/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015, 2017 itemis AG (http://www.itemis.eu) and others. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 *******************************************************************************/ /* * Use `createEditor(options)` to create an Xtext editor. You can specify options either * through the function parameter or through `data-editor-x` attributes, where x is an * option name with camelCase converted to hyphen-separated. * In addition to the options supported by CodeMirror (https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#config), * the following options are available: * * baseUrl = "/" {String} * The path segment where the Xtext service is found; see serviceUrl option. * contentType {String} * The content type included in requests to the Xtext server. * dirtyElement {String | DOMElement} * An element into which the dirty status class is written when the editor is marked dirty; * it can be either a DOM element or an ID for a DOM element. * dirtyStatusClass = 'dirty' {String} * A CSS class name written into the dirtyElement when the editor is marked dirty. * document {Document} * The document; if not specified, the global document is used. * enableContentAssistService = true {Boolean} * Whether content assist should be enabled. * enableCors = true {Boolean} * Whether CORS should be enabled for service request. * enableFormattingAction = false {Boolean} * Whether the formatting action should be bound to the standard keystroke ctrl+shift+s / cmd+shift+f. * enableFormattingService = true {Boolean} * Whether text formatting should be enabled. * enableGeneratorService = true {Boolean} * Whether code generation should be enabled (must be triggered through JavaScript code). * enableHighlightingService = true {Boolean} * Whether semantic highlighting (computed on the server) should be enabled. * enableOccurrencesService = true {Boolean} * Whether marking occurrences should be enabled. * enableSaveAction = false {Boolean} * Whether the save action should be bound to the standard keystroke ctrl+s / cmd+s. * enableValidationService = true {Boolean} * Whether validation should be enabled. * loadFromServer = true {Boolean} * Whether to load the editor content from the server. * mode {String} * The name of the syntax highlighting mode to use; the mode has to be registered externally * (see CodeMirror documentation). * parent = 'xtext-editor' {String | DOMElement} * The parent element for the view; it can be either a DOM element or an ID for a DOM element. * parentClass = 'xtext-editor' {String} * If the 'parent' option is not given, this option is used to find elements that match the given class name. * resourceId {String} * The identifier of the resource displayed in the text editor; this option is sent to the server to * communicate required information on the respective resource. * selectionUpdateDelay = 550 {Number} * The number of milliseconds to wait after a selection change before Xtext services are invoked. * sendFullText = false {Boolean} * Whether the full text shall be sent to the server with each request; use this if you want * the server to run in stateless mode. If the option is inactive, the server state is updated regularly. * serviceUrl {String} * The URL of the Xtext servlet; if no value is given, it is constructed using the baseUrl option in the form * {location.protocol}//{location.host}{baseUrl}xtext-service * showErrorDialogs = false {Boolean} * Whether errors should be displayed in popup dialogs. * syntaxDefinition {String} * If the 'mode' option is not set, the default mode 'xtext/{xtextLang}' is used. Set this option to * 'none' to suppress this behavior and disable syntax highlighting. * textUpdateDelay = 500 {Number} * The number of milliseconds to wait after a text change before Xtext services are invoked. * xtextLang {String} * The language name (usually the file extension configured for the language). */ define([ 'jquery', 'codemirror', 'codemirror/addon/hint/show-hint', 'xtext/compatibility', 'xtext/ServiceBuilder', 'xtext/CodeMirrorEditorContext', 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript' ], function(jQuery, CodeMirror, ShowHint, compatibility, ServiceBuilder, EditorContext) { var exports = {}; /** * Create one or more Xtext editor instances configured with the given options. * The return value is either a CodeMirror editor or an array of CodeMirror editors. */ exports.createEditor = function(options) { if (!options) options = {}; var query; if (jQuery.type(options.parent) === 'string') { query = jQuery('#' + options.parent, options.document); } else if (options.parent) { query = jQuery(options.parent); } else if (jQuery.type(options.parentClass) === 'string') { query = jQuery('.' + options.parentClass, options.document); } else { query = jQuery('#xtext-editor', options.document); if (query.length == 0) query = jQuery('.xtext-editor', options.document); } var editors = []; query.each(function(index, parent) { var editorOptions = ServiceBuilder.mergeParentOptions(parent, options); if (!editorOptions.value) editorOptions.value = jQuery(parent).text(); var editor = CodeMirror(function(element) { jQuery(parent).empty().append(element); }, editorOptions); exports.createServices(editor, editorOptions); editors[index] = editor; }); if (editors.length == 1) return editors[0]; else return editors; } function CodeMirrorServiceBuilder(editor, xtextServices) { this.editor = editor; xtextServices.editorContext._highlightingMarkers = []; xtextServices.editorContext._validationMarkers = []; xtextServices.editorContext._occurrenceMarkers = []; ServiceBuilder.call(this, xtextServices); } CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype = new ServiceBuilder(); /** * Configure Xtext services for the given editor. The editor does not have to be created * with createEditor(options). */ exports.createServices = function(editor, options) { if (options.enableValidationService || options.enableValidationService === undefined) { editor.setOption('gutters', ['annotations-gutter']); } var xtextServices = { options: options, editorContext: new EditorContext(editor) }; var serviceBuilder = new CodeMirrorServiceBuilder(editor, xtextServices); serviceBuilder.createServices(); xtextServices.serviceBuilder = serviceBuilder; editor.xtextServices = xtextServices; return xtextServices; } /** * Remove all services and listeners that have been previously created with createServices(editor, options). */ exports.removeServices = function(editor) { if (!editor.xtextServices) return; var services = editor.xtextServices; if (services.modelChangeListener) editor.off('changes', services.modelChangeListener); if (services.cursorActivityListener) editor.off('cursorActivity', services.cursorActivityListener); if (services.saveKeyMap) editor.removeKeyMap(services.saveKeyMap); if (services.contentAssistKeyMap) editor.removeKeyMap(services.contentAssistKeyMap); if (services.formatKeyMap) editor.removeKeyMap(services.formatKeyMap); var editorContext = services.editorContext; var highlightingMarkers = editorContext._highlightingMarkers; if (highlightingMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < highlightingMarkers.length; i++) { highlightingMarkers[i].clear(); } } if (editorContext._validationAnnotations) services.serviceBuilder._clearAnnotations(editorContext._validationAnnotations); var validationMarkers = editorContext._validationMarkers; if (validationMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < validationMarkers.length; i++) { validationMarkers[i].clear(); } } var occurrenceMarkers = editorContext._occurrenceMarkers; if (occurrenceMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < occurrenceMarkers.length; i++)  { occurrenceMarkers[i].clear(); } } delete editor.xtextServices; } /** * Syntax highlighting (without semantic highlighting). */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupSyntaxHighlighting = function() { var options = this.services.options; // If the mode option is set, syntax highlighting has already been configured by CM if (!options.mode && options.syntaxDefinition != 'none' && options.xtextLang) { this.editor.setOption('mode', 'xtext/' + options.xtextLang); } } /** * Document update service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupUpdateService = function(refreshDocument) { var services = this.services; var editorContext = services.editorContext; var textUpdateDelay = services.options.textUpdateDelay; if (!textUpdateDelay) textUpdateDelay = 500; services.modelChangeListener = function(event) { if (!event._xtext_init) editorContext.setDirty(true); if (editorContext._modelChangeTimeout) clearTimeout(editorContext._modelChangeTimeout); editorContext._modelChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (services.options.sendFullText) refreshDocument(); else services.update(); }, textUpdateDelay); } if (!services.options.resourceId || !services.options.loadFromServer) services.modelChangeListener({_xtext_init: true}); this.editor.on('changes', services.modelChangeListener); } /** * Persistence services: load, save, and revert. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupPersistenceServices = function() { var services = this.services; if (services.options.enableSaveAction) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var saveFunction = function(editor) { services.saveResource(); }; services.saveKeyMap = /mac os/.test(userAgent) ? {'Cmd-S': saveFunction}: {'Ctrl-S': saveFunction}; this.editor.addKeyMap(services.saveKeyMap); } } /** * Content assist service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupContentAssistService = function() { var services = this.services; var editorContext = services.editorContext; services.contentAssistKeyMap = {'Ctrl-Space': function(editor) { var params = ServiceBuilder.copy(services.options); var cursor = editor.getCursor(); params.offset = editor.indexFromPos(cursor); services.contentAssistService.invoke(editorContext, params).done(function(entries) { editor.showHint({hint: function(editor, options) { return { list: entries.map(function(entry) { var displayText; if (entry.label) displayText = entry.label; else displayText = entry.proposal; if (entry.description) displayText += ' (' + entry.description + ')'; var prefixLength = 0 if (entry.prefix) prefixLength = entry.prefix.length return { text: entry.proposal, displayText: displayText, from: { line: cursor.line, ch: cursor.ch - prefixLength } }; }), to: cursor }; }}); }); }}; this.editor.addKeyMap(services.contentAssistKeyMap); } /** * Semantic highlighting service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.doHighlighting = function() { var services = this.services; var editorContext = services.editorContext; var editor = this.editor; services.computeHighlighting().always(function() { var highlightingMarkers = editorContext._highlightingMarkers; if (highlightingMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < highlightingMarkers.length; i++) { highlightingMarkers[i].clear(); } } editorContext._highlightingMarkers = []; }).done(function(result) { for (var i = 0; i < result.regions.length; ++i) { var region = result.regions[i]; var from = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset); var to = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset + region.length); region.styleClasses.forEach(function(styleClass) { var marker = editor.markText(from, to, {className: styleClass}); editorContext._highlightingMarkers.push(marker); }); } }); } var annotationWeight = { error: 30, warning: 20, info: 10 }; CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype._getAnnotationWeight = function(annotation) { if (annotationWeight[annotation] !