import { type Range, RangeSet, type TransactionSpec, type EditorState, } from '@codemirror/state'; import { Decoration } from '@codemirror/view'; import defineDecorationSetExtension from './defineDecorationSetExtension'; export interface IOccurrence { from: number; to: number; } const [setOccurrencesInteral, findOccurrences] = defineDecorationSetExtension(); const writeDecoration = Decoration.mark({ class: 'cm-problem-write', }); const readDecoration = Decoration.mark({ class: 'cm-problem-read', }); export function setOccurrences( write: IOccurrence[], read: IOccurrence[], ): TransactionSpec { const decorations: Range[] = []; write.forEach(({ from, to }) => { decorations.push(writeDecoration.range(from, to)); }); read.forEach(({ from, to }) => { decorations.push(readDecoration.range(from, to)); }); const rangeSet = RangeSet.of(decorations, true); return setOccurrencesInteral(rangeSet); } export function isCursorWithinOccurence(state: EditorState): boolean { const occurrences = state.field(findOccurrences, false); if (occurrences === undefined) { return false; } const { selection: { main: { from, to }, }, } = state; let found = false; occurrences.between(from, to, (decorationFrom, decorationTo) => { if (decorationFrom <= from && to <= decorationTo) { found = true; return false; } return undefined; }); return found; } export default findOccurrences;