/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import { type BBox, parsePolygonBBox, parsePathBBox } from './parseBBox'; export const SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; export const XLINK_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'; function modifyAttribute(element: Element, attribute: string, change: number) { const valueString = element.getAttribute(attribute); if (valueString === null) { return; } const value = parseInt(valueString, 10); element.setAttribute(attribute, String(value + change)); } function addShadow( node: SVGGElement, container: SVGRectElement, offset: number, ): void { const shadow = container.cloneNode() as SVGRectElement; // Leave space for 1pt stroke around the original container. const offsetWithStroke = offset - 0.5; modifyAttribute(shadow, 'x', offsetWithStroke); modifyAttribute(shadow, 'y', offsetWithStroke); modifyAttribute(shadow, 'width', 1); modifyAttribute(shadow, 'height', 1); modifyAttribute(shadow, 'rx', 0.5); modifyAttribute(shadow, 'ry', 0.5); shadow.setAttribute('class', 'node-shadow'); shadow.id = `${node.id},shadow`; node.insertBefore(shadow, node.firstChild); } function clipCompartmentBackground(node: SVGGElement) { // Background rectangle of the node created by the `` // HTML element in dot. It was transformed into a rounded rect by `fixNodeBackground`. const container = node.querySelector('rect[fill="white"]'); // Background rectangle of the lower compartment created by the `
` // HTML element in dot. It was transformed into a rounded rect by `fixNodeBackground`. // Since dot doesn't round the coners of `` background, // we have to clip it ourselves. const compartment = node.querySelector('rect[fill="green"]'); // Make sure we provide traceability with IDs also for the border. const border = node.querySelector('rect[stroke="black"]'); if (container === null || compartment === null || border === null) { return; } const copyOfContainer = container.cloneNode() as SVGRectElement; const clipPath = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'clipPath'); const clipId = `${node.id},,clip`; clipPath.setAttribute('id', clipId); clipPath.appendChild(copyOfContainer); node.appendChild(clipPath); compartment.setAttribute('clip-path', `url(#${clipId})`); // Enlarge the compartment to completely cover the background. modifyAttribute(compartment, 'y', -5); modifyAttribute(compartment, 'x', -5); modifyAttribute(compartment, 'width', 10); const isEmpty = node.classList.contains('node-empty'); // Make sure that empty nodes are fully filled. modifyAttribute(compartment, 'height', isEmpty ? 10 : 5); if (node.classList.contains('node-equalsSelf-UNKNOWN')) { addShadow(node, container, 6); } container.id = `${node.id},container`; compartment.id = `${node.id},compartment`; border.id = `${node.id},border`; } function createRect( { x, y, width, height }: BBox, original: SVGElement, ): SVGRectElement { const rect = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'rect'); rect.setAttribute('fill', original.getAttribute('fill') ?? ''); rect.setAttribute('stroke', original.getAttribute('stroke') ?? ''); rect.setAttribute('x', String(x)); rect.setAttribute('y', String(y)); rect.setAttribute('width', String(width)); rect.setAttribute('height', String(height)); return rect; } function optimizeNodeShapes(node: SVGGElement) { node.querySelectorAll('path').forEach((path) => { const bbox = parsePathBBox(path); const rect = createRect(bbox, path); rect.setAttribute('rx', '12'); rect.setAttribute('ry', '12'); path.parentNode?.replaceChild(rect, path); }); node.querySelectorAll('polygon').forEach((polygon) => { const bbox = parsePolygonBBox(polygon); if (bbox.height === 0) { const polyline = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'polyline'); polyline.setAttribute('stroke', polygon.getAttribute('stroke') ?? ''); polyline.setAttribute( 'points', `${bbox.x},${bbox.y} ${bbox.x + bbox.width},${bbox.y}`, ); polygon.parentNode?.replaceChild(polyline, polygon); } else { const rect = createRect(bbox, polygon); polygon.parentNode?.replaceChild(rect, polygon); } }); clipCompartmentBackground(node); } function hrefToClass(node: SVGGElement) { node.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((a) => { if (a.parentNode === null) { return; } const href = a.getAttribute('href') ?? a.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'href'); if (href === 'undefined' || !href?.startsWith('#')) { return; } while (a.lastChild !== null) { const child = a.lastChild; a.removeChild(child); if (child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { const element = child as Element; element.classList.add('label', `label-${href.replace('#', '')}`); a.after(child); } } a.parentNode.removeChild(a); }); } function parseCoordinate(element: SVGElement, attribute: string): number { return Number(element.getAttribute(attribute)?.replace('px', '') ?? '0'); } function replaceImages(node: SVGGElement) { node.querySelectorAll('image').forEach((image) => { const href = image.getAttribute('href') ?? image.getAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'href'); if (href === 'undefined' || !href?.startsWith('#')) { return; } const width = parseCoordinate(image, 'width'); const height = parseCoordinate(image, 'height'); const x = parseCoordinate(image, 'x'); const y = parseCoordinate(image, 'y'); const size = Math.min(width, height); const sizeString = String(size); const use = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'use'); use.setAttribute('x', String(x + (width - size) / 2)); use.setAttribute('y', String(y + (height - size) / 2)); use.setAttribute('width', sizeString); use.setAttribute('height', sizeString); const iconName = `icon-${href.replace('#', '')}`; use.setAttribute('href', `#refinery-${iconName}`); use.classList.add('icon', iconName); const sibling = image.nextElementSibling; // Since dot doesn't respect the `id` attribute on table cells with a single image, // compute the ID based on the ID of the next element (the label). if ( sibling !== null && sibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'g' && sibling.id !== '' ) { use.id = `${sibling.id},icon`; } image.parentNode?.replaceChild(use, image); }); } function markerColorToClass(svg: SVGSVGElement) { svg.querySelectorAll('.node [stroke="black"]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('stroke'); node.classList.add('node-outline'); }); svg.querySelectorAll('.node [fill="green"]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('fill'); node.classList.add('node-header'); }); svg.querySelectorAll('.node [fill="white"]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('fill'); node.classList.add('node-bg'); }); svg.querySelectorAll('.edge [stroke="black"]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('stroke'); node.classList.add('edge-line'); }); svg.querySelectorAll('.edge [fill="black"]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('fill'); node.classList.add('edge-arrow'); }); svg.querySelectorAll('[font-family]').forEach((node) => { node.removeAttribute('font-family'); }); } export default function postProcessSvg(svg: SVGSVGElement) { svg.querySelectorAll('g.node').forEach((node) => { optimizeNodeShapes(node); hrefToClass(node); }); replaceImages(svg); // Increase padding to fit box shadows for multi-objects. const viewBox = [ svg.viewBox.baseVal.x - 6, svg.viewBox.baseVal.y - 6, svg.viewBox.baseVal.width + 12, svg.viewBox.baseVal.height + 12, ]; svg.setAttribute('viewBox', viewBox.join(' ')); markerColorToClass(svg); }