import { getLogger } from 'loglevel'; import { makeAutoObservable, runInAction } from 'mobx'; import React, { createContext, useContext } from 'react'; import type EditorStore from './editor/EditorStore'; import ThemeStore from './theme/ThemeStore'; const log = getLogger('RootStore'); export default class RootStore { editorStore: EditorStore | undefined; readonly themeStore: ThemeStore; constructor(initialValue: string) { this.themeStore = new ThemeStore(); makeAutoObservable(this, { themeStore: false, }); import('./editor/EditorStore') .then(({ default: EditorStore }) => { runInAction(() => { this.editorStore = new EditorStore(initialValue); }); }) .catch((error) => { log.error('Failed to load EditorStore', error); }); } } const StoreContext = createContext(undefined); export interface RootStoreProviderProps { children: JSX.Element; rootStore: RootStore; } export function RootStoreProvider({ children, rootStore, }: RootStoreProviderProps): JSX.Element { return ( {children} ); } export const useRootStore = (): RootStore => { const rootStore = useContext(StoreContext); if (!rootStore) { throw new Error('useRootStore must be used within RootStoreProvider'); } return rootStore; };