperBounds = signature.upperBounds
87 var int i = 0
88 for (dimension : dimensions) {
89 dimension.lowerBound = lowerBounds.get(i)
90 dimension.upperBound = upperBounds.get(i)
91 i++
92 }
93 for (constraint : constraints) {
94 constraint.lowerBound = lowerBounds.get(i)
95 constraint.upperBound = upperBounds.get(i)
96 i++
97 }
98 }
101abstract class PolyhedronSignature {
102 public static val EMPTY = new PolyhedronSignature {
103 override toString() {
104 "PolyhedronSignature.EMPTY"
105 }
106 }
108 private new() {
109 }
111 @Data
112 static class Bounds extends PolyhedronSignature {
113 val Integer[] lowerBounds
114 val Integer[] upperBounds
115 }
119abstract class LinearBoundedExpression {
120 var Integer lowerBound
121 var Integer upperBound
123 def void tightenLowerBound(Integer tighterBound) {
124 if (lowerBound === null || (tighterBound !== null && lowerBound < tighterBound)) {
125 lowerBound = tighterBound
126 }
127 }
129 def void tightenUpperBound(Integer tighterBound) {
130 if (upperBound === null || (tighterBound !== null && upperBound > tighterBound)) {
131 upperBound = tighterBound
132 }
133 }
135 def void assertEqualsTo(int bound) {
136 tightenLowerBound(bound)
137 tightenUpperBound(bound)
138 }
142class Dimension extends LinearBoundedExpression {
143 val String name
145 @FinalFieldsConstructor
146 new() {
147 }
149 new(String name, Integer lowerBound, Integer upperBound) {
150 this(name)
151 this.lowerBound = lowerBound
152 this.upperBound = upperBound
153 }
155 override toString() {
156 '''«IF lowerBound !== null»«lowerBound» <= «ENDIF»«name»«IF upperBound !== null» <= «upperBound»«ENDIF»'''
157 }
162class LinearConstraint extends LinearBoundedExpression {
163 val Map<Dimension, Integer> coefficients
165 @FinalFieldsConstructor
166 new() {
167 }
169 new(Map<Dimension, Integer> coefficients, Integer lowerBound, Integer upperBound) {
170 this(coefficients)
171 this.lowerBound = lowerBound
172 this.upperBound = upperBound
173 }
175 override toString() {
176 '''«IF lowerBound !== null»«lowerBound» <= «ENDIF»«FOR pair : coefficients.entrySet SEPARATOR " + "»«IF pair.value != 1»«pair.value» * «ENDIF»«pair.key.name»«ENDFOR»«IF upperBound !== null» <= «upperBound»«ENDIF»'''
177 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/RelationConstraintCalculator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/RelationConstraintCalculator.xtend
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e4fea8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/RelationConstraintCalculator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList
4import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.ecore2logic.ecore2logicannotations.InverseRelationAssertion
6import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.ecore2logic.ecore2logicannotations.LowerMultiplicityAssertion
7import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.ecore2logic.ecore2logicannotations.UpperMultiplicityAssertion
8import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.ComplexTypeReference
9import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.Relation
10import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logicproblem.LogicProblem
11import java.util.HashMap
12import java.util.List
13import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
16class RelationConstraints {
17 val List<RelationMultiplicityConstraint> multiplicityConstraints
21class RelationMultiplicityConstraint {
22 Relation relation
23 Relation inverseRelation
24 boolean containment
25 boolean container
26 int lowerBound
27 int upperBound
28 int inverseUpperBound
30 def isUpperBoundFinite() {
31 upperBound >= 0
32 }
34 private def isInverseUpperBoundFinite() {
35 inverseUpperBound >= 0
36 }
38 private def canHaveMultipleSourcesPerTarget() {
39 inverseUpperBound != 1
40 }
42 def constrainsUnfinished() {
43 lowerBound >= 1 && (!container || lowerBound >= 2)
44 }
46 def constrainsUnrepairable() {
47 // TODO Optimize the unrepairable matches computation,
48 // or come up with a heuristic when does computing unrepairables worth the overhead.
