/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import type { CompletionContext, CompletionResult, } from '@codemirror/autocomplete'; import { redo, redoDepth, undo, undoDepth } from '@codemirror/commands'; import { type Diagnostic, setDiagnostics, nextDiagnostic, } from '@codemirror/lint'; import { type StateCommand, StateEffect, type Transaction, type TransactionSpec, type EditorState, } from '@codemirror/state'; import { type Command, EditorView } from '@codemirror/view'; import { makeAutoObservable, observable, runInAction } from 'mobx'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import type PWAStore from '../PWAStore'; import GraphStore from '../graph/GraphStore'; import getLogger from '../utils/getLogger'; import type XtextClient from '../xtext/XtextClient'; import type { SemanticsSuccessResult } from '../xtext/xtextServiceResults'; import EditorErrors from './EditorErrors'; import GeneratedModelStore from './GeneratedModelStore'; import LintPanelStore from './LintPanelStore'; import SearchPanelStore from './SearchPanelStore'; import createEditorState from './createEditorState'; import { countDiagnostics } from './exposeDiagnostics'; import { type IOccurrence, setOccurrences } from './findOccurrences'; import { type IHighlightRange, setSemanticHighlighting, } from './semanticHighlighting'; const log = getLogger('editor.EditorStore'); export default class EditorStore { readonly id: string; state: EditorState; private client: XtextClient | undefined; view: EditorView | undefined; readonly searchPanel: SearchPanelStore; readonly lintPanel: LintPanelStore; readonly delayedErrors: EditorErrors; showLineNumbers = false; disposed = false; analyzing = false; semanticsError: string | undefined; graph: GraphStore; generatedModels = new Map(); selectedGeneratedModel: string | undefined; constructor(initialValue: string, pwaStore: PWAStore) { this.id = nanoid(); this.state = createEditorState(initialValue, this); this.delayedErrors = new EditorErrors(this); this.searchPanel = new SearchPanelStore(this); this.lintPanel = new LintPanelStore(this); (async () => { const { default: LazyXtextClient } = await import('../xtext/XtextClient'); runInAction(() => { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.client = new LazyXtextClient(this, pwaStore); this.client.start(); }); })().catch((error) => { log.error('Failed to load XtextClient', error); }); this.graph = new GraphStore(); makeAutoObservable(this, { id: false, state: observable.ref, client: observable.ref, view: observable.ref, searchPanel: false, lintPanel: false, contentAssist: false, formatText: false, }); } get opened(): boolean { return this.client?.webSocketClient.opened ?? false; } get opening(): boolean { return this.client?.webSocketClient.opening ?? true; } get disconnectedByUser(): boolean { return this.client?.webSocketClient.disconnectedByUser ?? false; } get networkMissing(): boolean { return this.client?.webSocketClient.networkMissing ?? false; } get connectionErrors(): string[] { return this.client?.webSocketClient.errors ?? []; } connect(): void { this.client?.webSocketClient.connect(); } disconnect(): void { this.client?.webSocketClient.disconnect(); } setDarkMode(darkMode: boolean): void { log.debug('Update editor dark mode', darkMode); this.dispatch({ effects: [ StateEffect.appendConfig.of([EditorView.darkTheme.of(darkMode)]), ], }); } setEditorParent(editorParent: Element | undefined): void { if (this.view !== undefined) { this.view.destroy(); } if (editorParent === undefined) { this.view = undefined; return; } const view = new EditorView({ state: this.state, parent: editorParent, dispatch: (transaction) => { this.dispatchTransactionWithoutView(transaction); view.update([transaction]); if (view.state !== this.state) { log.error( 'Failed to synchronize editor state - store state:', this.state, 'view state:', view.state, ); } }, }); this.view = view; this.searchPanel.synchronizeStateToView(); this.lintPanel.synchronizeStateToView(); // Reported by Lighthouse 8.3.0. const { contentDOM } = view; contentDOM.removeAttribute('aria-expanded'); contentDOM.