import type { Editor, EditorConfiguration } from 'codemirror'; import { createAtom, makeAutoObservable, observable, runInAction, } from 'mobx'; import type { IXtextOptions, IXtextServices } from 'xtext/xtext-codemirror'; import type { IEditorChunk } from './editor'; import { getLogger } from '../logging'; import type { ThemeStore } from '../theme/ThemeStore'; const log = getLogger('EditorStore'); const xtextLang = 'problem'; const xtextOptions: IXtextOptions = { xtextLang, enableFormattingAction: true, }; const codeMirrorGlobalOptions: EditorConfiguration = { mode: `xtext/${xtextLang}`, indentUnit: 2, styleActiveLine: true, screenReaderLabel: 'Model source code', inputStyle: 'contenteditable', }; export class EditorStore { themeStore; atom; chunk?: IEditorChunk; editor?: Editor; xtextServices?: IXtextServices; value = ''; showLineNumbers = false; initialSelection!: { start: number, end: number, focused: boolean }; constructor(themeStore: ThemeStore) { this.themeStore = themeStore; this.atom = createAtom('EditorStore'); this.resetInitialSelection(); makeAutoObservable(this, { themeStore: false, atom: false, chunk: observable.ref, editor: observable.ref, xtextServices: observable.ref, initialSelection: false, }); this.loadChunk(); } private loadChunk(): void { const loadingStartMillis =;'Requesting editor chunk'); import('./editor').then(({ editorChunk }) => { runInAction(() => { this.chunk = editorChunk; }); const loadingDurationMillis = - loadingStartMillis;'Loaded editor chunk in', loadingDurationMillis, 'ms'); }).catch((error) => { log.error('Error while loading editor', error); }); } setInitialSelection(start: number, end: number, focused: boolean): void { this.initialSelection = { start, end, focused }; this.applyInitialSelectionToEditor(); } private resetInitialSelection(): void { this.initialSelection = { start: 0, end: 0, focused: false, }; } private applyInitialSelectionToEditor(): void { if (this.editor) { const { start, end, focused } = this.initialSelection; const doc = this.editor.getDoc(); const startPos = doc.posFromIndex(start); const endPos = doc.posFromIndex(end); doc.setSelection(startPos, endPos, { scroll: true, }); if (focused) { this.editor.focus(); } this.resetInitialSelection(); } } /** * Attaches a new CodeMirror instance and creates Xtext services. * * The store will not subscribe to any CodeMirror events. Instead, * the editor component should subscribe to them and relay them to the store. * * @param newEditor The new CodeMirror instance */ editorDidMount(newEditor: Editor): void { if (!this.chunk) { throw new Error('Editor not loaded yet'); } if (this.editor) { throw new Error('CoreMirror editor mounted before unmounting'); } this.editor = newEditor; this.xtextServices = this.chunk.createServices(newEditor, xtextOptions); this.applyInitialSelectionToEditor(); } editorWillUnmount(): void { if (!this.chunk) { throw new Error('Editor not loaded yet'); } if (this.editor) { this.chunk.removeServices(this.editor); } delete this.editor; delete this.xtextServices; } /** * Updates the contents of the editor. * * @param newValue The new contents of the editor */ updateValue(newValue: string): void { this.value = newValue; } reportChanged(): void { this.atom.reportChanged(); } protected observeEditorChanges(): void { this.atom.reportObserved(); } get codeMirrorTheme(): string { return `problem-${this.themeStore.className}`; } get codeMirrorOptions(): EditorConfiguration { return { ...codeMirrorGlobalOptions, theme: this.codeMirrorTheme, lineNumbers: this.showLineNumbers, }; } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to undo */ get canUndo(): boolean { this.observeEditorChanges(); if (!this.editor) { return false; } const { undo: undoSize } = this.editor.historySize(); return undoSize > 0; } undo(): void { this.editor?.undo(); } /** * @returns `true` if there is history to redo */ get canRedo(): boolean { this.observeEditorChanges(); if (!this.editor) { return false; } const { redo: redoSize } = this.editor.historySize(); return redoSize > 0; } redo(): void { this.editor?.redo(); } toggleLineNumbers(): void { this.showLineNumbers = !this.showLineNumbers; } }