== undefined) return annotationWeight[annotation]; else return 0; } CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype._clearAnnotations = function(annotations) { var editor = this.editor; for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation) { editor.setGutterMarker(i, 'annotations-gutter', null); annotations[i] = undefined; } } } CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype._refreshAnnotations = function(annotations) { var editor = this.editor; for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { var annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation) { var classProp = ' class="xtext-annotation_' + annotation.type + '"'; var titleProp = annotation.description ? ' title="' + annotation.description.replace(/"/g, '"') + '"' : ''; var element = jQuery('').get(0); editor.setGutterMarker(i, 'annotations-gutter', element); } } } /** * Validation service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.doValidation = function() { var services = this.services; var editorContext = services.editorContext; var editor = this.editor; var self = this; services.validate().always(function() { if (editorContext._validationAnnotations) self._clearAnnotations(editorContext._validationAnnotations); else editorContext._validationAnnotations = []; var validationMarkers = editorContext._validationMarkers; if (validationMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < validationMarkers.length; i++) { validationMarkers[i].clear(); } } editorContext._validationMarkers = []; }).done(function(result) { var validationAnnotations = editorContext._validationAnnotations; for (var i = 0; i < result.issues.length; i++) { var entry = result.issues[i]; var annotation = validationAnnotations[entry.line - 1]; var weight = self._getAnnotationWeight(entry.severity); if (annotation) { if (annotation.weight < weight) { annotation.type = entry.severity; annotation.weight = weight; } if (annotation.description) annotation.description += '\n' + entry.description; else annotation.description = entry.description; } else { validationAnnotations[entry.line - 1] = { type: entry.severity, weight: weight, description: entry.description }; } var from = editor.posFromIndex(entry.offset); var to = editor.posFromIndex(entry.offset + entry.length); var marker = editor.markText(from, to, { className: 'xtext-marker_' + entry.severity, title: entry.description }); editorContext._validationMarkers.push(marker); } self._refreshAnnotations(validationAnnotations); }); } /** * Occurrences service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupOccurrencesService = function() { var services = this.services; var editorContext = services.editorContext; var selectionUpdateDelay = services.options.selectionUpdateDelay; if (!selectionUpdateDelay) selectionUpdateDelay = 550; var editor = this.editor; var self = this; services.cursorActivityListener = function() { if (editorContext._selectionChangeTimeout) { clearTimeout(editorContext._selectionChangeTimeout); } editorContext._selectionChangeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var params = ServiceBuilder.copy(services.options); var cursor = editor.getCursor(); params.offset = editor.indexFromPos(cursor); services.occurrencesService.invoke(editorContext, params).always(function() { var occurrenceMarkers = editorContext._occurrenceMarkers; if (occurrenceMarkers) { for (var i = 0; i < occurrenceMarkers.length; i++)  { occurrenceMarkers[i].clear(); } } editorContext._occurrenceMarkers = []; }).done(function(occurrencesResult) { for (var i = 0; i < occurrencesResult.readRegions.length; i++) { var region = occurrencesResult.readRegions[i]; var from = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset); var to = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset + region.length); var marker = editor.markText(from, to, {className: 'xtext-marker_read'}); editorContext._occurrenceMarkers.push(marker); } for (var i = 0; i < occurrencesResult.writeRegions.length; i++) { var region = occurrencesResult.writeRegions[i]; var from = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset); var to = editor.posFromIndex(region.offset + region.length); var marker = editor.markText(from, to, {className: 'xtext-marker_write'}); editorContext._occurrenceMarkers.push(marker); } }); }, selectionUpdateDelay); } editor.on('cursorActivity', services.cursorActivityListener); } /** * Formatting service. */ CodeMirrorServiceBuilder.prototype.setupFormattingService = function() { var services = this.services; if (services.options.enableFormattingAction) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var formatFunction = function(editor) { services.format(); }; services.formatKeyMap = /mac os/.test(userAgent) ? {'Shift-Cmd-F': formatFunction}: {'Shift-Ctrl-S': formatFunction}; this.editor.addKeyMap(services.formatKeyMap); } } return exports; });