49 constrainsUnfinished && canHaveMultipleSourcesPerTarget && false
50 }
52 def constrainsRemainingInverse() {
53 lowerBound >= 1 && !containment && inverseUpperBoundFinite
54 }
56 def constrainsRemainingContents() {
57 containment
58 }
60 def isActive() {
61 constrainsUnfinished || constrainsUnrepairable || constrainsRemainingInverse || constrainsRemainingContents
62 }
64 def getSourceType() {
65 getParamType(0)
66 }
68 def getTargetType() {
69 getParamType(1)
70 }
72 private def getParamType(int i) {
73 val parameters = relation.parameters
74 if (i < parameters.size) {
75 val firstParam = parameters.get(i)
76 if (firstParam instanceof ComplexTypeReference) {
77 return firstParam.referred
78 }
79 }
80 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constraint with unknown source type")
81 }
84class RelationConstraintCalculator {
85 def calculateRelationConstraints(LogicProblem problem) {
86 val containmentRelations = switch (problem.containmentHierarchies.size) {
87 case 0:
88 <Relation>emptySet
89 case 1:
90 ImmutableSet.copyOf(problem.containmentHierarchies.head.containmentRelations)
91 default:
92 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only a single containment hierarchy is supported")
93 }
94 val inverseRelations = new HashMap<Relation, Relation>
95 val lowerMultiplicities = new HashMap<Relation, Integer>
96 val upperMultiplicities = new HashMap<Relation, Integer>
97 for (relation : problem.relations) {
98 lowerMultiplicities.put(relation, 0)
99 upperMultiplicities.put(relation, -1)
100 }
101 for (annotation : problem.annotations) {
102 switch (annotation) {
103 InverseRelationAssertion: {
104 inverseRelations.put(annotation.inverseA, annotation.inverseB)
105 inverseRelations.put(annotation.inverseB, annotation.inverseA)
106 }
107 LowerMultiplicityAssertion:
108 lowerMultiplicities.put(annotation.relation, annotation.lower)
109 UpperMultiplicityAssertion:
110 upperMultiplicities.put(annotation.relation, annotation.upper)
111 }
112 }
113 val multiplicityConstraintsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder()
114 for (relation : problem.relations) {
115 val containment = containmentRelations.contains(relation)
116 val lowerMultiplicity = lowerMultiplicities.get(relation)
117 val upperMultiplicity = upperMultiplicities.get(relation)
118 var container = false
119 var inverseUpperMultiplicity = -1
120 val inverseRelation = inverseRelations.get(relation)
121 if (inverseRelation !== null) {
122 inverseUpperMultiplicity = upperMultiplicities.get(inverseRelation)
123 container = containmentRelations.contains(inverseRelation)
124 }
125 if (containment) {
126 inverseUpperMultiplicity = 1
127 }
128 val constraint = new RelationMultiplicityConstraint(relation, inverseRelation, containment, container,
129 lowerMultiplicity, upperMultiplicity, inverseUpperMultiplicity)
130 if (constraint.isActive) {
131 if (relation.parameters.size != 2) {
132 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Relation «relation.name» has multiplicity or containment constraints, but it is not binary''')
133 }
134 multiplicityConstraintsBuilder.add(constraint)
135 }
136 }
137 new RelationConstraints(multiplicityConstraintsBuilder.build)
138 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagator.xtend
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index 00000000..8f3a5bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagator.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.logic.model.logiclanguage.Relation
4import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.ModelGenerationStatistics
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialComplexTypeInterpretation
6import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialInterpretation
7import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialTypeInterpratation
8import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.Scope
9import java.util.HashMap
10import java.util.HashSet
11import java.util.Map
12import java.util.Set
