swaynag(5) # NAME swaynag - swaynag configuration file # SYNOPSIS $HOME/.swaynag/config, $XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/swaynag/config, SYSCONFDIR/swaynag/config # CONFIG FILE At the top of the config file, _swaynag_ options can be set using the format _long-option=value_. These will be used as default values if _swaynag_ is not given the option. This can be useful for setting a preferred font, output, and edge. Below the options, custom types may be defined. To define a type, use the following format: ``` [name-of-type] color=RRGGBB[AA] ``` All colors may be given in the form _RRGGBB_ or _RRGGBBAA_. The following colors can be set: *background* The background color for _swaynag_. *border* The color to use for borders of buttons. *border-bottom* The color of the border line at the bottom of _swaynag_. *button-background* The background color for the buttons. *text* The color of the text. # EXAMPLE ``` font=Monospace 12 [green] background=00AA00 border=006600 border-bottom=004400 text=FFFFFF button-background=00CC00 ``` # SEE swaynag(1)