{ "appName": "Sophie", "banner": { "close": "Dismiss notification", "newWindow": { "followLink": "Follow link in this window", "openInExternalBrowser": "Open in browser", "openAllInExternalBrowser": "Open all", "dismiss": "Ignore", "messageSingleLink": "{{name}} wants to open <2>{{url}} in a new window", "messageMultipleLinks_one": "{{name}} wants to open <2>{{url}} and <5>{{count}} other link in new windows", "messageMultipleLinks_other": "{{name}} wants to open <2>{{url}} and <5>{{count}} other links in new windows" }, "insecureConnection": { "message": "Your connection to this server is not secure. Attackers might be able to access any passwords or personal data you enter!", "home": "$t(error.home, { \"serviceName\": \"{{serviceName}}\" })", "reconnectSecurely": "Try connecting securely" } }, "menu": { "servicesMenu": "Services", "view": { "showLocationBar": "Show Location Bar", "reload": "Reload", "forceReload": "Force Reload", "toggleDeveloperTools": "Toggle Developer Tools", "reloadSophie": "Reload Sophie", "toggleSophieDeveloperTools": "Toggle Sophie Developer Tools" }, "services": { "nextService": "Next Service", "previousService": "Previous Service" }, "help": { "gitlab": "Gitlab" } }, "securityLabel": { "unspecific": "Unknown error", "notSecureConnection": "Not secure", "secureConnection": "Secure connection", "certificateError": "$t(securityLabel.notSecureConnection)", "invalidURL": "Invalid URL" }, "service": { "title": { "nameWithMessages": "{{name}} ({{messages}})", "nameWithNoMessages": "{{name}}", "directMessageCount_one": "{{count}} direct message", "directMessageCount_other": "{{count}} direct messages", "indirectMessageCount_one": "{{count}} indirect message", "indirectMessageCount_other": "{{count}} indirect messages", "directAndIndirectMessageCount": "$t(service.title.directMessageCount, { \"count\": {{directMessageCount}} }) and $t(service.title.indirectMessageCount, { \"count\": {{indirectMessageCount}} })" } }, "title": { "devMode": "[dev] {{title}}", "noServiceName": "Sophie", "separator": " - ", "withServiceName": "{{serviceName}}$t(title.separator)$t(title.noServiceName)", "withServiceNameAndTitle": "{{serviceTitle}}$t(title.separator)$t(title.noServiceName)" }, "toolbar": { "back": "Back", "forward": "Forward", "home": "Home", "openInBrowser": "Open in browser", "reload": "Refresh", "stop": "Stop", "toggleDarkMode": "Toggle dark mode", "toggleLocationBar": "Toggle location bar" }, "error": { "errorCode": "Error code: {{errorCode}}", "home": "Go to {{serviceName}} home", "reload": "$t(toolbar.reload)", "failed": { "unspecific": { "title": "{{serviceName}} is having a problem", "description": "You should try this action later to see if the problem has resolved." }, "-105": { "title": "$t(appName) can't resolve {{serviceName}}", "description": "You should check if your internet connection is working and try this action later." } }, "certificateError": { "unspecific": { "title": "Failed to establish secure connection", "description": "$t(appName) has stopped loading {{serviceName}} to prevent any potential attackers from accessing your personal data." }, "details": { "title": "More info", "tabsLabel": "Certificates in the certificate chain", "trustWarning": "You should only trust certificates that you've verified to be valid. Trusting invalid certificates allows attackers to steal your passwords and data.", "trustButton": { "pending": "Trust this certificate temporarily", "rejected": "You have already rejected this certificate", "accepted": "You have already accepted this certificate" }, "subject": "Subject", "issuer": "Issuer", "commonName": "Common Name", "country": "Country", "state": "State", "locality": "Locality", "organization": "Organization", "organizationUnit": "Organization Unit", "validity": "Validity", "validStart": "Not Before", "validExpiry": "Not After", "fingerprint": "Fingerprint", "fingerprintUnknown": "Unknown", "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", "serialNumber": "Serial Number", "download": "Download", "downloadPEM": "PEM Certificate" } }, "crashed": { "unspecific": { "title": "{{serviceName}} has crashed", "description": "$t(errorPage.failed.unspecific.description)" }, "killed": { "description": "The renderer was terminated by an external program." }, "oom": { "description": "It looks like your computer has run out of memory." } }, "unknown": { "title": "$t(appName) has encountered an unexpected error while loading {{serviceName}}", "description": "If the problem doesn't resolve after trying again, you should send a bug report." } } }