13import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors
15class ScopePropagator {
16 @Accessors(PROTECTED_GETTER) val PartialInterpretation partialInterpretation
17 @Accessors(PROTECTED_GETTER) val ModelGenerationStatistics statistics
18 val Map<PartialTypeInterpratation, Scope> type2Scope
19 @Accessors(PROTECTED_GETTER) val Map<Scope, Set<Scope>> superScopes
20 @Accessors(PROTECTED_GETTER) val Map<Scope, Set<Scope>> subScopes
22 new(PartialInterpretation p, ModelGenerationStatistics statistics) {
23 partialInterpretation = p
24 this.statistics = statistics
25 type2Scope = new HashMap
26 for (scope : p.scopes) {
27 type2Scope.put(scope.targetTypeInterpretation, scope)
28 }
30 superScopes = new HashMap
31 subScopes = new HashMap
32 for (scope : p.scopes) {
33 superScopes.put(scope, new HashSet)
34 subScopes.put(scope, new HashSet)
35 }
37 for (scope : p.scopes) {
38 val target = scope.targetTypeInterpretation
39 if (target instanceof PartialComplexTypeInterpretation) {
40 val supertypeInterpretations = target.supertypeInterpretation
41 for (supertypeInterpretation : supertypeInterpretations) {
42 val supertypeScope = type2Scope.get(supertypeInterpretation)
43 superScopes.get(scope).add(supertypeScope)
44 subScopes.get(supertypeScope).add(scope)
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 var boolean changed
49 do {
50 changed = false
51 for (scope : p.scopes) {
52 val subScopeSet = subScopes.get(scope)
53 val superScopeSet = superScopes.get(scope)
54 for (subScope : subScopeSet) {
55 changed = changed || superScopes.get(subScope).addAll(superScopeSet)
56 }
57 for (superScope : superScopeSet) {
58 changed = changed || subScopes.get(superScope).addAll(subScopeSet)
59 }
60 }
61 } while (changed)
63 copyScopeBoundsToHeuristic()
64 }
66 def propagateAllScopeConstraints() {
67 statistics.incrementScopePropagationCount()
68 doPropagateAllScopeConstraints()
69 }
71 protected def copyScopeBoundsToHeuristic() {
72 partialInterpretation.minNewElementsHeuristic = partialInterpretation.minNewElements
73 for (scope : partialInterpretation.scopes) {
74 scope.minNewElementsHeuristic = scope.minNewElements
75 }
76 }
78 protected def void doPropagateAllScopeConstraints() {
79 // Nothing to propagate.
80 }
82 def decrementTypeScope(PartialTypeInterpratation t) {
83// println('''Adding to «(t as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name»''')
84 val targetScope = type2Scope.get(t)
85 if (targetScope !== null) {
86 targetScope.removeOne
87 val sups = superScopes.get(targetScope)
88 sups.forEach[removeOne]
89 }
90 if (this.partialInterpretation.minNewElements > 0) {
91 this.partialInterpretation.minNewElements = this.partialInterpretation.minNewElements - 1
92 }
93 if (this.partialInterpretation.minNewElementsHeuristic > 0) {
94 this.partialInterpretation.minNewElementsHeuristic = this.partialInterpretation.minNewElementsHeuristic - 1
95 }
96 if (this.partialInterpretation.maxNewElements > 0) {
97 this.partialInterpretation.maxNewElements = this.partialInterpretation.maxNewElements - 1
98 } else if (this.partialInterpretation.maxNewElements === 0) {
99 setScopesInvalid()
100 }
102// println('''Target Scope: «targetScope.minNewElements» - «targetScope.maxNewElements»''')
103// println(''' «this.partialInterpretation.minNewElements» - «this.partialInterpretation.maxNewElements»''')
104// this.partialInterpretation.scopes.forEach[println(''' «(it.targetTypeInterpretation as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name»: «it.minNewElements»-«it.maxNewElements»''')]
105// println('''All constraints are propagated upon increasing «(t as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name»''')
106 }
108 protected def setScopesInvalid() {
109 partialInterpretation.minNewElements = Integer.MAX_VALUE
110 partialInterpretation.maxNewElements = 0
111 for (scope : partialInterpretation.scopes) {
112 scope.minNewElements = Integer.MAX_VALUE
113 scope.maxNewElements = 0
114 }
115 }
117 def void propagateAdditionToRelation(Relation r) {
118 // Nothing to propagate.
