/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 The Refinery Authors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ package tools.refinery.gradle import tools.refinery.gradle.utils.SonarPropertiesUtils plugins { id("maven-publish") id("tools.refinery.gradle.java-library") id("tools.refinery.gradle.sonarqube") } property("tools.refinery.interpreter.group")?.let { group = it } property("tools.refinery.interpreter.version")?.let { version = it } tasks { withType(Jar::class) { // Make sure we include external project notices. from(layout.projectDirectory.file("about.html")) from(layout.projectDirectory.file("NOTICE.md")) } } sonarqube.properties { // Code copied from the VIATRA project is maintained by the VIATRA contributors. // Our own modifications are verified by tests in our own subprojects. // Therefore, we disable coverage checking for vendor subprojects. SonarPropertiesUtils.addToList(properties, "sonar.coverage.exclusions", "src/main/**") }