sway-bar(5) # NAME sway-bar - bar configuration file and commands # DESCRIPTION Sway allows configuring swaybar in the sway configuration file. # COMMANDS *status\_command* Executes the bar _status command_ with _sh -c_. Each line of text printed to stdout from this command will be displayed in the status area of the bar. You may also use the i3bar JSON protocol: https://i3wm.org/docs/i3bar-protocol.html If running this command via IPC, you can disable a running status command by setting the command to a single dash: _swaybar bar bar-0 status\_command -_ *pango\_markup* enabled|disabled Enables or disables pango markup for status lines. This has no effect on status lines using the i3bar JSON protocol. *id* Sets the ID of the bar. *position* top|bottom Sets position of the bar. Default is _bottom_. *output* Restrict the bar to a certain output, can be specified multiple times. If the output command is omitted, the bar will be displayed on all outputs. *swaybar\_command* Executes custom bar command. Default is _swaybar_. *font* Specifies the font to be used in the bar. *separator\_symbol* Specifies the separator symbol to separate blocks on the bar. *wrap\_scroll* yes|no Enables or disables wrapping when scrolling through workspaces with the scroll wheel. Default is _no_. *workspace\_buttons* yes|no Enables or disables workspace buttons on the bar. Default is _yes_. *strip\_workspace\_numbers* yes|no If set to _yes_, then workspace numbers will be omitted from the workspace button and only the custom name will be shown. Default is _no_. *binding\_mode\_indicator* yes|no Enable or disable binding mode indicator. Default is _yes_. *height* Sets the height of the bar. Default height will match the font size. *bindsym* [--release] button Executes _command_ when mouse button _n_ has been pressed (or if _released_ is given, when mouse button _n_ has been released). To disable the default behavior for a button, use the command _nop_. ## TRAY Swaybar provides a system tray where third-party applications may place icons. The following commands configure the tray. The _button_ argument in all cases is a platform-specific button code. On Linux you can find a list of these at linux/input-event-codes.h. *activate\_button*