/* eslint-disable no-process-env */ /* eslint-env node */ import { builtinModules } from 'node:module'; import path from 'node:path'; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'; import { banner, chrome } from '../../config/buildConstants.js'; import fileUrlToDirname from '../../config/fileUrlToDirname.js'; const thisDir = fileUrlToDirname(import.meta.url); const mode = process.env.MODE || 'development'; const isDevelopment = mode === 'development'; /** * @type {import('vite').UserConfig} * @see https://vitejs.dev/config/ */ export default { /** @type {import('vite').LogLevel} */ logLevel: 'info', mode, root: thisDir, cacheDir: path.join(thisDir, '../../.vite'), plugins: [ react({ babel: { // Gets rid of deoptimization warnings for large chunks. // We don't need to minify here, because the output of babel // will get passed to esbuild anyways. compact: false, minified: false, }, }), ], base: '', optimizeDeps: { exclude: ['@sophie/shared'], }, define: { __DEV__: JSON.stringify(isDevelopment), // For mobx }, build: { target: chrome, assetsDir: '.', outDir: 'dist', emptyOutDir: true, sourcemap: isDevelopment, minify: !isDevelopment, brotliSize: false, rollupOptions: { external: ['mst-middlewares', 'remotedev', ...builtinModules], output: { banner, }, }, }, };