import { Command, EditorView } from '@codemirror/view'; import { closeSearchPanel, openSearchPanel } from '@codemirror/search'; import { closeLintPanel, openLintPanel } from '@codemirror/lint'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react-lite'; import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { EditorParent } from './EditorParent'; import { getLogger } from '../logging'; import { useRootStore } from '../RootStore'; const log = getLogger('EditorArea'); function usePanel( label: string, stateToSet: boolean, editorView: EditorView | null, openCommand: Command, closeCommand: Command, ) { const [cachedViewState, setCachedViewState] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { if (editorView === null || cachedViewState === stateToSet) { return; } const success = stateToSet ? openCommand(editorView) : closeCommand(editorView); if (!success) { log.error( 'Failed to synchronize', label, 'panel state - store state:', cachedViewState, 'view state:', stateToSet, ); } setCachedViewState(stateToSet); }, [ stateToSet, editorView, cachedViewState, label, openCommand, closeCommand, ]); return setCachedViewState; } export const EditorArea = observer(() => { const { editorStore } = useRootStore(); const editorParentRef = useRef(null); const [editorViewState, setEditorViewState] = useState(null); const setSearchPanelOpen = usePanel( 'search', editorStore.showSearchPanel, editorViewState, openSearchPanel, closeSearchPanel, ); const setLintPanelOpen = usePanel( 'lint', editorStore.showLintPanel, editorViewState, openLintPanel, closeLintPanel, ); useEffect(() => { if (editorParentRef.current === null) { // Nothing to clean up. return () => {}; } const editorView = new EditorView({ state: editorStore.state, parent: editorParentRef.current, dispatch: (transaction) => { editorStore.onTransaction(transaction); editorView.update([transaction]); if (editorView.state !== editorStore.state) { log.error( 'Failed to synchronize editor state - store state:', editorStore.state, 'view state:', editorView.state, ); } }, }); setEditorViewState(editorView); setSearchPanelOpen(false); setLintPanelOpen(false); // `dispatch` is bound to the view instance, // so it does not have to be called as a method. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method editorStore.updateDispatcher(editorView.dispatch);'Editor created'); return () => { editorStore.updateDispatcher(null); editorView.destroy();'Editor destroyed'); }; }, [ editorParentRef, editorStore, setSearchPanelOpen, setLintPanelOpen, ]); return ( ); });