119 }
121 private def removeOne(Scope scope) {
122 if (scope.maxNewElements === 0) {
123 throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Inconsistent object creation: «scope.targetTypeInterpretation»''')
124 } else if (scope.maxNewElements > 0) {
125 scope.maxNewElements = scope.maxNewElements - 1
126 }
127 if (scope.minNewElements > 0) {
128 scope.minNewElements = scope.minNewElements - 1
129 }
130 if (scope.minNewElementsHeuristic > 0) {
131 scope.minNewElementsHeuristic = scope.minNewElementsHeuristic - 1
132 }
133 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagatorStrategy.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagatorStrategy.xtend
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index 00000000..3165917a
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+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/ScopePropagatorStrategy.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
4import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor
6enum PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints {
7 TypeHierarchy,
8 Relational
11enum PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver {
12 Z3Real,
13 Z3Integer,
14 Cbc,
15 Clp
18abstract class ScopePropagatorStrategy {
19 public static val None = new Simple("None")
21 public static val Basic = new Simple("Basic")
23 public static val BasicTypeHierarchy = new Simple("BasicTypeHierarchy")
25 private new() {
26 }
28 def boolean requiresUpperBoundIndexing()
30 static class Simple extends ScopePropagatorStrategy {
31 val String name
33 @FinalFieldsConstructor
34 private new() {
35 }
37 override requiresUpperBoundIndexing() {
38 false
39 }
41 override toString() {
42 name
43 }
44 }
46 @Data
47 static class Polyhedral extends ScopePropagatorStrategy {
48 public static val UNLIMITED_TIME = -1
50 val PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints constraints
51 val PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver solver
52 val boolean updateHeuristic
53 val double timeoutSeconds
55 @FinalFieldsConstructor
56 new() {
57 }
59 new(PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints constraints, PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver solver, boolean updateHeuristic) {
60 this(constraints, solver, updateHeuristic, UNLIMITED_TIME)
61 }
63 new(PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints constraints, PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver solver) {
64 this(constraints, solver, true)
65 }
67 override requiresUpperBoundIndexing() {
68 constraints == PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints.Relational
69 }
70 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/TypeHierarchyScopePropagator.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/TypeHierarchyScopePropagator.xtend
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index 00000000..d1704b39
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@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.ModelGenerationStatistics
4import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.PartialInterpretation
5import hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.partialinterpretationlanguage.partialinterpretation.Scope
7class TypeHierarchyScopePropagator extends ScopePropagator {
9 new(PartialInterpretation p, ModelGenerationStatistics statistics) {
10 super(p, statistics)
11 }
13 protected override doPropagateAllScopeConstraints() {
14 var boolean hadChanged
15 do {
16 hadChanged = false
17 for (superScopeEntry : superScopes.entrySet) {
18 val sub = superScopeEntry.key
19 hadChanged = propagateLowerLimitUp(sub, partialInterpretation) || hadChanged
20 hadChanged = propagateUpperLimitDown(sub, partialInterpretation) || hadChanged
21 for (sup : superScopeEntry.value) {
22 hadChanged = propagateLowerLimitUp(sub, sup) || hadChanged
23 hadChanged = propagateUpperLimitDown(sub, sup) || hadChanged
24 }
25 }
26 } while (hadChanged)
27 }
29 private def propagateLowerLimitUp(Scope subScope, Scope superScope) {
30 var changed = false
31 if (subScope.minNewElements > superScope.minNewElements) {
