--- title: Architecture --- # Purpose Sophie is designed to * display _services_, i.e., web pages, most of which are messaging web applications, * allow the user to quickly switch between services and save resources by displaying multiple services in the same desktop applications, * provide integrations for services, e.g., to manage unread message counts and notification in a single place. Integrations for services are provided by pluggable _recipes_ to allow adding support for new services easily. A recipe may come directly from Sophie, a third party (under AGPLv3 licensing), or be created by the user themselves. # Electron Sophie is built on the [Electron](https://www.electronjs.org/) application framework, which in turn uses the [Chromium](https://www.chromium.org/) browser to execute javascript applications. ## Displaying foreign web pages Electron makes two facilities readily available to display foreign web pages: * The easier solution that mimics the HTML `