path: root/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util
diff options
authorLibravatar ArenBabikian <aren.babikian@mail.mcgill.ca>2019-05-20 18:47:20 -0400
committerLibravatar ArenBabikian <aren.babikian@mail.mcgill.ca>2019-05-20 18:47:20 -0400
commitd76c1c496b0774e28b699dd5ff4f446d580fd986 (patch)
tree1846760e7cdccfb06ae0f0fe27419491e5ae33bd /Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util
parentREALMET: first impl of n'hood visualis. minor bug with adding outgng 0s. (diff)
REALMET: implement incoming edges in visualisation. multips need fix
Diffstat (limited to 'Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util')
2 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory.java b/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..908a7f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
2 */
3package simpleStatechart.util;
5import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter;
6import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
8import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.AdapterFactoryImpl;
10import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
12import simpleStatechart.*;
15 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
16 * The <b>Adapter Factory</b> for the model.
17 * It provides an adapter <code>createXXX</code> method for each class of the model.
18 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
19 * @see simpleStatechart.SimpleStatechartPackage
20 * @generated
21 */
22public class SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory extends AdapterFactoryImpl {
23 /**
24 * The cached model package.
25 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
26 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
27 * @generated
28 */
29 protected static SimpleStatechartPackage modelPackage;
31 /**
32 * Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
33 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
34 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
35 * @generated
36 */
37 public SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory() {
38 if (modelPackage == null) {
39 modelPackage = SimpleStatechartPackage.eINSTANCE;
40 }
41 }
43 /**
44 * Returns whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
45 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
46 * This implementation returns <code>true</code> if the object is either the model's package or is an instance object of the model.
47 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
48 * @return whether this factory is applicable for the type of the object.
49 * @generated
50 */
51 @Override
52 public boolean isFactoryForType(Object object) {
53 if (object == modelPackage) {
54 return true;
55 }
56 if (object instanceof EObject) {
57 return ((EObject)object).eClass().getEPackage() == modelPackage;
58 }
59 return false;
60 }
62 /**
63 * The switch that delegates to the <code>createXXX</code> methods.
64 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
65 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
66 * @generated
67 */
68 protected SimpleStatechartSwitch<Adapter> modelSwitch =
69 new SimpleStatechartSwitch<Adapter>() {
70 @Override
71 public Adapter caseState(State object) {
72 return createStateAdapter();
73 }
74 @Override
75 public Adapter caseEntry(Entry object) {
76 return createEntryAdapter();
77 }
78 @Override
79 public Adapter caseStatechart(Statechart object) {
80 return createStatechartAdapter();
81 }
82 @Override
83 public Adapter defaultCase(EObject object) {
84 return createEObjectAdapter();
85 }
86 };
88 /**
89 * Creates an adapter for the <code>target</code>.
90 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
91 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
92 * @param target the object to adapt.
93 * @return the adapter for the <code>target</code>.
94 * @generated
95 */
96 @Override
97 public Adapter createAdapter(Notifier target) {
98 return modelSwitch.doSwitch((EObject)target);
99 }
102 /**
103 * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link simpleStatechart.State <em>State</em>}'.
104 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
105 * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
106 * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
107 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
108 * @return the new adapter.
109 * @see simpleStatechart.State
110 * @generated
111 */
112 public Adapter createStateAdapter() {
113 return null;
114 }
116 /**
117 * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link simpleStatechart.Entry <em>Entry</em>}'.
118 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
119 * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
120 * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
121 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
122 * @return the new adapter.
123 * @see simpleStatechart.Entry
124 * @generated
125 */
126 public Adapter createEntryAdapter() {
127 return null;
128 }
130 /**
131 * Creates a new adapter for an object of class '{@link simpleStatechart.Statechart <em>Statechart</em>}'.
132 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
133 * This default implementation returns null so that we can easily ignore cases;
134 * it's useful to ignore a case when inheritance will catch all the cases anyway.
