import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import { getLogger } from '../logging'; import { PendingTask } from '../utils/PendingTask'; import { Timer } from '../utils/Timer'; import { isErrorResponse, isOkResponse, isPushMessage, IXtextWebRequest, } from './xtextMessages'; import { isPongResult } from './xtextServiceResults'; const XTEXT_SUBPROTOCOL_V1 = 'tools.refinery.language.web.xtext.v1'; const WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_OK = 1000; const RECONNECT_DELAY_MS = [200, 1000, 5000, 30_000]; const MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY_MS = RECONNECT_DELAY_MS[RECONNECT_DELAY_MS.length - 1]; const BACKGROUND_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; const PING_TIMEOUT_MS = 10 * 1000; const REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; const log = getLogger('XtextWebSocketClient'); type ReconnectHandler = () => Promise; type PushHandler = ( resourceId: string, stateId: string, service: string, data: unknown, ) => Promise; enum State { Initial, Opening, TabVisible, TabHiddenIdle, TabHiddenWaiting, Error, TimedOut, } export class XtextWebSocketClient { nextMessageId = 0; connection!: WebSocket; pendingRequests = new Map>(); onReconnect: ReconnectHandler; onPush: PushHandler; state = State.Initial; reconnectTryCount = 0; idleTimer = new Timer(() => { this.handleIdleTimeout(); }, BACKGROUND_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS); pingTimer = new Timer(() => { this.sendPing(); }, PING_TIMEOUT_MS); reconnectTimer = new Timer(() => { this.handleReconnect(); }); constructor(onReconnect: ReconnectHandler, onPush: PushHandler) { this.onReconnect = onReconnect; this.onPush = onPush; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => { this.handleVisibilityChange(); }); this.reconnect(); } private get isLogicallyClosed(): boolean { return this.state === State.Error || this.state === State.TimedOut; } get isOpen(): boolean { return this.state === State.TabVisible || this.state === State.TabHiddenIdle || this.state === State.TabHiddenWaiting; } private reconnect() { if (this.isOpen || this.state === State.Opening) { log.error('Trying to reconnect from', this.state); return; } this.state = State.Opening; const webSocketServer = window.origin.replace(/^http/, 'ws'); const webSocketUrl = `${webSocketServer}/xtext-service`; this.connection = new WebSocket(webSocketUrl, XTEXT_SUBPROTOCOL_V1); this.connection.addEventListener('open', () => { if (this.connection.protocol !== XTEXT_SUBPROTOCOL_V1) { log.error('Unknown subprotocol', this.connection.protocol, 'selected by server'); this.forceReconnectOnError(); } if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') { this.handleTabHidden(); } else { this.handleTabVisibleConnected(); }'Connected to websocket'); this.nextMessageId = 0; this.reconnectTryCount = 0; this.pingTimer.schedule(); this.onReconnect().catch((error) => { log.error('Unexpected error in onReconnect handler', error); }); }); this.connection.addEventListener('error', (event) => { log.error('Unexpected websocket error', event); this.forceReconnectOnError(); }); this.connection.addEventListener('message', (event) => { this.handleMessage(; }); this.connection.addEventListener('close', (event) => { if (this.isLogicallyClosed && event.code === WEBSOCKET_CLOSE_OK && this.pendingRequests.size === 0) {'Websocket closed'); return; } log.error('Websocket closed unexpectedly', event.code, event.reason); this.forceReconnectOnError(); }); } private handleVisibilityChange() { if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') { if (this.state === State.TabVisible) { this.handleTabHidden(); } return; } this.idleTimer.cancel(); if (this.state === State.TabHiddenIdle || this.state === State.TabHiddenWaiting) { this.handleTabVisibleConnected(); return; } if (this.state === State.TimedOut) { this.reconnect(); } } private handleTabHidden() { log.debug('Tab hidden while websocket is connected'); this.state = State.TabHiddenIdle; this.idleTimer.schedule(); } private handleTabVisibleConnected() { log.debug('Tab visible while websocket is connected'); this.state = State.TabVisible; } private handleIdleTimeout() { log.trace('Waiting for pending tasks before disconnect'); if (this.state === State.TabHiddenIdle) { this.state = State.TabHiddenWaiting; this.handleWaitingForDisconnect(); } } private handleWaitingForDisconnect() { if (this.state !