/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import { alpha, styled, type CSSObject, type Theme, } from '@mui/material/styles'; import { lch } from 'd3-color'; import { range } from 'lodash-es'; import obfuscateColor from './obfuscateColor'; function createEdgeColor( suffix: string, stroke: string, fill?: string, ): CSSObject { return { [`.edge-${suffix}`]: { '& text': { fill: stroke, }, '.edge-line': { stroke, }, '.edge-arrow': { fill: fill ?? stroke, }, }, }; } function createTypeHashStyles( theme: Theme, colorNodes: boolean, typeHashes: string[], ): CSSObject { if (!colorNodes) { return {}; } const result: CSSObject = {}; range(theme.palette.highlight.typeHash.length).forEach((i) => { result[`.node-typeHash-${obfuscateColor(i.toString(10))} .node-header`] = { fill: theme.palette.highlight.typeHash[i]?.box, }; }); typeHashes.forEach((typeHash) => { let color = lch(`#${typeHash}`); if (theme.palette.mode === 'dark') { color = color.darker(); if (color.l > 50) { color.l = 50; } } result[`.node-typeHash-_${obfuscateColor(typeHash)} .node-header`] = { fill: color.formatRgb(), }; }); return result; } export function createGraphTheme({ theme, colorNodes, hexTypeHashes, useOpacity, }: { theme: Theme; colorNodes: boolean; hexTypeHashes: string[]; useOpacity?: boolean; }): CSSObject { const shadowAlapha = theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? 0.32 : 0.24; return { '.node': { '& text': { fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily, fill: theme.palette.text.primary, }, '.node-outline': { stroke: theme.palette.text.primary, }, '.node-header': { fill: theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? theme.palette.primary.dark : theme.palette.primary.light, }, '.node-bg': { fill: theme.palette.background.default, }, }, '.node-INDIVIDUAL .node-outline': { strokeWidth: 2, }, '.node-shadow.node-bg': useOpacity ? { // Inkscape can't handle RGBA in exported SVG. fill: theme.palette.text.primary, opacity: shadowAlapha, } : { // But using `opacity` with the transition animation leads to flashing shadows, // so we still use RGBA whenever possible. fill: alpha(theme.palette.text.primary, shadowAlapha), }, '.node-exists-UNKNOWN .node-outline': { strokeDasharray: '5 2', }, ...createTypeHashStyles(theme, colorNodes, hexTypeHashes), '.edge': { '& text': { fontFamily: theme.typography.fontFamily, fill: theme.palette.text.primary, }, '.edge-line': { stroke: theme.palette.text.primary, }, '.edge-arrow': { fill: theme.palette.text.primary, }, }, ...createEdgeColor('UNKNOWN', theme.palette.text.secondary, 'none'), ...createEdgeColor('ERROR', theme.palette.error.main), '.icon-TRUE': { fill: theme.palette.text.primary, }, '.icon-UNKNOWN': { fill: theme.palette.text.secondary, }, '.icon-ERROR': { fill: theme.palette.error.main, }, 'text.label-UNKNOWN': { fill: theme.palette.text.secondary, }, 'text.label-ERROR': { fill: theme.palette.error.main, }, '.node-exists-FALSE': { 'text:not(.label-ERROR)': { fill: theme.palette.text.secondary, }, '.node-outline': { stroke: theme.palette.text.secondary, strokeDasharray: '2 4', }, '.node-header': { fill: theme.palette.background.default, }, '.icon-TRUE': { fill: theme.palette.text.secondary, }, }, }; } export default styled('div', { name: 'GraphTheme', shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== 'colorNodes' && prop !== 'hexTypeHashes', })<{ colorNodes: boolean; hexTypeHashes: string[] }>((args) => ({ '& svg': { userSelect: 'none', ...createGraphTheme(args), }, }));