/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import { makeAutoObservable, observable } from 'mobx'; import type EditorStore from '../editor/EditorStore'; import type { RelationMetadata, SemanticsModelResult, } from '../xtext/xtextServiceResults'; export type Visibility = 'all' | 'must' | 'none'; export function getDefaultVisibility( metadata: RelationMetadata | undefined, ): Visibility { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.arity <= 0 || metadata.arity > 2) { return 'none'; } const { detail } = metadata; switch (detail.type) { case 'class': case 'reference': case 'opposite': return 'all'; case 'predicate': return detail.error ? 'must' : 'none'; default: return 'none'; } } export function isVisibilityAllowed( metadata: RelationMetadata | undefined, visibility: Visibility, ): boolean { if (metadata === undefined || metadata.arity <= 0 || metadata.arity > 2) { return visibility === 'none'; } const { detail } = metadata; if (detail.type === 'predicate' && detail.error) { // We can't display may matches of error predicates, // because they have none by definition. return visibility !== 'all'; } return true; } const TYPE_HASH_HEX_PREFFIX = '_'; export default class GraphStore { semantics: SemanticsModelResult = { nodes: [], relations: [], partialInterpretation: {}, }; relationMetadata = new Map(); visibility = new Map(); abbreviate = true; scopes = false; selectedSymbol: RelationMetadata | undefined; hexTypeHashes: string[] = []; private typeHashesMap = new Map(); constructor( private readonly editorStore: EditorStore, private readonly nameOverride?: string, ) { makeAutoObservable(this, { editorStore: false, semantics: observable.ref, }); } getVisibility(relation: string): Visibility { const visibilityOverride = this.visibility.get(relation); if (visibilityOverride !== undefined) { return visibilityOverride; } return this.getDefaultVisibility(relation); } getDefaultVisibility(relation: string): Visibility { const metadata = this.relationMetadata.get(relation); return getDefaultVisibility(metadata); } isVisibilityAllowed(relation: string, visibility: Visibility): boolean { const metadata = this.relationMetadata.get(relation); return isVisibilityAllowed(metadata, visibility); } setVisibility(relation: string, visibility: Visibility): void { const metadata = this.relationMetadata.get(relation); if (metadata === undefined || !isVisibilityAllowed(metadata, visibility)) { return; } const defaultVisiblity = getDefaultVisibility(metadata); if (defaultVisiblity === visibility) { this.visibility.delete(relation); } else { this.visibility.set(relation, visibility); } } cycleVisibility(relation: string): void { const metadata = this.relationMetadata.get(relation); if (metadata === undefined) { return; } switch (this.getVisibility(relation)) { case 'none': if (isVisibilityAllowed(metadata, 'must')) { this.setVisibility(relation, 'must'); } break; case 'must': { const next = isVisibilityAllowed(metadata, 'all') ? 'all' : 'none'; this.setVisibility(relation, next); } break; default: this.setVisibility(relation, 'none'); break; } } hideAll(): void { this.relationMetadata.forEach((metadata, name) => { if (getDefaultVisibility(metadata) === 'none') { this.visibility.delete(name); } else { this.visibility.set(name, 'none'); } }); } resetFilter(): void { this.visibility.clear(); } getName({ name, simpleName }: { name: string; simpleName: string }): string { return this.abbreviate ? simpleName : name; } toggleAbbrevaite(): void { this.abbreviate = !this.abbreviate; } toggleScopes(): void { this.scopes = !this.scopes; } setSelectedSymbol(option: RelationMetadata | undefined): void { if (option === undefined) { this.selectedSymbol = undefined; return; } const metadata = this.relationMetadata.get(option.name); if (metadata !== undefined) { this.selectedSymbol = metadata; } else { this.selectedSymbol = undefined; } } setSemantics(semantics: SemanticsModelResult) { this.semantics = semantics; this.relationMetadata.clear(); this.semantics.relations.forEach((metadata) => { this.relationMetadata.set(metadata.name, metadata); }); const toRemove = new Set(); this.visibility.forEach((value, key) => { if ( !this.isVisibilityAllowed(key, value) || this.getDefaultVisibility(key) === value ) { toRemove.add(key); } }); toRemove.forEach((key) => { this.visibility.delete(key); }); this.setSelectedSymbol(this.selectedSymbol); this.updateTypeHashes(); } /** * Maintains a list of past and current color codes to avoid flashing * when the graph view updates. * * As long as the previously used colors are still in in `typeHashesMap`, * the view will not flash while Graphviz is recomputing, because we'll * keep emitting styles for the colors. */ private updateTypeHashes(): void { this.semantics.nodes.forEach(({ typeHash }) => { if ( typeHash !== undefined && typeHash.startsWith(TYPE_HASH_HEX_PREFFIX) ) { const key = typeHash.substring(TYPE_HASH_HEX_PREFFIX.length); this.typeHashesMap.set(key, 0); } }); this.hexTypeHashes = Array.from(this.typeHashesMap.keys()); this.hexTypeHashes.forEach((typeHash) => { const age = this.typeHashesMap.get(typeHash); if (age !== undefined && age < 10) { this.typeHashesMap.set(typeHash, age + 1); } else { this.typeHashesMap.delete(typeHash); } }); } get colorNodes(): boolean { return this.editorStore.colorIdentifiers; } get name(): string { return this.nameOverride ?? this.editorStore.simpleNameOrFallback; } }