import { alpha, createTheme, responsiveFontSizes, type Theme, type ThemeOptions, ThemeProvider as MaterialUiThemeProvider, type TypographyStyle, useTheme, type CSSObject, } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite'; import { type ReactNode, createContext, useContext } from 'react'; import { useRootStore } from '../RootStoreProvider'; interface OuterPalette { background: string; border: string; } interface HighlightPalette { number: string; parameter: string; comment: string; activeLine: string; selection: string; foldPlaceholder: string; activeLintRange: string; occurences: { read: string; write: string; }; search: { match: string; selected: string; contrastText: string; }; } declare module '@mui/material/styles' { interface TypographyVariants { fontWeightEditorNormal: number; fontWeightEditorBold: number; editor: TypographyStyle; } interface TypographyVariantsOptions { fontWeightEditorNormal?: number; fontWeightEditorBold?: number; editor?: TypographyStyle; } interface Palette { outer: OuterPalette; highlight: HighlightPalette; } interface PaletteOptions { outer?: Partial; highlight?: Partial; } } function createResponsiveTheme( options: ThemeOptions, overrides: ThemeOptions = {}, ): Theme { const theme = createTheme({ ...options, typography: { fontFamily: '"InterVariable", "Inter", "Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif', fontWeightMedium: 600, fontWeightEditorNormal: 400, fontWeightEditorBold: 700, button: { // 24px line height for 14px button text to fix browser rounding errors. lineHeight: 1.714286, }, editor: { fontFamily: '"JetBrains MonoVariable", "JetBrains Mono", "Cascadia Code", "Fira Code", monospace', fontFeatureSettings: '"liga", "calt"', // `rem` for JetBrains MonoVariable make the text too large in Safari. fontSize: '16px', fontWeight: 400, lineHeight: 1.5, letterSpacing: 0, textRendering: 'optimizeLegibility', }, ...(options.typography ?? {}), }, }); function shadedButtonStyle(color: string): CSSObject { const opacity = theme.palette.action.focusOpacity; return { background: alpha(color, opacity), ':hover': { background: alpha(color, opacity + theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity), '@media(hover: none)': { background: alpha(color, opacity), }, }, '&.Mui-disabled': { background: alpha(theme.palette.text.disabled, opacity), }, }; } const themeWithComponents = createTheme(theme, { components: { MuiCssBaseline: { styleOverrides: { body: { overscrollBehavior: 'contain', }, }, }, MuiButton: { styleOverrides: { root: { '&.rounded': { borderRadius: '50em' }, '.MuiButton-startIcon': { marginRight: 6 }, '.MuiButton-endIcon': { marginLeft: 6 }, '&.shaded': { ...shadedButtonStyle(theme.palette.text.primary), ...( [ 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'warning', 'success', 'info', ] as const ).reduce((accumulator: CSSObject, color) => { const colorCapitalized = (color[0] ?? '').toUpperCase() + color.substring(1); return { ...accumulator, [`&.MuiButton-text${colorCapitalized}, &.MuiButton-outlined${colorCapitalized}`]: shadedButtonStyle(theme.palette[color].main), }; }, {}), }, }, sizeSmall: { fontSize: '0.75rem' }, sizeLarge: { fontSize: '1rem' }, text: { '&.rounded': { padding: '6px 14px' } }, textSizeSmall: { '&.rounded': { padding: '4px 8px' } }, textSizeLarge: { '&.rounded': { padding: '8px 20px' } }, outlined: { '&.rounded': { padding: '5px 13px' } }, outlinedSizeSmall: { '&.rounded': { padding: '3px 9px' } }, outlinedSizeLarge: { '&.rounded': { padding: '7px 19px' } }, }, }, MuiToggleButton: { styleOverrides: { root: { '&.iconOnly': { borderRadius: '100%' } }, }, }, MuiToggleButtonGroup: { styleOverrides: { root: { '&.rounded .MuiToggleButtonGroup-groupedHorizontal': { ':first-of-type': { paddingLeft: 