#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" int escape_markup_text(const char *src, char *dest, int dest_length) { int length = 0; while (src[0]) { switch (src[0]) { case '&': length += 5; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", "&"); } else { dest_length = -1; } break; case '<': length += 4; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", "<"); } else { dest_length = -1; } break; case '>': length += 4; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", ">"); } else { dest_length = -1; } break; case '\'': length += 6; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", "'"); } else { dest_length = -1; } break; case '"': length += 6; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", """); } else { dest_length = -1; } break; default: length += 1; if (dest && dest_length - length >= 0) { *(dest++) = *src; } else { dest_length = -1; } } src++; } // if we could not fit the escaped string in dest, return -1 if (dest && dest_length == -1) { return -1; } return length; } PangoLayout *get_pango_layout(cairo_t *cairo, const char *font, const char *text, double scale, bool markup) { PangoLayout *layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cairo); PangoAttrList *attrs; if (markup) { char *buf; GError *error = NULL; if (pango_parse_markup(text, -1, 0, &attrs, &buf, NULL, &error)) { pango_layout_set_markup(layout, buf, -1); free(buf); } else { wlr_log(L_ERROR, "pango_parse_markup '%s' -> error %s", text, error->message); g_error_free(error); markup = false; // fallback to plain text } } if (!markup) { attrs = pango_attr_list_new(); pango_layout_set_text(layout, text, -1); } pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, pango_attr_scale_new(scale)); PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_description_from_string(font); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, desc); pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(layout, 1); pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attrs); pango_attr_list_unref(attrs); pango_font_description_free(desc); return layout; } void get_text_size(cairo_t *cairo, const char *font, int *width, int *height, double scale, bool markup, const char *fmt, ...) { static char buf[2048]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); if (vsnprintf(buf, 2048, fmt, args) >= 2048) { strcpy(buf, "[buffer overflow]"); } va_end(args); PangoLayout *layout = get_pango_layout(cairo, font, buf, scale, markup); pango_cairo_update_layout(cairo, layout); pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout, width, height); g_object_unref(layout); } void pango_printf(cairo_t *cairo, const char *font, double scale, bool markup, const char *fmt, ...) { static char buf[2048]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); if (vsnprintf(buf, 2048, fmt, args) >= 2048) { strcpy(buf, "[buffer overflow]"); } va_end(args); PangoLayout *layout = get_pango_layout(cairo, font, buf, scale, markup); pango_cairo_update_layout(cairo, layout); pango_cairo_show_layout(cairo, layout); g_object_unref(layout); }