/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import type { NodeMetadata, RelationMetadata, } from '../xtext/xtextServiceResults'; import type GraphStore from './GraphStore'; import obfuscateColor from './obfuscateColor'; const EDGE_WEIGHT = 1; const CONTAINMENT_WEIGHT = 5; const UNKNOWN_WEIGHT_FACTOR = 0.5; function nodeName(graph: GraphStore, metadata: NodeMetadata): string { const name = graph.getName(metadata); switch (metadata.kind) { case 'INDIVIDUAL': return `${name}`; default: return name; } } function relationName(graph: GraphStore, metadata: RelationMetadata): string { const name = graph.getName(metadata); const { detail } = metadata; if (detail.type === 'class' && detail.abstractClass) { return `${name}`; } if (detail.type === 'reference' && detail.containment) { return `${name}`; } return name; } interface NodeData { isolated: boolean; exists: string; equalsSelf: string; unaryPredicates: Map; count: string; } function computeNodeData(graph: GraphStore): NodeData[] { const { semantics: { nodes, relations, partialInterpretation }, } = graph; const nodeData = Array.from(Array(nodes.length)).map(() => ({ isolated: true, exists: 'FALSE', equalsSelf: 'FALSE', unaryPredicates: new Map(), count: '[0]', })); relations.forEach((relation) => { const visibility = graph.getVisibility(relation.name); if (visibility === 'none') { return; } const { arity } = relation; const interpretation = partialInterpretation[relation.name] ?? []; interpretation.forEach((tuple) => { const value = tuple[arity]; if (visibility !== 'all' && value === 'UNKNOWN') { return; } for (let i = 0; i < arity; i += 1) { const index = tuple[i]; if (typeof index === 'number') { const data = nodeData[index]; if (data !== undefined) { data.isolated = false; if (arity === 1) { data.unaryPredicates.set(relation, value); } } } } }); }); partialInterpretation['builtin::exists']?.forEach(([index, value]) => { if (typeof index === 'number' && typeof value === 'string') { const data = nodeData[index]; if (data !== undefined) { data.exists = value; } } }); partialInterpretation['builtin::equals']?.forEach(([index, other, value]) => { if ( typeof index === 'number' && index === other && typeof value === 'string' ) { const data = nodeData[index]; if (data !== undefined) { data.equalsSelf = value; } } }); partialInterpretation['builtin::count']?.forEach(([index, value]) => { if (typeof index === 'number' && typeof value === 'string') { const data = nodeData[index]; if (data !== undefined) { data.count = value; } } }); return nodeData; } function createNodes( graph: GraphStore, nodeData: NodeData[], lines: string[], ): void { const { semantics: { nodes }, scopes, } = graph; nodes.forEach((node, i) => { const data = nodeData[i]; if (data === undefined || data.isolated || data.exists === 'FALSE') { return; } const classList = [ `node-${node.kind}`, `node-exists-${data.exists}`, `node-equalsSelf-${data.equalsSelf}`, ]; if (data.unaryPredicates.size === 0) { classList.push('node-empty'); } if (node.typeHash !== undefined) { classList.push(`node-typeHash-${obfuscateColor(node.typeHash)}`); } const classes = classList.join(' '); const name = nodeName(graph, node); const border = node.kind === 'INDIVIDUAL' ? 2 : 1; const count = scopes ? ` ${data.count}` : ''; lines.push(`n${i} [id="${node.name}", class="${classes}", label=< `); if (data.unaryPredicates.size > 0) { lines.push( '
'); } lines.push('
', ); data.unaryPredicates.forEach((value, relation) => { lines.push( ``, ); }); lines.push('
${relationName(graph, relation)}
