/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import pnpapi from 'pnpapi'; import type { PluginOption, ResolvedConfig } from 'vite'; // Use a CJS file as the PnP resolution issuer to force resolution to a non-ESM export. const issuerFileName = 'worker.cjs'; export default function graphvizUMDVitePlugin(): PluginOption { let command: ResolvedConfig['command'] = 'build'; let root: string | undefined; let url: string | undefined; return { name: 'graphviz-umd', enforce: 'post', configResolved(config) { ({ command, root } = config); }, async buildStart() { const issuer = root === undefined ? issuerFileName : path.join(root, issuerFileName); const resolvedPath = pnpapi.resolveRequest( '@hpcc-js/wasm/graphviz', issuer, ); if (resolvedPath === null) { return; } if (command === 'serve') { url = `/@fs/${resolvedPath}`; } else { const content = await readFile(resolvedPath, null); url = this.emitFile({ name: path.basename(resolvedPath), type: 'asset', source: content, }); } }, renderStart() { if (url !== undefined && command !== 'serve') { url = this.getFileName(url); } }, transformIndexHtml() { if (url === undefined) { return undefined; } return [ { tag: 'script', attrs: { src: url, type: 'javascript/worker', }, injectTo: 'head', }, ]; }, }; }