import type { ChangeDesc, Transaction } from '@codemirror/state'; import { E_CANCELED, E_TIMEOUT } from 'async-mutex'; import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import type EditorStore from '../editor/EditorStore'; import getLogger from '../utils/getLogger'; import UpdateStateTracker, { type LockedState, type PendingUpdate, } from './UpdateStateTracker'; import type { StateUpdateResult, Delta } from './UpdateStateTracker'; import type XtextWebSocketClient from './XtextWebSocketClient'; import { type ContentAssistEntry, ContentAssistResult, DocumentStateResult, FormattingResult, isConflictResult, OccurrencesResult, } from './xtextServiceResults'; const UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; const log = getLogger('xtext.UpdateService'); export interface AbortSignal { aborted: boolean; } export type CancellableResult = | { cancelled: false; data: T } | { cancelled: true }; export interface ContentAssistParams { caretOffset: number; proposalsLimit: number; } export default class UpdateService { readonly resourceName: string; private readonly tracker: UpdateStateTracker; private readonly idleUpdateLater = debounce( () => this.idleUpdate(), UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS, ); constructor( private readonly store: EditorStore, private readonly webSocketClient: XtextWebSocketClient, ) { this.resourceName = `${nanoid(7)}.problem`; this.tracker = new UpdateStateTracker(store); } get xtextStateId(): string | undefined { return this.tracker.xtextStateId; } computeChangesSinceLastUpdate(): ChangeDesc { return this.tracker.computeChangesSinceLastUpdate(); } onReconnect(): void { this.tracker.invalidateStateId(); this.updateFullTextOrThrow().catch((error) => { // Let E_TIMEOUT errors propagate, since if the first update times out, // we can't use the connection. if (error === E_CANCELED) { // Content assist will perform a full-text update anyways. log.debug('Full text update cancelled'); return; } log.error('Unexpected error during initial update', error); }); } onTransaction(transaction: Transaction): void { if (this.tracker.onTransaction(transaction)) { this.idleUpdateLater(); } } private idleUpdate(): void { if (!this.webSocketClient.isOpen || !this.tracker.hasDirtyChanges) { return; } if (!this.tracker.locekdForUpdate) { this.updateOrThrow().catch((error) => { if (error === E_CANCELED || error === E_TIMEOUT) { log.debug('Idle update cancelled'); return; } log.error('Unexpected error during scheduled update', error); }); } this.idleUpdateLater(); } /** * Makes sure that the document state on the server reflects recent * local changes. * * Performs either an update with delta text or a full text update if needed. * If there are not local dirty changes, the promise resolves immediately. * * @returns a promise resolving when the update is completed */ private async updateOrThrow(): Promise { // We may check here for the delta to avoid locking, // but we'll need to recompute the delta in the critical section, // because it may have changed by the time we can acquire the lock. if ( !this.tracker.hasDirtyChanges && this.tracker.xtextStateId !== undefined ) { return; } await this.tracker.runExclusive((lockedState) => this.updateExclusive(lockedState), ); } private async updateExclusive(lockedState: LockedState): Promise { if (this.xtextStateId === undefined) { await this.updateFullTextExclusive(lockedState); } if (!this.tracker.hasDirtyChanges) { return; } await lockedState.updateExclusive(async (pendingUpdate) => { const delta = pendingUpdate.prepareDeltaUpdateExclusive(); if (delta === undefined) { return undefined; } log.trace('Editor delta', delta); const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'update', requiredStateId: this.xtextStateId,, }); const parsedDocumentStateResult = DocumentStateResult.safeParse(result); if (parsedDocumentStateResult.success) { return; } if (isConflictResult(result, 'invalidStateId')) { return this.doUpdateFullTextExclusive(pendingUpdate); } throw parsedDocumentStateResult.error; }); } private updateFullTextOrThrow(): Promise { return this.tracker.runExclusive((lockedState) => this.updateFullTextExclusive(lockedState), ); } private async updateFullTextExclusive( lockedState: LockedState, ): Promise { await lockedState.updateExclusive((pendingUpdate) => this.doUpdateFullTextExclusive(pendingUpdate), ); } private async doUpdateFullTextExclusive( pendingUpdate: PendingUpdate, ): Promise { log.debug('Performing full text update'); pendingUpdate.extendPendingUpdateExclusive(); const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'update', fullText:, }); const { stateId } = DocumentStateResult.parse(result); return stateId; } async fetchContentAssist( params: ContentAssistParams, signal: AbortSignal, ): Promise { if (this.tracker.upToDate && this.xtextStateId !