/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import { getLogger } from 'loglevel'; import { makeAutoObservable, runInAction } from 'mobx'; import PWAStore from './PWAStore'; import type EditorStore from './editor/EditorStore'; import ExportSettingsScotre from './graph/ExportSettingsStore'; import Compressor from './persistence/Compressor'; import ThemeStore from './theme/ThemeStore'; const log = getLogger('RootStore'); export default class RootStore { private readonly compressor = new Compressor((text) => this.setInitialValue(text), ); private initialValue: string | undefined; private editorStoreClass: typeof EditorStore | undefined; editorStore: EditorStore | undefined; readonly pwaStore: PWAStore; readonly themeStore: ThemeStore; readonly exportSettingsStore: ExportSettingsScotre; disposed = false; constructor() { this.pwaStore = new PWAStore(); this.themeStore = new ThemeStore(); this.exportSettingsStore = new ExportSettingsScotre(); makeAutoObservable(this, { compressor: false, editorStoreClass: false, pwaStore: false, themeStore: false, exportSettingsStore: false, }); (async () => { const { default: EditorStore } = await import('./editor/EditorStore'); runInAction(() => { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.editorStoreClass = EditorStore; if (this.initialValue !== undefined) { this.setInitialValue(this.initialValue); } }); })().catch((error) => { log.error('Failed to load EditorStore', error); }); this.compressor.decompressInitial(); } private setInitialValue(initialValue: string): void { this.initialValue = initialValue; if (this.editorStoreClass !== undefined) { const EditorStore = this.editorStoreClass; this.editorStore = new EditorStore( this.initialValue, this.pwaStore, (text) => this.compressor.compress(text), ); } } dispose(): void { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.editorStore?.dispose(); this.compressor.dispose(); this.disposed = true; } }