32 superScope.minNewElements = subScope.minNewElements
33 changed = true
34 }
35 if (subScope.minNewElementsHeuristic > superScope.minNewElementsHeuristic) {
36 superScope.minNewElementsHeuristic = subScope.minNewElementsHeuristic
37 changed = true
38 }
39 changed
40 }
42 private def propagateUpperLimitDown(Scope subScope, Scope superScope) {
43 if (superScope.maxNewElements >= 0 &&
44 (superScope.maxNewElements < subScope.maxNewElements || subScope.maxNewElements < 0)) {
45// println('''
46// «(subScope.targetTypeInterpretation as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name» -> «(superScope.targetTypeInterpretation as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name»
47// subScope.maxNewElements «subScope.maxNewElements» = superScope.maxNewElements «superScope.maxNewElements»
48// ''')
49 subScope.maxNewElements = superScope.maxNewElements
50 return true
51 } else {
52 return false
53 }
54 }
56 private def propagateLowerLimitUp(Scope subScope, PartialInterpretation p) {
57 var changed = false
58 if (subScope.minNewElements > p.minNewElements) {
59// println('''
60// «(subScope.targetTypeInterpretation as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name» -> nodes
61// p.minNewElements «p.minNewElements» = subScope.minNewElements «subScope.minNewElements»
62// ''')
63 p.minNewElements = subScope.minNewElements
64 changed = true
65 }
66 if (subScope.minNewElementsHeuristic > p.minNewElementsHeuristic) {
67 p.minNewElementsHeuristic = subScope.minNewElementsHeuristic
68 changed = true
69 }
70 changed
71 }
73 private def propagateUpperLimitDown(Scope subScope, PartialInterpretation p) {
74 if (p.maxNewElements >= 0 && (p.maxNewElements < subScope.maxNewElements || subScope.maxNewElements < 0)) {
75// println('''
76// «(subScope.targetTypeInterpretation as PartialComplexTypeInterpretation).interpretationOf.name» -> nodes
77// subScope.maxNewElements «subScope.maxNewElements» = p.maxNewElements «p.maxNewElements»
78// ''')
79 subScope.maxNewElements = p.maxNewElements
80 return true
81 } else {
82 return false
83 }
84 }
diff --git a/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/Z3PolyhedronSolver.xtend b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/Z3PolyhedronSolver.xtend
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index 00000000..3b831433
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+++ b/Solvers/VIATRA-Solver/hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra/src/hu/bme/mit/inf/dslreasoner/viatrasolver/logic2viatra/cardinality/Z3PolyhedronSolver.xtend
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
1package hu.bme.mit.inf.dslreasoner.viatrasolver.logic2viatra.cardinality
3import com.microsoft.z3.AlgebraicNum
4import com.microsoft.z3.ArithExpr
5import com.microsoft.z3.Context
6import com.microsoft.z3.Expr
7import com.microsoft.z3.IntNum
8import com.microsoft.z3.Optimize
9import com.microsoft.z3.RatNum
10import com.microsoft.z3.Status
11import com.microsoft.z3.Symbol
12import java.math.BigDecimal
13import java.math.MathContext
14import java.math.RoundingMode
15import java.util.Map
16import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Accessors
17import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.FinalFieldsConstructor
19class Z3PolyhedronSolver implements PolyhedronSolver {
20 val boolean lpRelaxation
21 val double timeoutSeconds
23 @FinalFieldsConstructor
24 new() {
25 }
27 new() {
28 this(false, -1)
29 }
31 override createSaturationOperator(Polyhedron polyhedron) {
32 new DisposingZ3SaturationOperator(this, polyhedron)
33 }
35 def createPersistentSaturationOperator(Polyhedron polyhedron) {
36 new Z3SaturationOperator(polyhedron, lpRelaxation, timeoutSeconds)
37 }
41class DisposingZ3SaturationOperator implements PolyhedronSaturationOperator {
42 val Z3PolyhedronSolver solver
43 @Accessors val Polyhedron polyhedron
45 override saturate() {
46 val persistentOperator = solver.createPersistentSaturationOperator(polyhedron)
47 try {
48 persistentOperator.saturate
49 } finally {
50 persistentOperator.close
51 }
52 }
54 override close() throws Exception {
55 // Nothing to close.