== undefined) { return this.fetchContentAssistFetchOnly(params, this.xtextStateId); } try { return await this.tracker.runExclusiveHighPriority((lockedState) => this.fetchContentAssistExclusive(params, lockedState, signal), ); } catch (error) { if ((error === E_CANCELED || error === E_TIMEOUT) && signal.aborted) { return []; } throw error; } } private async fetchContentAssistExclusive( params: ContentAssistParams, lockedState: LockedState, signal: AbortSignal, ): Promise { if (this.xtextStateId === undefined) { await this.updateFullTextExclusive(lockedState); } if (signal.aborted) { return []; } if (this.tracker.hasDirtyChanges) { // Try to fetch while also performing a delta update. const fetchUpdateEntries = await lockedState.withUpdateExclusive( async (pendingUpdate) => { const delta = pendingUpdate.prepareDeltaUpdateExclusive(); if (delta === undefined) { return { newStateId: undefined, data: undefined }; } log.trace('Editor delta', delta); return this.doFetchContentAssistWithDeltaExclusive( params, pendingUpdate, delta, ); }, ); if (fetchUpdateEntries !== undefined) { return fetchUpdateEntries; } if (signal.aborted) { return []; } } if (this.xtextStateId === undefined) { throw new Error('failed to obtain Xtext state id'); } return this.fetchContentAssistFetchOnly(params, this.xtextStateId); } private async doFetchContentAssistWithDeltaExclusive( params: ContentAssistParams, pendingUpdate: PendingUpdate, delta: Delta, ): Promise> { const fetchUpdateResult = await this.webSocketClient.send({ ...params, resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'assist', requiredStateId: this.xtextStateId,, }); const parsedContentAssistResult = ContentAssistResult.safeParse(fetchUpdateResult); if (parsedContentAssistResult.success) { const { stateId, entries: resultEntries } =; return { newStateId: stateId, data: resultEntries }; } if (isConflictResult(fetchUpdateResult, 'invalidStateId')) { log.warn('Server state invalid during content assist'); const newStateId = await this.doUpdateFullTextExclusive(pendingUpdate); // We must finish this state update transaction to prepare for any push events // before querying for content assist, so we just return `undefined` and will query // the content assist service later. return { newStateId, data: undefined }; } throw parsedContentAssistResult.error; } private async fetchContentAssistFetchOnly( params: ContentAssistParams, requiredStateId: string, ): Promise { // Fallback to fetching without a delta update. const fetchOnlyResult = await this.webSocketClient.send({ ...params, resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'assist', requiredStateId, }); const { stateId, entries: fetchOnlyEntries } = ContentAssistResult.parse(fetchOnlyResult); if (stateId !== requiredStateId) { throw new Error( `Unexpected state id, expected: ${requiredStateId} got: ${stateId}`, ); } return fetchOnlyEntries; } formatText(): Promise { return this.tracker.runExclusiveWithRetries((lockedState) => this.formatTextExclusive(lockedState), ); } private async formatTextExclusive(lockedState: LockedState): Promise { await this.updateExclusive(lockedState); let { from, to } =; if (to <= from) { from = 0; to =; } log.debug('Formatting from', from, 'to', to); await lockedState.updateExclusive(async (pendingUpdate) => { const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'format', selectionStart: from, selectionEnd: to, }); const { stateId, formattedText } = FormattingResult.parse(result); pendingUpdate.applyBeforeDirtyChangesExclusive({ from, to, insert: formattedText, }); return stateId; }); } async fetchOccurrences( getCaretOffset: () => CancellableResult, ): Promise> { try { await this.updateOrThrow(); } catch (error) { if (error === E_CANCELED || error === E_TIMEOUT) { return { cancelled: true }; } throw error; } if (!this.tracker.upToDate) { // Just give up if another update is in progress. return { cancelled: true }; } const caretOffsetResult = getCaretOffset(); if (caretOffsetResult.cancelled) { return { cancelled: true }; } const expectedStateId = this.xtextStateId; if (expectedStateId === undefined) { // If there is no state on the server, don't bother with finding occurrences. return { cancelled: true }; } const data = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'occurrences', caretOffset:, expectedStateId, }); if ( isConflictResult(data) || this.tracker.hasChangesSince(expectedStateId) ) { return { cancelled: true }; } const parsedOccurrencesResult = OccurrencesResult.parse(data); if (parsedOccurrencesResult.stateId !== expectedStateId) { return { cancelled: true }; } return { cancelled: false, data: parsedOccurrencesResult }; } }