import type { Completion, CompletionContext, CompletionResult, } from '@codemirror/autocomplete'; import type { ChangeSet, Transaction } from '@codemirror/state'; import { getLogger } from '../logging'; import type { UpdateService } from './UpdateService'; const log = getLogger('xtext.ContentAssistService'); export class ContentAssistService { updateService: UpdateService; lastCompletion: CompletionResult | null = null; constructor(updateService: UpdateService) { this.updateService = updateService; } onTransaction(transaction: Transaction): void { if (this.shouldInvalidateCachedCompletion(transaction.changes)) { this.lastCompletion = null; } } async contentAssist(context: CompletionContext): Promise { const tokenBefore = context.tokenBefore(['QualifiedName']); let range: { from: number, to: number }; let selection: { selectionStart?: number, selectionEnd?: number }; if (tokenBefore === null) { if (!context.explicit) { return { from: context.pos, options: [], }; } range = { from: context.pos, to: context.pos, }; selection = {}; } else { range = { from: tokenBefore.from, to:, }; selection = { selectionStart: tokenBefore.from, selectionEnd:, }; } if (!context.explicit && this.shouldReturnCachedCompletion(tokenBefore)) { log.trace('Returning cached completion result'); // Postcondition of `shouldReturnCachedCompletion`: `lastCompletion !== null` return { ...this.lastCompletion as CompletionResult, ...range, }; } this.lastCompletion = null; const entries = await this.updateService.fetchContentAssist({ resource: this.updateService.resourceName, serviceType: 'assist', caretOffset: context.pos, ...selection, }, context); if (context.aborted) { return { ...range, options: [], }; } const options: Completion[] = []; entries.forEach((entry) => { options.push({ label: entry.proposal, detail: entry.description, info: entry.documentation, type: entry.kind?.toLowerCase(), boost: entry.kind === 'KEYWORD' ? -90 : 0, }); }); log.debug('Fetched', options.length, 'completions from server'); this.lastCompletion = { ...range, options, span: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_:]*$/, }; return this.lastCompletion; } private shouldReturnCachedCompletion( token: { from: number, to: number, text: string } | null, ) { if (token === null || this.lastCompletion === null) { return false; } const { from, to, text } = token; const { from: lastFrom, to: lastTo, span } = this.lastCompletion; if (!lastTo) { return true; } const [transformedFrom, transformedTo] = this.mapRangeInclusive(lastFrom, lastTo); return from >= transformedFrom && to <= transformedTo && span && span.exec(text); } private shouldInvalidateCachedCompletion(changes: ChangeSet) { if (changes.empty || this.lastCompletion === null) { return false; } const { from: lastFrom, to: lastTo } = this.lastCompletion; if (!lastTo) { return true; } const [transformedFrom, transformedTo] = this.mapRangeInclusive(lastFrom, lastTo); let invalidate = false; changes.iterChangedRanges((fromA, toA) => { if (fromA < transformedFrom || toA > transformedTo) { invalidate = true; } }); return invalidate; } private mapRangeInclusive(lastFrom: number, lastTo: number): [number, number] { const changes = this.updateService.computeChangesSinceLastUpdate(); const transformedFrom = changes.mapPos(lastFrom); const transformedTo = changes.mapPos(lastTo, 1); return [transformedFrom, transformedTo]; } }