135 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
136 * @return the new adapter.
137 * @see simpleStatechart.Statechart
138 * @generated
139 */
140 public Adapter createStatechartAdapter() {
141 return null;
142 }
144 /**
145 * Creates a new adapter for the default case.
146 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
147 * This default implementation returns null.
148 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
149 * @return the new adapter.
150 * @generated
151 */
152 public Adapter createEObjectAdapter() {
153 return null;
154 }
156} //SimpleStatechartAdapterFactory
diff --git a/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartSwitch.java b/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartSwitch.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30c60e74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Metrics/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics/src/simpleStatechart/util/SimpleStatechartSwitch.java
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
2 */
3package simpleStatechart.util;
5import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
6import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
8import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.Switch;
10import simpleStatechart.*;
13 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
14 * The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
15 * It supports the call {@link #doSwitch(EObject) doSwitch(object)}
16 * to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model,
17 * starting with the actual class of the object
18 * and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy
19 * until a non-null result is returned,
20 * which is the result of the switch.
21 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
22 * @see simpleStatechart.SimpleStatechartPackage
23 * @generated
24 */
25public class SimpleStatechartSwitch<T> extends Switch<T> {
26 /**
27 * The cached model package
28 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
29 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
30 * @generated
31 */
32 protected static SimpleStatechartPackage modelPackage;
34 /**
35 * Creates an instance of the switch.
36 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
37 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
38 * @generated
39 */
40 public SimpleStatechartSwitch() {
41 if (modelPackage == null) {
42 modelPackage = SimpleStatechartPackage.eINSTANCE;
43 }
44 }
46 /**
47 * Checks whether this is a switch for the given package.
48 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
49 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
50 * @param ePackage the package in question.
51 * @return whether this is a switch for the given package.
52 * @generated
53 */
54 @Override
55 protected boolean isSwitchFor(EPackage ePackage) {
56 return ePackage == modelPackage;
57 }
59 /**
60 * Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
61 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
62 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
63 * @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
64 * @generated
65 */
66 @Override
67 protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) {
68 switch (classifierID) {
69 case SimpleStatechartPackage.STATE: {
70 State state = (State)theEObject;
71 T result = caseState(state);
72 if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
73 return result;
74 }
75 case SimpleStatechartPackage.ENTRY: {
76 Entry entry = (Entry)theEObject;
77 T result = caseEntry(entry);
78 if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
79 return result;
80 }
81 case SimpleStatechartPackage.STATECHART: {
82 Statechart statechart = (Statechart)theEObject;
83 T result = caseStatechart(statechart);
84 if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
85 return result;
86 }
87 default: return defaultCase(theEObject);
88 }
89 }
91 /**
92 * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>State</em>'.
93 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
94 * This implementation returns null;
95 * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
96 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
97 * @param object the target of the switch.
98 * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>State</em>'.
99 * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
100 * @generated
101 */
102 public T caseState(State object) {
103 return null;
104 }
106 /**
107 * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Entry</em>'.
108 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
109 * This implementation returns null;
110 * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
111 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
112 * @param object the target of the switch.
113 * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Entry</em>'.
114 * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
115 * @generated
116 */
117 public T caseEntry(Entry object) {
118 return null;
119 }
121 /**
122 * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Statechart</em>'.
123 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
124 * This implementation returns null;
125 * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
126 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
127 * @param object the target of the switch.
128 * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Statechart</em>'.
129 * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
130 * @generated
131 */
132 public T caseStatechart(Statechart object) {
133 return null;
134 }
136 /**
137 * Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
138 * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
139 * This implementation returns null;
140 * returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway.
141 * <!-- end-user-doc -->
142 * @param object the target of the switch.
143 * @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
144 * @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
145 * @generated
146 */
147 @Override
148 public T defaultCase(EObject object) {
149 return null;
150 }
152} //SimpleStatechartSwitch