15, borderRadius: '50em 0 0 50em', }, ':last-of-type': { paddingRight: 15, borderRadius: '0 50em 50em 0', }, '&.MuiToggleButton-sizeSmall': { ':first-of-type': { paddingLeft: 9 }, ':last-of-type': { paddingRight: 9 }, }, '&.MuiToggleButton-sizeLarge': { ':first-of-type': { paddingLeft: 21 }, ':last-of-type': { paddingRight: 21 }, }, }, }, }, }, MuiTooltip: { styleOverrides: { tooltip: { background: alpha('#212121', 0.93), color: '#fff', }, arrow: { color: alpha('#212121', 0.93), }, }, }, }, }); const themeWithOverrides = createTheme(themeWithComponents, overrides); return responsiveFontSizes(themeWithOverrides); } const lightTheme = (() => { const primaryText = '#19202b'; const disabledText = '#a0a1a7'; const darkBackground = '#f5f5f5'; return createResponsiveTheme({ palette: { mode: 'light', primary: { main: '#038a99' }, secondary: { main: '#e45649' }, error: { main: '#ca1243' }, warning: { main: '#c18401' }, success: { main: '#50a14f' }, info: { main: '#4078f2' }, background: { default: '#fff', paper: '#fff', }, text: { primary: primaryText, secondary: '#696c77', disabled: disabledText, }, divider: alpha(primaryText, 0.16), outer: { background: darkBackground, border: '#c8c8c8', }, highlight: { number: '#0084bc', parameter: '#6a3e3e', comment: disabledText, activeLine: darkBackground, selection: '#c8e4fb', foldPlaceholder: alpha(primaryText, 0.08), activeLintRange: alpha('#f2a60d', 0.28), occurences: { read: alpha(primaryText, 0.16), write: alpha(primaryText, 0.16), }, search: { match: '#00bcd4', selected: '#d500f9', contrastText: '#fff', }, }, }, }); })(); const darkTheme = (() => { const primaryText = '#ebebff'; const secondaryText = '#abb2bf'; const darkBackground = '#21252b'; return createResponsiveTheme( { typography: { fontWeightEditorNormal: 350, fontWeightEditorBold: 650, }, palette: { mode: 'dark', primary: { main: '#56b6c2' }, secondary: { main: '#be5046' }, error: { main: '#e06c75' }, warning: { main: '#e5c07b' }, success: { main: '#98c379' }, info: { main: '#61afef' }, background: { default: '#282c34', paper: darkBackground, }, text: { primary: primaryText, secondary: secondaryText, disabled: '#5c6370', }, divider: alpha(secondaryText, 0.24), outer: { background: darkBackground, border: '#181a1f', }, highlight: { number: '#6188a6', parameter: '#c8ae9d', comment: '#7f848e', activeLine: '#2c313c', selection: '#404859', foldPlaceholder: alpha(primaryText, 0.12), activeLintRange: alpha('#fbc346', 0.28), occurences: { read: alpha(primaryText, 0.14), write: alpha(primaryText, 0.14), }, search: { match: '#33eaff', selected: '#dd33fa', contrastText: darkBackground, }, }, }, }, { components: { MuiTooltip: { styleOverrides: { tooltip: { color: primaryText, }, }, }, }, }, ); })(); const ContrastThemeContext = createContext(undefined); function ThemeAndContrastThemeProvider({ theme, contrastTheme, children, }: { theme: Theme; contrastTheme: Theme; children?: ReactNode; }): JSX.Element { return ( {children} ); } ThemeAndContrastThemeProvider.defaultProps = { children: undefined, }; export function ContrastThemeProvider({ children, }: { children?: ReactNode; }): JSX.Element { const theme = useTheme(); const contrastTheme = useContext(ContrastThemeContext); if (!contrastTheme) { throw new Error('ContrastThemeProvider must be used within ThemeProvider'); } return ( {children} ); } ContrastThemeProvider.defaultProps = { children: undefined, }; const ThemeProvider = observer(function ThemeProvider({ children, }: { children?: ReactNode; }): JSX.Element { const { themeStore: { darkMode }, } = useRootStore(); return ( {children} ); }); ThemeProvider.defaultProps = { children: undefined, }; export default ThemeProvider;