package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; public class MultiThreadTestRunnable implements Runnable { String scenario; VersionedMapStore store; int steps; int maxKey; String[] values; int seed; int commitFrequency; List errors = new LinkedList<>(); public MultiThreadTestRunnable(String scenario, VersionedMapStore store, int steps, int maxKey, String[] values, int seed, int commitFrequency) { super(); this.scenario = scenario; = store; this.steps = steps; this.maxKey = maxKey; this.values = values; this.seed = seed; this.commitFrequency = commitFrequency; } private void logAndThrowError(String message) { AssertionError error = new AssertionError(message); errors.add(error); } public List getErrors() { return errors; } @Override public void run() { // 1. build a map with versions Random r = new Random(seed); VersionedMapImpl versioned = (VersionedMapImpl) store.createMap(); Map index2Version = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { int index = i + 1; int nextKey = r.nextInt(maxKey); String nextValue = values[r.nextInt(values.length)]; try { versioned.put(nextKey, nextValue); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); logAndThrowError(scenario + ":" + index + ": exception happened: " + exception); } if (index % commitFrequency == 0) { long version = versioned.commit(); index2Version.put(i, version); } MapTestEnvironment.printStatus(scenario, index, steps, "building"); } // 2. create a non-versioned VersionedMapImpl reference = (VersionedMapImpl) store.createMap(); r = new Random(seed); Random r2 = new Random(seed+1); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { int index = i + 1; int nextKey = r.nextInt(maxKey); String nextValue = values[r.nextInt(values.length)]; try { reference.put(nextKey, nextValue); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); logAndThrowError(scenario + ":" + index + ": exception happened: " + exception); } // go back to an existing state and compare to the reference if (index % (commitFrequency) == 0) { versioned.restore(index2Version.get(i)); MapTestEnvironment.compareTwoMaps(scenario + ":" + index, reference, versioned,errors); // go back to a random state (probably created by another thread) List states = new ArrayList<>(store.getStates()); Collections.shuffle(states, r2); for(Long state : states.subList(0, Math.min(states.size(), 100))) { versioned.restore(state); } versioned.restore(index2Version.get(i)); } MapTestEnvironment.printStatus(scenario, index, steps, "comparison"); } } }