== State.TabHiddenWaiting) { return; } const pending = this.pendingRequests.size; if (pending === 0) {'Closing idle websocket'); this.state = State.TimedOut; this.closeConnection(1000, 'idle timeout'); return; }'Waiting for', pending, 'pending requests before closing websocket'); } private sendPing() { if (!this.isOpen) { return; } const ping = nanoid(); log.trace('Ping', ping); this.send({ ping }).then((result) => { if (isPongResult(result) && result.pong === ping) { log.trace('Pong', ping); this.pingTimer.schedule(); } else { log.error('Invalid pong'); this.forceReconnectOnError(); } }).catch((error) => { log.error('Error while waiting for ping', error); this.forceReconnectOnError(); }); } send(request: unknown): Promise { if (!this.isOpen) { throw new Error('Not open'); } const messageId = this.nextMessageId.toString(16); if (messageId in this.pendingRequests) { log.error('Message id wraparound still pending', messageId); this.rejectRequest(messageId, new Error('Message id wraparound')); } if (this.nextMessageId >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { this.nextMessageId = 0; } else { this.nextMessageId += 1; } const message = JSON.stringify({ id: messageId, request, } as IXtextWebRequest); log.trace('Sending message', message); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const task = new PendingTask(resolve, reject, REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS, () => { this.removePendingRequest(messageId); }); this.pendingRequests.set(messageId, task); this.connection.send(message); }); } private handleMessage(messageStr: unknown) { if (typeof messageStr !== 'string') { log.error('Unexpected binary message', messageStr); this.forceReconnectOnError(); return; } log.trace('Incoming websocket message', messageStr); let message: unknown; try { message = JSON.parse(messageStr); } catch (error) { log.error('Json parse error', error); this.forceReconnectOnError(); return; } if (isOkResponse(message)) { this.resolveRequest(, message.response); } else if (isErrorResponse(message)) { this.rejectRequest(, new Error(`${message.error} error: ${message.message}`)); if (message.error === 'server') { log.error('Reconnecting due to server error: ', message.message); this.forceReconnectOnError(); } } else if (isPushMessage(message)) { this.onPush( message.resource, message.stateId, message.service, message.push, ).catch((error) => { log.error('Unexpected error in onPush handler', error); }); } else { log.error('Unexpected websocket message', message); this.forceReconnectOnError(); } } private resolveRequest(messageId: string, value: unknown) { const pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests.get(messageId); if (pendingRequest) { pendingRequest.resolve(value); this.removePendingRequest(messageId); return; } log.error('Trying to resolve unknown request', messageId, 'with', value); } private rejectRequest(messageId: string, reason?: unknown) { const pendingRequest = this.pendingRequests.get(messageId); if (pendingRequest) { pendingRequest.reject(reason); this.removePendingRequest(messageId); return; } log.error('Trying to reject unknown request', messageId, 'with', reason); } private removePendingRequest(messageId: string) { this.pendingRequests.delete(messageId); this.handleWaitingForDisconnect(); } forceReconnectOnError(): void { if (this.isLogicallyClosed) { return; } this.abortPendingRequests(); this.closeConnection(1000, 'reconnecting due to error'); log.error('Reconnecting after delay due to error'); this.handleErrorState(); } private abortPendingRequests() { this.pendingRequests.forEach((request) => { request.reject(new Error('Websocket disconnect')); }); this.pendingRequests.clear(); } private closeConnection(code: number, reason: string) { this.pingTimer.cancel(); const { readyState } = this.connection; if (readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSING && readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED) { this.connection.close(code, reason); } } private handleErrorState() { this.state = State.Error; this.reconnectTryCount += 1; const delay = RECONNECT_DELAY_MS[this.reconnectTryCount - 1] || MAX_RECONNECT_DELAY_MS;'Reconnecting in', delay, 'ms'); this.reconnectTimer.schedule(delay); } private handleReconnect() { if (this.state !== State.Error) { log.error('Unexpected reconnect in', this.state); return; } if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') { this.state = State.TimedOut; } else { this.reconnect(); } } }