package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import; public class ImmutableNode extends Node { /** * Bitmap defining the stored key and values. */ final int dataMap; /** * Bitmap defining the positions of further nodes. */ final int nodeMap; /** * Stores Keys, Values, and subnodes. Structure: (K,V)*,NODE; NODES are stored backwards. */ final Object[] content; /** * Hash code derived from immutable hash code */ final int precalculatedHash; private ImmutableNode(int dataMap, int nodeMap, Object[] content, int precalculatedHash) { super(); this.dataMap = dataMap; this.nodeMap = nodeMap; this.content = content; this.precalculatedHash = precalculatedHash; } /** * Constructor that copies a mutable node to an immutable. * * @param node A mutable node. * @param cache A cache of existing immutable nodes. It can be used to search * and place reference immutable nodes. It can be null, if no cache * available. * @return an immutable version of the input node. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static ImmutableNode constructImmutable(MutableNode node, Map, ImmutableNode> cache) { // 1. try to return from cache if(cache != null) { ImmutableNode cachedResult = cache.get(node); if(cachedResult != null) { // 1.1 Already cached, return from cache. return cachedResult; } } // 2. otherwise construct a new ImmutableNode int size = 0; for(int i = 0; i subnode = (Node) node.content[i*2+1]; if(subnode != null) { ImmutableNode immutableSubnode = subnode.toImmutable(cache); resultNodeMap |=bitposition; resultContent[size-1-nodes] = immutableSubnode; nodes++; } } bitposition<<=1; } final int resultHash = node.hashCode(); ImmutableNode newImmutable = new ImmutableNode<>(resultDataMap, resultNodeMap, resultContent, resultHash); // 3. save new immutable. if(cache != null) { cache.put(newImmutable, newImmutable); } return newImmutable; } private int index(int bitmap, int bitpos) { return Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (bitpos-1)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public V getValue(K key, ContinousHashProvider hashProvider, V defaultValue, int hash, int depth) { int selectedHashFragment = hashFragment(hash,shiftDepth(depth)); int bitposition = 1 << selectedHashFragment; // If the key is stored as a data if((dataMap & bitposition) != 0) { int keyIndex = 2*index(dataMap, bitposition); K keyCandidate = (K) content[keyIndex]; if(keyCandidate.equals(key)) { return (V) content[keyIndex+1]; } else { return defaultValue; } } // the key is stored as a node else if((nodeMap & bitposition) != 0) { int keyIndex = content.length-1-index(nodeMap, bitposition); ImmutableNode subNode = (ImmutableNode) content[keyIndex]; int newDepth = depth+1; int newHash = newHash(hashProvider, key, hash, newDepth); return subNode.getValue(key, hashProvider, defaultValue, newHash, newDepth); } // the key is not stored at all else { return defaultValue; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Node putValue(K key, V value, OldValueBox oldValue, ContinousHashProvider hashProvider, V defaultValue, int hash, int depth) { int selectedHashFragment = hashFragment(hash,shiftDepth(depth)); int bitposition = 1 << selectedHashFragment; if((dataMap & bitposition) != 0) { int keyIndex = 2*index(dataMap, bitposition); K keyCandidate = (K) content[keyIndex]; if(keyCandidate.equals(key)) { if(value == defaultValue) { // delete MutableNode mutable = this.toMutable(); return mutable.removeEntry(selectedHashFragment,oldValue); } else if(value == content[keyIndex+1]) { // dont change oldValue.setOldValue(value); return this; } else { // update existing value MutableNode mutable = this.toMutable(); return mutable.updateValue(value, oldValue, selectedHashFragment); } } else { if(value == defaultValue) { // dont change oldValue.setOldValue(defaultValue); return this; } else { // add new key + value MutableNode mutable = this.toMutable(); return mutable.putValue(key, value, oldValue, hashProvider, defaultValue, hash, depth); } } } else if((nodeMap & bitposition)!