import { ChangeDesc, ChangeSet, Transaction, } from '@codemirror/state'; import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import type { EditorStore } from '../editor/EditorStore'; import { getLogger } from '../logging'; import type { XtextWebSocketClient } from './XtextWebSocketClient'; import { PendingTask } from '../utils/PendingTask'; import { Timer } from '../utils/Timer'; import { IContentAssistEntry, isContentAssistResult, isDocumentStateResult, isInvalidStateIdConflictResult, } from './xtextServiceResults'; const UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS = 500; const WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; const log = getLogger('xtext.UpdateService'); export interface IAbortSignal { aborted: boolean; } export class UpdateService { resourceName: string; xtextStateId: string | null = null; private store: EditorStore; private pendingUpdate: ChangeDesc | null = null; private dirtyChanges: ChangeDesc; private webSocketClient: XtextWebSocketClient; private updateListeners: PendingTask[] = []; private idleUpdateTimer = new Timer(() => { this.handleIdleUpdate(); }, UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS); constructor(store: EditorStore, webSocketClient: XtextWebSocketClient) { this.resourceName = `${nanoid(7)}.problem`; = store; this.dirtyChanges = this.newEmptyChangeDesc(); this.webSocketClient = webSocketClient; } onTransaction(transaction: Transaction): void { const { changes } = transaction; if (!changes.empty) { this.dirtyChanges = this.dirtyChanges.composeDesc(changes.desc); this.idleUpdateTimer.reschedule(); } } computeChangesSinceLastUpdate(): ChangeDesc { return this.pendingUpdate?.composeDesc(this.dirtyChanges) || this.dirtyChanges; } private handleIdleUpdate() { if (!this.webSocketClient.isOpen || this.dirtyChanges.empty) { return; } if (this.pendingUpdate === null) { this.update().catch((error) => { log.error('Unexpected error during scheduled update', error); }); } this.idleUpdateTimer.reschedule(); } private newEmptyChangeDesc() { const changeSet = ChangeSet.of([],; return changeSet.desc; } async updateFullText(): Promise { await this.withUpdate(() => this.doUpdateFullText()); } private async doUpdateFullText(): Promise<[string, void]> { const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'update', fullText:, }); if (isDocumentStateResult(result)) { return [result.stateId, undefined]; } log.error('Unexpected full text update result:', result); throw new Error('Full text update failed'); } async update(): Promise { await this.prepareForDeltaUpdate(); const delta = this.computeDelta(); if (delta === null) { return; } log.trace('Editor delta', delta); await this.withUpdate(async () => { const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ resource: this.resourceName, serviceType: 'update', requiredStateId: this.xtextStateId,, }); if (isDocumentStateResult(result)) { return [result.stateId, undefined]; } if (isInvalidStateIdConflictResult(result)) { return this.doFallbackToUpdateFullText(); } log.error('Unexpected delta text update result:', result); throw new Error('Delta text update failed'); }); } private doFallbackToUpdateFullText() { if (this.pendingUpdate === null) { throw new Error('Only a pending update can be extended'); } log.warn('Delta update failed, performing full text update'); this.xtextStateId = null; this.pendingUpdate = this.pendingUpdate.composeDesc(this.dirtyChanges); this.dirtyChanges = this.newEmptyChangeDesc(); return this.doUpdateFullText(); } async fetchContentAssist( params: Record, signal: IAbortSignal, ): Promise { await this.prepareForDeltaUpdate(); if (signal.aborted) { return []; } const delta = this.computeDelta(); if (delta === null) { // Poscondition of `prepareForDeltaUpdate`: `xtextStateId !== null` return this.doFetchContentAssist(params, this.xtextStateId as string); } log.trace('Editor delta', delta); return this.withUpdate(async () => { const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ ...params, requiredStateId: this.xtextStateId,, }); if (isContentAssistResult(result)) { return [result.stateId, result.entries]; } if (isInvalidStateIdConflictResult(result)) { const [newStateId] = await this.doFallbackToUpdateFullText(); if (signal.aborted) { return [newStateId, []]; } const entries = await this.doFetchContentAssist(params, newStateId); return [newStateId, entries]; } log.error('Unextpected content assist result with delta update', result); throw new Error('Unexpexted content assist result with delta update'); }); } private async doFetchContentAssist(params: Record, expectedStateId: string) { const result = await this.webSocketClient.send({ ...params, requiredStateId: expectedStateId, }); if (isContentAssistResult(result) && result.stateId === expectedStateId) { return result.entries; } log.error('Unexpected content assist result', result); throw new Error('Unexpected content assist result'); } private computeDelta() { if (this.dirtyChanges.empty) { return null; } let minFromA = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let maxToA = 0; let minFromB = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let maxToB = 0; this.dirtyChanges.iterChangedRanges((fromA, toA, fromB, toB) => { minFromA = Math.min(minFromA, fromA); maxToA = Math.max(maxToA, toA); minFromB = Math.min(minFromB, fromB); maxToB = Math.max(maxToB, toB); }); return { deltaOffset: minFromA, deltaReplaceLength: maxToA - minFromA, deltaText:, maxToB), }; } private async withUpdate(callback: () => Promise<[string, T]>): Promise { if (this.pendingUpdate !== null) { throw new Error('Another update is pending, will not perform update'); } this.pendingUpdate = this.dirtyChanges; this.dirtyChanges = this.newEmptyChangeDesc(); let newStateId: string | null = null; try { let result: T; [newStateId, result] = await callback(); this.xtextStateId = newStateId; this.pendingUpdate = null; // Copy `updateListeners` so that we don't get into a race condition // if one of the listeners adds another listener. const listeners = this.updateListeners; this.updateListeners = []; listeners.forEach((listener) => { listener.resolve(); }); return result; } catch (e) { log.error('Error while update', e); if (this.pendingUpdate === null) { log.error('pendingUpdate was cleared during update'); } else { this.dirtyChanges = this.pendingUpdate.composeDesc(this.dirtyChanges); } this.pendingUpdate = null; this.webSocketClient.forceReconnectOnError(); const listeners = this.updateListeners; this.updateListeners = []; listeners.forEach((listener) => { listener.reject(e); }); throw e; } } private async prepareForDeltaUpdate() { if (this.pendingUpdate === null) { if (this.xtextStateId === null) { return; } await this.updateFullText(); } let nowMs =; const endMs = nowMs + WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS; while (this.pendingUpdate !== null && nowMs < endMs) { const timeoutMs = endMs - nowMs; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const task = new PendingTask(resolve, reject, timeoutMs); this.updateListeners.push(task); }); // We must keep waiting uptil the update has completed, // so the tasks can't be started in parallel. // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await promise; nowMs =; } if (this.pendingUpdate !== null || this.xtextStateId === null) { log.error('No successful update in', WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MS, 'ms'); throw new Error('Failed to wait for successful update'); } } }