/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import type { PluginOption, ServerOptions } from 'vite'; import backendConfigVitePlugin, { type BackendConfig, } from './backendConfigVitePlugin'; export const API_ENDPOINT = 'xtext-service'; export interface DevModeOptions { mode: string; isDevelopment: boolean; devModePlugins: PluginOption[]; serverOptions: ServerOptions; } interface ListenOptions { host: string; port: number; secure: boolean; } function detectListenOptions( name: string, fallbackHost: string, fallbackPort: number, ): ListenOptions { const host = process.env[`REFINERY_${name}_HOST`] ?? fallbackHost; const rawPort = process.env[`REFINERY_${name}_PORT`]; const port = rawPort === undefined ? fallbackPort : parseInt(rawPort, 10); const secure = port === 443; return { host, port, secure }; } function listenURL( { host, port, secure }: ListenOptions, protocol = 'http', ): string { return `${secure ? `${protocol}s` : protocol}://${host}:${port}`; } export default function detectDevModeOptions(): DevModeOptions { const mode = process.env['MODE'] || 'development'; const isDevelopment = mode === 'development'; if (!isDevelopment) { return { mode, isDevelopment, devModePlugins: [], serverOptions: {}, }; } const listen = detectListenOptions('LISTEN', 'localhost', 1313); // Make sure we always use IPv4 to connect to the backend, // because it doesn't listen on IPv6. const api = detectListenOptions('API', '', 1312); const publicAddress = detectListenOptions('PUBLIC', listen.host, listen.port); const backendConfig: BackendConfig = { webSocketURL: `${listenURL(publicAddress, 'ws')}/${API_ENDPOINT}`, }; return { mode, isDevelopment, devModePlugins: [backendConfigVitePlugin(backendConfig)], serverOptions: { host: listen.host, port: listen.port, strictPort: true, https: listen.secure, headers: { // Enable strict origin isolation, see e.g., // https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/3909#issuecomment-1065893956 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy': 'same-origin', 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy': 'require-corp', 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy': 'cross-origin', }, proxy: { [`/${API_ENDPOINT}`]: { target: listenURL(api), ws: true, secure: api.secure, }, }, hmr: { host: publicAddress.host, clientPort: publicAddress.port, path: '/vite', }, }, }; }