56 }
59class Z3SaturationOperator extends AbstractPolyhedronSaturationOperator {
60 static val INFINITY_SYMBOL_NAME = "oo"
61 static val MULT_SYMBOL_NAME = "*"
62 static val TIMEOUT_SYMBOL_NAME = "timeout"
63 static val INTEGER_PRECISION = new BigDecimal(Integer.MAX_VALUE).precision
64 static val ROUND_DOWN = new MathContext(INTEGER_PRECISION, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
65 static val ROUND_UP = new MathContext(INTEGER_PRECISION, RoundingMode.CEILING)
66 // The interval isolating the number is smaller than 1/10^precision.
69 extension val Context context
70 val Symbol infinitySymbol
71 val Symbol multSymbol
72 val Map<Dimension, ArithExpr> variables
73 val int timeoutMilliseconds
75 new(Polyhedron polyhedron, boolean lpRelaxation, double timeoutSeconds) {
76 super(polyhedron)
77 context = new Context
78 infinitySymbol = context.mkSymbol(INFINITY_SYMBOL_NAME)
79 multSymbol = context.mkSymbol(MULT_SYMBOL_NAME)
80 variables = polyhedron.dimensions.toInvertedMap [ dimension |
81 val name = dimension.name
82 if (lpRelaxation) {
83 mkRealConst(name)
84 } else {
85 mkIntConst(name)
86 }
87 ]
88 timeoutMilliseconds = Math.ceil(timeoutSeconds * 1000) as int
89 }
91 override doSaturate() {
92 val status = executeSolver()
93 convertStatusToSaturationResult(status)
94 }
96 private def convertStatusToSaturationResult(Status status) {
97 switch (status) {
99 PolyhedronSaturationResult.SATURATED
101 PolyhedronSaturationResult.EMPTY
102 case UNKNOWN:
103 PolyhedronSaturationResult.UNKNOWN
104 default:
105 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Status: " + status)
106 }
107 }
109 private def executeSolver() {
110 for (expressionToSaturate : polyhedron.expressionsToSaturate) {
111 val expr = expressionToSaturate.toExpr
112 val lowerResult = saturateLowerBound(expr, expressionToSaturate)
113 if (lowerResult != Status.SATISFIABLE) {
114 return lowerResult
115 }
116 val upperResult = saturateUpperBound(expr, expressionToSaturate)
117 if (upperResult != Status.SATISFIABLE) {
118 return upperResult
119 }
120 }
122 }
124 private def saturateLowerBound(ArithExpr expr, LinearBoundedExpression expressionToSaturate) {
125 val optimize = prepareOptimize
126 val handle = optimize.MkMinimize(expr)
127 val status = optimize.Check()
128 if (status == Status.SATISFIABLE) {
129 val value = switch (resultExpr : handle.lower) {
130 IntNum:
131 resultExpr.getInt()
132 RatNum:
133 ceil(resultExpr)
134 AlgebraicNum:
135 ceil(resultExpr.toUpper(ALGEBRAIC_NUMBER_ROUNDING))
136 default:
137 if (isNegativeInfinity(resultExpr)) {
138 null
139 } else {
140 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer result expected, got: " + resultExpr)
141 }
142 }
143 expressionToSaturate.lowerBound = value
144 }
145 status
146 }
148 private def floor(RatNum ratNum) {
149 val numerator = new BigDecimal(ratNum.numerator.bigInteger)
150 val denominator = new BigDecimal(ratNum.denominator.bigInteger)
151 numerator.divide(denominator, ROUND_DOWN).setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR).intValue
152 }
154 private def saturateUpperBound(ArithExpr expr, LinearBoundedExpression expressionToSaturate) {
155 val optimize = prepareOptimize
156 val handle = optimize.MkMaximize(expr)
157 val status = optimize.Check()
158 if (status == Status.SATISFIABLE) {
159 val value = switch (resultExpr : handle.upper) {
