import { autocompletion, completionKeymap } from '@codemirror/autocomplete'; import { closeBrackets, closeBracketsKeymap } from '@codemirror/closebrackets'; import { defaultKeymap, indentWithTab } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { commentKeymap } from '@codemirror/comment'; import { foldGutter, foldKeymap } from '@codemirror/fold'; import { highlightActiveLineGutter, lineNumbers } from '@codemirror/gutter'; import { classHighlightStyle } from '@codemirror/highlight'; import { history, historyKeymap, redo, redoDepth, undo, undoDepth, } from '@codemirror/history'; import { indentOnInput } from '@codemirror/language'; import { Diagnostic, lintKeymap, setDiagnostics, } from '@codemirror/lint'; import { bracketMatching } from '@codemirror/matchbrackets'; import { rectangularSelection } from '@codemirror/rectangular-selection'; import { searchConfig, searchKeymap } from '@codemirror/search'; import { EditorState, StateCommand, StateEffect, Transaction, TransactionSpec, } from '@codemirror/state'; import { drawSelection, EditorView, highlightActiveLine, highlightSpecialChars, keymap, } from '@codemirror/view'; import { makeAutoObservable, observable, reaction, } from 'mobx'; import { findOccurrences, IOccurrence, setOccurrences } from './findOccurrences'; import { problemLanguageSupport } from '../language/problemLanguageSupport'; import { IHighlightRange, semanticHighlighting, setSemanticHighlighting, } from './semanticHighlighting'; import type { ThemeStore } from '../theme/ThemeStore'; import { getLogger } from '../utils/logger'; import { XtextClient } from '../xtext/XtextClient'; const log = getLogger('editor.EditorStore'); export class EditorStore { private readonly themeStore; state: EditorState; private readonly client: XtextClient; showLineNumbers = false; showSearchPanel = false; showLintPanel = false; errorCount = 0; warningCount = 0; infoCount = 0; private readonly defaultDispatcher = (tr: Transaction): void => { this.onTransaction(tr); }; private dispatcher = this.defaultDispatcher; constructor(initialValue: string, themeStore: ThemeStore) { this.themeStore = themeStore; this.state = EditorState.create({ doc: initialValue, extensions: [ autocompletion({ activateOnTyping: true, override: [ (context) => this.client.contentAssist(context), ], }), classHighlightStyle.extension, closeBrackets(), bracketMatching(), drawSelection(), EditorState.allowMultipleSelections.of(true), EditorView.theme({}, { dark: this.themeStore.darkMode, }), findOccurrences, highlightActiveLine(), highlightActiveLineGutter(), highlightSpecialChars(), history(), indentOnInput(), rectangularSelection(), searchConfig({ top: true, matchCase: true, }), semanticHighlighting, // We add the gutters to `extensions` in the order we want them to appear. lineNumbers(), foldGutter(), keymap.of([ { key: 'Mod-Shift-f', run: () => this.formatText() }, ...closeBracketsKeymap, ...commentKeymap, ...completionKeymap, ...foldKeymap, ...historyKeymap, indentWithTab, // Override keys in `lintKeymap` to go through the `EditorStore`. { key: 'Mod-Shift-m', run: () => this.setLintPanelOpen(true) }, ...lintKeymap, // Override keys in `searchKeymap` to go through the `EditorStore`. { key: 'Mod-f', run: () => this.setSearchPanelOpen(true), scope: 'editor search-panel' }, { key: 'Escape', run: () => this.setSearchPanelOpen(false), scope: 'editor search-panel' }, ...searchKeymap, ...defaultKeymap, ]), problemLanguageSupport(), ], }); this.client = new XtextClient(this); reaction( () => this.themeStore.darkMode, (darkMode) => { log.debug('Update editor dark mode', darkMode); this.dispatch({ effects: [ StateEffect.appendConfig.of(EditorView.theme({}, { dark: darkMode, })), ], }); }, ); makeAutoObservable(this, { state: observable.ref, }); } updateDispatcher(newDispatcher: ((tr: Transaction) => void) | null): void { this.dispatcher = newDispatcher || this.defaultDispatcher; } onTransaction(tr: Transaction): void { log.trace('Editor transaction', tr); this.state = tr.state; this.client.onTransaction(tr); } dispatch(...specs: readonly TransactionSpec[]): void { this.dispatcher(this.state.update(...specs)); } doStateCommand(command: StateCommand): boolean { return command({ state: this.state, dispatch: this.dispatcher, }); } updateDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): void { this.dispatch(setDiagnostics(this.state, diagnostics)); this.errorCount = 0; this.warningCount = 0; this.infoCount = 0; diagnostics.forEach(({ severity }) => { switch (severity) { case 'error': this.errorCount += 1; break; case 'warning': this.warningCount += 1; break; case 'info': this.infoCount += 1; break; } }); } get highestDiagnosticLevel(): Diagnostic['severity'] | null { if (this.errorCount > 0) { return 'error'; } if (this.warningCount > 0) { return 'warning'; } if (this.infoCount > 0) { return 'info'; } return null; } updateSemanticHighlighting(ranges: IHighlightRange[]): void { this.dispatch(setSemanticHighlighting(ranges)); } updateOccurrences(write: IOccurrence[], read: IOccurrence[]): void { this.dispatch(setOccurrences(write, read)); } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to undo */ get canUndo(): boolean { return undoDepth(this.state) > 0; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this undo(): void { log.debug('Undo', this.doStateCommand(undo)); } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to redo */ get canRedo(): boolean { return redoDepth(this.state) > 0; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this redo(): void { log.debug('Redo', this.doStateCommand(redo)); } toggleLineNumbers(): void { this.showLineNumbers = !this.showLineNumbers; log.debug('Show line numbers', this.showLineNumbers); } /** * Sets whether the CodeMirror search panel should be open. * * This method can be used as a CodeMirror command, * because it returns `false` if it didn't execute, * allowing other commands for the same keybind to run instead. * This matches the behavior of the `openSearchPanel` and `closeSearchPanel` * commands from `'@codemirror/search'`. * * @param newShosSearchPanel whether we should show the search panel * @returns `true` if the state was changed, `false` otherwise */ setSearchPanelOpen(newShowSearchPanel: boolean): boolean { if (this.showSearchPanel === newShowSearchPanel) { return false; } this.showSearchPanel = newShowSearchPanel; log.debug('Show search panel', this.showSearchPanel); return true; } toggleSearchPanel(): void { this.setSearchPanelOpen(!this.showSearchPanel); } setLintPanelOpen(newShowLintPanel: boolean): boolean { if (this.showLintPanel === newShowLintPanel) { return false; } this.showLintPanel = newShowLintPanel; log.debug('Show lint panel', this.showLintPanel); return true; } toggleLintPanel(): void { this.setLintPanelOpen(!this.showLintPanel); } formatText(): boolean { this.client.formatText(); return true; } }