/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ import clsx from 'clsx'; import Fi1 from './fi1.svg'; import Fi2 from './fi2.svg'; import Fi3 from './fi3.svg'; import Fi4 from './fi4.svg'; import Fi5 from './fi5.svg'; import styles from './index.module.css'; function Feature({ icon, title, offset, even, children, }: { icon: React.ReactNode; title: string; offset?: number; even?: boolean; children: React.ReactNode; }) { return (



); } export default function Features() { return (


} title="Diverse graph generation"> Refinery provides a framework for the automated generation of graphs. } title="Model with uncertainty" even> Partial modeling allows us to explicitly represent unknown or uncertain knowledge in our models. The Refinery framework enables us to explore design alternatives systematically. } title="Formal logic reasoning"> Refinery combines the mathematical precision of formal logic structures with the expressiveness of graph-based models. Underlying solver algorithms ensure formal correctness and completeness of generation processes.
} title="Advanced web-based editor" offset={2} even > Designers are supported with state-of-the-art web-based editors with advanced IDE features and visualization techniques. The framework can be applied as a simple command-line interface program or deployed on the cloud. } title="Powerful graph algorithms"> Refinery is equipped with powerful algorithms such as incremental query evaluation, efficient graph isomorphism checking, and version-controlled data structures to solve various modeling and graph processing problems.
); }