160 IntNum:
161 resultExpr.getInt()
162 RatNum:
163 floor(resultExpr)
164 AlgebraicNum:
165 floor(resultExpr.toLower(ALGEBRAIC_NUMBER_ROUNDING))
166 default:
167 if (isPositiveInfinity(resultExpr)) {
168 null
169 } else {
170 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer result expected, got: " + resultExpr)
171 }
172 }
173 expressionToSaturate.upperBound = value
174 }
175 status
176 }
178 private def ceil(RatNum ratNum) {
179 val numerator = new BigDecimal(ratNum.numerator.bigInteger)
180 val denominator = new BigDecimal(ratNum.denominator.bigInteger)
181 numerator.divide(denominator, ROUND_UP).setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING).intValue
182 }
184 private def isPositiveInfinity(Expr expr) {
185 expr.app && expr.getFuncDecl.name == infinitySymbol
186 }
188 private def isNegativeInfinity(Expr expr) {
189 // Negative infinity is represented as (* (- 1) oo)
190 if (!expr.app || expr.getFuncDecl.name != multSymbol || expr.numArgs != 2) {
191 return false
192 }
193 isPositiveInfinity(expr.args.get(1))
194 }
196 private def prepareOptimize() {
197 val optimize = mkOptimize()
198 if (timeoutMilliseconds >= 0) {
199 val params = mkParams()
200 // We cannot turn TIMEOUT_SYMBOL_NAME into a Symbol in the constructor,
201 // because there is no add(Symbol, int) overload.
202 params.add(TIMEOUT_SYMBOL_NAME, timeoutMilliseconds)
203 optimize.parameters = params
204 }
205 assertConstraints(optimize)
206 optimize
207 }
209 private def assertConstraints(Optimize it) {
210 for (pair : variables.entrySet) {
211 assertBounds(pair.value, pair.key)
212 }
213 for (constraint : nonTrivialConstraints) {
214 val expr = createLinearCombination(constraint.coefficients)
215 assertBounds(expr, constraint)
216 }
217 }
219 private def assertBounds(Optimize it, ArithExpr expression, LinearBoundedExpression bounds) {
220 val lowerBound = bounds.lowerBound
221 val upperBound = bounds.upperBound
222 if (lowerBound == upperBound) {
223 if (lowerBound === null) {
224 return
225 }
226 Assert(mkEq(expression, mkInt(lowerBound)))
227 } else {
228 if (lowerBound !== null) {
229 Assert(mkGe(expression, mkInt(lowerBound)))
230 }
231 if (upperBound !== null) {
232 Assert(mkLe(expression, mkInt(upperBound)))
233 }
234 }
235 }
237 private def toExpr(LinearBoundedExpression linearBoundedExpression) {
238 switch (linearBoundedExpression) {
239 Dimension: variables.get(linearBoundedExpression)
240 LinearConstraint: createLinearCombination(linearBoundedExpression.coefficients)
241 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown linear bounded expression:" + linearBoundedExpression)
242 }
243 }
245 private def createLinearCombination(Map<Dimension, Integer> coefficients) {
246 val size = coefficients.size
247 if (size == 0) {
248 return mkInt(0)
249 }
250 val array = newArrayOfSize(size)
251 var int i = 0
252 for (pair : coefficients.entrySet) {
253 val variable = variables.get(pair.key)
254 if (variable === null) {
255 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown dimension: " + pair.key.name)
256 }
257 val coefficient = pair.value
258 val term = if (coefficient == 1) {
259 variable
260 } else {
261 mkMul(mkInt(coefficient), variable)
262 }
263 array.set(i, term)
264 i++
265 }
266 mkAdd(array)
267 }
269 override close() throws Exception {
270 context.close()
271 }