package; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Timeout; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; class ContentEqualsFuzzTest { private void runFuzzTest(String scenario, int seed, int steps, int maxKey, int maxValue, int commitFrequency, boolean evilHash) { String[] values = MapTestEnvironment.prepareValues(maxValue); ContinousHashProvider chp = MapTestEnvironment.prepareHashProvider(evilHash); Random r = new Random(seed); iterativeRandomPutsAndCommitsThenCompare(scenario, chp, steps, maxKey, values, r, commitFrequency); } private void iterativeRandomPutsAndCommitsThenCompare(String scenario, ContinousHashProvider chp, int steps, int maxKey, String[] values, Random r, int commitFrequency) { VersionedMapStore store1 = new VersionedMapStoreImpl(chp, values[0]); VersionedMap sut1 = store1.createMap(); // Fill one map for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) { int index1 = i + 1; int nextKey = r.nextInt(maxKey); String nextValue = values[r.nextInt(values.length)]; try { sut1.put(nextKey, nextValue); } catch (Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); fail(scenario + ":" + index1 + ": exception happened: " + exception); } MapTestEnvironment.printStatus(scenario, index1, steps, "Fill"); if (index1 % commitFrequency == 0) { sut1.commit(); } } // Get the content of the first map List> content = new LinkedList<>(); Cursor cursor = sut1.getAll(); while (cursor.move()) { content.add(new SimpleEntry<>(cursor.getKey(), cursor.getValue())); } // Randomize the order of the content Collections.shuffle(content, r); VersionedMapStore store2 = new VersionedMapStoreImpl(chp, values[0]); VersionedMap sut2 = store2.createMap(); int index2 = 1; for (SimpleEntry entry : content) { sut2.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); if(index2++%commitFrequency == 0) sut2.commit(); } // Check the integrity of the maps ((VersionedMapImpl) sut1).checkIntegrity(); ((VersionedMapImpl) sut2).checkIntegrity(); // // Compare the two maps // By size assertEquals(sut1.getSize(), content.size()); assertEquals(sut2.getSize(), content.size()); // By cursors Cursor cursor1 = sut1.getAll(); Cursor cursor2 = sut2.getAll(); int index3 = 1; boolean canMove = true; do{ boolean canMove1 = cursor1.move(); boolean canMove2 = cursor2.move(); assertEquals(canMove1, canMove2, scenario + ":" + index3 +" Cursors stopped at different times!"); assertEquals(cursor1.getKey(), cursor2.getKey(), scenario + ":" + index3 +" Cursors have different keys!"); assertEquals(cursor1.getValue(), cursor2.getValue(), scenario + ":" + index3 +" Cursors have different values!"); canMove = canMove1; MapTestEnvironment.printStatus(scenario, index3++, content.size(), "Compare"); } while (canMove); // By hashcode assertEquals(sut1.hashCode(), sut2.hashCode(), "Hash codes are not equal!"); // By equals assertEquals(sut1, sut2, "Maps are not equals"); } @ParameterizedTest(name = "Compare {index}/{0} Steps={1} Keys={2} Values={3} commit frequency={4} seed={5} evil-hash={6}") @MethodSource @Timeout(value = 10) @Tag("fuzz") void parametrizedFastFuzz(int tests, int steps, int noKeys, int noValues, int commitFrequency, int seed, boolean evilHash) { runFuzzTest("CompareS" + steps + "K" + noKeys + "V" + noValues + "s" + seed, seed, steps, noKeys, noValues, commitFrequency, evilHash); } static Stream parametrizedFastFuzz() { return FuzzTestUtils.permutationWithSize(new Object[] { FuzzTestUtils.FAST_STEP_COUNT }, new Object[] { 3, 32, 32 * 32 }, new Object[] { 2, 3 }, new Object[] { 1, 10, 100 }, new Object[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new Object[] { false, true }); } @ParameterizedTest(name = "Compare {index}/{0} Steps={1} Keys={2} Values={3} commit frequency={4} seed={5} evil-hash={6}") @MethodSource @Tag("fuzz") @Tag("slow") void parametrizedSlowFuzz(int tests, int steps, int noKeys, int noValues, int commitFrequency, int seed, boolean evilHash) { runFuzzTest("CompareS" + steps + "K" + noKeys + "V" + noValues + "s" + seed, seed, steps, noKeys, noValues, commitFrequency, evilHash); } static Stream parametrizedSlowFuzz() { return FuzzTestUtils.changeStepCount(parametrizedFastFuzz(), 1); } }