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Code editor'); log.info('Editor created'); } dispatch(...specs: readonly TransactionSpec[]): void { const transaction = this.state.update(...specs); this.dispatchTransaction(transaction); } dispatchTransaction(transaction: Transaction): void { if (this.view === undefined) { this.dispatchTransactionWithoutView(transaction); } else { this.view.dispatch(transaction); } } private dispatchTransactionWithoutView(tr: Transaction): void { log.trace('Editor transaction', tr); this.state = tr.state; this.client?.onTransaction(tr); } doCommand(command: Command): boolean { if (this.view === undefined) { return false; } return command(this.view); } doStateCommand(command: StateCommand): boolean { return command({ state: this.state, dispatch: (transaction) => this.dispatchTransaction(transaction), }); } updateDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[]): void { this.dispatch(setDiagnostics(this.state, diagnostics)); } get errorCount(): number { return countDiagnostics(this.state, 'error'); } get warningCount(): number { return countDiagnostics(this.state, 'warning'); } get infoCount(): number { return countDiagnostics(this.state, 'info'); } nextDiagnostic(): void { this.doCommand(nextDiagnostic); } updateSemanticHighlighting(ranges: IHighlightRange[]): void { this.dispatch(setSemanticHighlighting(ranges)); } updateOccurrences(write: IOccurrence[], read: IOccurrence[]): void { this.dispatch(setOccurrences(write, read)); } async contentAssist( context: CompletionContext, ): Promise { if (this.client === undefined) { return null; } return this.client.contentAssist(context); } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to undo */ get canUndo(): boolean { return undoDepth(this.state) > 0; } undo(): void { log.debug('Undo', this.doStateCommand(undo)); } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to redo */ get canRedo(): boolean { return redoDepth(this.state) > 0; } redo(): void { log.debug('Redo', this.doStateCommand(redo)); } toggleLineNumbers(): void { this.showLineNumbers = !this.showLineNumbers; log.debug('Show line numbers', this.showLineNumbers); } get hasSelection(): boolean { return this.state.selection.ranges.some(({ from, to }) => from !== to); } formatText(): boolean { if (this.client === undefined) { return false; } this.client.formatText(); return true; } analysisStarted() { this.analyzing = true; } analysisCompleted(semanticAnalysisSkipped = false) { this.analyzing = false; if (semanticAnalysisSkipped) { this.semanticsError = undefined; } } setSemanticsError(semanticsError: string) { this.semanticsError = semanticsError; } setSemantics(semantics: SemanticsSuccessResult) { this.semanticsError = undefined; this.graph.setSemantics(semantics); } dispose(): void { this.client?.dispose(); this.delayedErrors.dispose(); this.disposed = true; } startModelGeneration(): void { this.client ?.startModelGeneration() ?.catch((error) => log.error('Could not start model generation', error)); } addGeneratedModel(uuid: string): void { this.generatedModels.set(uuid, new GeneratedModelStore()); this.selectGeneratedModel(uuid); } cancelModelGeneration(): void { this.client ?.cancelModelGeneration() ?.catch((error) => log.error('Could not start model generation', error)); } selectGeneratedModel(uuid: string | undefined): void { if (uuid === undefined) { this.selectedGeneratedModel = uuid; return; } if (this.generatedModels.has(uuid)) { this.selectedGeneratedModel = uuid; return; } this.selectedGeneratedModel = undefined; } deleteGeneratedModel(uuid: string | undefined): void { if (uuid === undefined) { return; } if (this.selectedGeneratedModel === uuid) { let previous: string | undefined; let found: string | undefined; this.generatedModels.forEach((_value, key) => { if (key === uuid) { found = previous; } previous = key; }); this.selectGeneratedModel(found); } const generatedModel = this.generatedModels.get(uuid); if (generatedModel !== undefined && generatedModel.running) { this.cancelModelGeneration(); } this.generatedModels.delete(uuid); } modelGenerationCancelled(): void { this.generatedModels.forEach((value) => value.setError('Model generation cancelled'), ); } setGeneratedModelMessage(uuid: string, message: string): void { this.generatedModels.get(uuid)?.setMessage(message); } setGeneratedModelError(uuid: string, message: string): void { this.generatedModels.get(uuid)?.setError(message); } setGeneratedModelSemantics( uuid: string, semantics: SemanticsSuccessResult, ): void { this.generatedModels.get(uuid)?.setSemantics(semantics); } get generating(): boolean { let generating = false; this.generatedModels.forEach((value) => { generating = generating || value.running; }); return generating; } }