>]'); }); } function compare( a: readonly (number | string)[], b: readonly number[], ): number { if (a.length !== b.length + 1) { throw new Error('Tuple length mismatch'); } for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i += 1) { const aItem = a[i]; const bItem = b[i]; if (typeof aItem !== 'number' || typeof bItem !== 'number') { throw new Error('Invalid tuple'); } if (aItem < bItem) { return -1; } if (aItem > bItem) { return 1; } } return 0; } function binarySerach( tuples: readonly (readonly (number | string)[])[], key: readonly number[], ): string | undefined { let lower = 0; let upper = tuples.length - 1; while (lower <= upper) { const middle = Math.floor((lower + upper) / 2); const tuple = tuples[middle]; if (tuple === undefined) { throw new Error('Range error'); } const result = compare(tuple, key); if (result === 0) { const found = tuple[key.length]; if (typeof found !== 'string') { throw new Error('Invalid tuple value'); } return found; } if (result < 0) { lower = middle + 1; } else { // result > 0 upper = middle - 1; } } return undefined; } function getEdgeLabel( name: string, containment: boolean, value: string, ): string { if (value !== 'ERROR') { return containment ? `<${name}>` : `"${name}"`; } // No need to set an id for the image for animation, // because it will be the only `` element in its group. return `<
${containment ? `${name}` : name}
>`; } function createRelationEdges( graph: GraphStore, nodeData: NodeData[], relation: RelationMetadata, showUnknown: boolean, lines: string[], ): void { const { semantics: { nodes, partialInterpretation }, } = graph; const { detail } = relation; let constraint: 'true' | 'false' = 'true'; let weight = EDGE_WEIGHT; let penwidth = 1; const name = graph.getName(relation); let containment = false; if (detail.type === 'reference' && detail.containment) { weight = CONTAINMENT_WEIGHT; containment = true; penwidth = 2; } else if ( detail.type === 'opposite' && graph.getVisibility(detail.opposite) !== 'none' ) { constraint = 'false'; weight = 0; } const tuples = partialInterpretation[relation.name] ?? []; tuples.forEach(([from, to, value]) => { const isUnknown = value === 'UNKNOWN'; if ( (!showUnknown && isUnknown) || typeof from !== 'number' || typeof to !== 'number' || typeof value !== 'string' ) { return; } const fromNode = nodes[from]; const toNode = nodes[to]; if (fromNode === undefined || toNode === undefined) { return; } const fromData = nodeData[from]; const toData = nodeData[to]; if ( fromData === undefined || fromData.exists === 'FALSE' || toData === undefined || toData.exists === 'FALSE' ) { return; } let dir = 'forward'; let edgeConstraint = constraint; let edgeWeight = weight; const opposite = binarySerach(tuples, [to, from]); const oppositeUnknown = opposite === 'UNKNOWN'; const oppositeSet = opposite !== undefined; const oppositeVisible = oppositeSet && (showUnknown || !oppositeUnknown); if (opposite === value) { if (to < from) { // We already added this edge in the reverse direction. return; } if (to > from) { dir = 'both'; } } else if (oppositeVisible && to < from) { // Let the opposite edge drive the graph layout. edgeConstraint = 'false'; edgeWeight = 0; } else if (isUnknown && (!oppositeSet || oppositeUnknown)) { // Only apply the UNKNOWN value penalty if we aren't the opposite // edge driving the graph layout from above, or the penalty would // be applied anyway. edgeWeight *= UNKNOWN_WEIGHT_FACTOR; } const id = `${fromNode.name},${toNode.name},${relation.name}`; const label = getEdgeLabel(name, containment, value); lines.push(`n${from} -> n${to} [ id="${id}", dir="${dir}", constraint=${edgeConstraint}, weight=${edgeWeight}, xlabel=${label}, penwidth=${penwidth}, arrowsize=${penwidth >= 2 ? 0.875 : 1}, style="${isUnknown ? 'dashed' : 'solid'}", class="edge-${value}" ]`); }); } function createEdges( graph: GraphStore, nodeData: NodeData[], lines: string[], ): void { const { semantics: { relations }, } = graph; relations.forEach((relation) => { if (relation.arity !== 2) { return; } const visibility = graph.getVisibility(relation.name); if (visibility !== 'none') { createRelationEdges( graph, nodeData, relation, visibility === 'all', lines, ); } }); } export default function dotSource( graph: GraphStore | undefined, ): [string, number] | undefined { if (graph === undefined) { return undefined; } const lines = [ 'digraph {', 'graph [bgcolor=transparent];', `node [fontsize=12, shape=plain, fontname="OpenSans"];`, 'edge [fontsize=10.5, color=black, fontname="OpenSans"];', ]; const nodeData = computeNodeData(graph); createNodes(graph, nodeData, lines); createEdges(graph, nodeData, lines); lines.push('}'); return [lines.join('\n'), lines.length]; }