=0) { int keyIndex = content.length-1-index(nodeMap, bitposition); ImmutableNode subNode = (ImmutableNode) content[keyIndex]; int newDepth = depth+1; int newHash = newHash(hashProvider, key, hash, newDepth); Node newsubNode = subNode.putValue(key, value, oldValue, hashProvider, defaultValue, newHash, newDepth); if(subNode == newsubNode) { // nothing changed return this; } else { MutableNode mutable = toMutable(); return mutable.updateWithSubNode(selectedHashFragment, newsubNode, value.equals(defaultValue)); } } else { // add new key + value MutableNode mutable = this.toMutable(); return mutable.putValue(key, value, oldValue, hashProvider, defaultValue, hash, depth); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public long getSize() { int result = Integer.bitCount(this.dataMap); for(int subnodeIndex = 0; subnodeIndex < Integer.bitCount(this.nodeMap); subnodeIndex++) { ImmutableNode subnode = (ImmutableNode) this.content[this.content.length-1-subnodeIndex]; result += subnode.getSize(); } return result; } @Override protected MutableNode toMutable() { return new MutableNode<>(this); } @Override public ImmutableNode toImmutable( Map, ImmutableNode> cache) { return this; } @Override protected MutableNode isMutable() { return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override boolean moveToNext(MapCursor cursor) { // 1. try to move to data int datas = Integer.bitCount(this.dataMap); if(cursor.dataIndex != MapCursor.INDEX_FINISH) { int newDataIndex = cursor.dataIndex + 1; if(newDataIndex < datas) { cursor.dataIndex = newDataIndex; cursor.key = (K) this.content[newDataIndex*2]; cursor.value = (V) this.content[newDataIndex*2+1]; return true; } else { cursor.dataIndex = MapCursor.INDEX_FINISH; } } // 2. look inside the subnodes int nodes = Integer.bitCount(this.nodeMap); int newNodeIndex = cursor.nodeIndexStack.peek() + 1; if(newNodeIndex < nodes) { // 2.1 found next subnode, move down to the subnode Node subnode = (Node) this.content[this.content.length-1-newNodeIndex]; cursor.dataIndex = MapCursor.INDEX_START; cursor.nodeIndexStack.pop(); cursor.nodeIndexStack.push(newNodeIndex); cursor.nodeIndexStack.push(MapCursor.INDEX_START); cursor.nodeStack.push(subnode); return subnode.moveToNext(cursor); } else { // 3. no subnode found, move up cursor.nodeStack.pop(); cursor.nodeIndexStack.pop(); if(!cursor.nodeStack.isEmpty()) { Node supernode = cursor.nodeStack.peek(); return supernode.moveToNext(cursor); } else { cursor.key = null; cursor.value = null; return false; } } } @Override public void prettyPrint(StringBuilder builder, int depth, int code) { for(int i = 0; i=0) { builder.append(code); builder.append(":"); } builder.append("Immutable("); boolean hadContent = false; int dataMask = 1; for(int i = 0; i["); builder.append(content[2*index(dataMap, dataMask)+1].toString()); builder.append("]"); hadContent = true; } dataMask<<=1; } builder.append(")"); int nodeMask = 1; for(int i = 0; i subNode = (Node) content[content.length-1-index(nodeMap, nodeMask)]; builder.append("\n"); subNode.prettyPrint(builder, depth+1, i); } nodeMask<<=1; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void checkIntegrity(ContinousHashProvider hashProvider, V defaultValue, int depth) { if(depth>0) { boolean orphaned = Integer.bitCount(dataMap) == 1 && nodeMap == 0; if(orphaned) { throw new IllegalStateException("Orphaned node! " + dataMap + ": " + content[0]); } } // check the place of data // check subnodes for(int i = 0; i subnode = (Node) this.content[this.content.length-1-i]; if(! (subnode instanceof ImmutableNode)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Immutable node contains mutable subnodes!"); } else { subnode.checkIntegrity(hashProvider, defaultValue, depth+1); } } } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.precalculatedHash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (obj instanceof ImmutableNode) { ImmutableNode other = (ImmutableNode) obj; if (precalculatedHash != other.precalculatedHash || dataMap != other.dataMap || nodeMap != other.nodeMap || !Arrays.deepEquals(content, other.content)) return false; else return true; } else if(obj instanceof MutableNode) { return ImmutableNode.compareImmutableMutable(this, (MutableNode) obj); } else { return false; } } public static boolean compareImmutableMutable( ImmutableNode immutable, MutableNode mutable) { int datas = 0; int nodes = 0; final int immutableLength = immutable.content.length; for(int i = 0; i mutableSubnode = (Node) mutable.content[i*2+1]; if(mutableSubnode != null) { if(datas*2+nodes+1 <= immutableLength) { Object immutableSubnode = immutable.content[immutableLength-1-nodes]; if(!mutableSubnode.equals(immutableSubnode)) { return false; } nodes++; } else { return false; } } } } return true; } }