package; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import static; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import; public class MapTestEnvironment { public static String[] prepareValues(int maxValue) { String[] values = new String[maxValue]; values[0] = "DEFAULT"; for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = "VAL" + i; } return values; } public static ContinousHashProvider prepareHashProvider(final boolean evil) { // Use maxPrime = 2147483629 ContinousHashProvider chp = new ContinousHashProvider() { @Override public int getHash(Integer key, int index) { if (evil && index < 15 && index < key / 3) { return 7; } int result = 1; final int prime = 31; result = prime * result + key; result = prime * result + index; return result; } }; return chp; } public static void printStatus(String scenario, int actual, int max, String stepName) { if (actual % 10000 == 0) { String printStepName = stepName == null ? "" : stepName; System.out.format(scenario + ":%d/%d (%d%%) " + printStepName + "%n", actual, max, actual * 100 / max); } } public static void compareTwoMaps(String title, VersionedMapImpl map1, VersionedMapImpl map2) { // 1. Comparing cursors. Cursor cursor1 = map1.getCursor(); Cursor cursor2 = map2.getCursor(); while (!cursor1.isTerminated()) { if (cursor2.isTerminated()) { fail("cursor 2 terminated before cursor1"); } assertEquals(cursor1.getKey(), cursor2.getKey()); assertEquals(cursor2.getValue(), cursor2.getValue()); cursor1.move(); cursor2.move(); } if (!cursor2.isTerminated()) fail("cursor 1 terminated before cursor 2"); // 2.1. comparing hash codes assertEquals(map1.hashCode(), map2.hashCode(), title + ": hash code check"); assertEquals(map1, map2, title + ": 1.equals(2)"); assertEquals(map2, map1, title + ": 2.equals(1)"); } public VersionedMapImpl sut; Map oracle = new HashMap(); public MapTestEnvironment(VersionedMapImpl sut) { this.sut = sut; } public void put(KEY key, VALUE value) { sut.put(key, value); if (value != sut.getDefaultValue()) { oracle.put(key, value); } else { oracle.remove(key); } } public void checkEquivalence(String title) { // 0. Checking integrity try { sut.checkIntegrity(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { fail(title + ": " + e.getMessage()); } // 1. Checking: if Reference contains pair, then SUT contains // pair. // Tests get functions for (Entry entry : oracle.entrySet()) { VALUE sutValue = sut.get(entry.getKey()); VALUE oracleValue = entry.getValue(); if (sutValue != oracleValue) { printComparison(); fail(title + ": Non-equivalent get(" + entry.getKey() + ") results: SUT=" + sutValue + ", Oracle=" + oracleValue + "!"); } } // 2. Checking: if SUT contains pair, then Reference contains // pair. // Tests iterators // TODO: Counts the number of elements in the entryset int elementsInSutEntrySet = 0; Cursor cursor = sut.getCursor(); while (cursor.move()) { elementsInSutEntrySet++; KEY key = cursor.getKey(); VALUE sutValue = cursor.getValue(); // System.out.println(key + " -> " + sutValue); VALUE oracleValue = oracle.get(key); if (sutValue != oracleValue) { printComparison(); fail(title + ": Non-equivalent entry in iterator: SUT=<" + key + "," + sutValue + ">, Oracle=<" + key + "," + oracleValue + ">!"); } } // 3. Checking sizes // Counting of non-default value pairs. int oracleSize = oracle.entrySet().size(); long sutSize = sut.getSize(); if (oracleSize != sutSize || oracleSize != elementsInSutEntrySet) { printComparison(); fail(title + ": Non-eqivalent size() result: SUT.getSize()=" + sutSize + ", SUT.entryset.size=" + elementsInSutEntrySet + ", Oracle=" + oracleSize + "!"); } } public void printComparison() { System.out.println("SUT:"); printEntrySet(sut.getCursor()); System.out.println("Oracle:"); printEntrySet(oracle.entrySet().iterator()); } private void printEntrySet(Iterator> iterator) { TreeMap treemap = new TreeMap<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry entry =; treemap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for (Entry e : treemap.entrySet()) { System.out.println("\t" + e.getKey() + " -> " + e.getValue()); } } private void printEntrySet(Cursor cursor) { TreeMap treemap = new TreeMap<>(); while (cursor.move()) { treemap.put(cursor.getKey(), cursor.getValue()); } for (Entry e : treemap.entrySet()) { System.out.println("\t" + e.getKey() + " -> " + e.getValue()); } } }