plugins { id 'refinery-java-conventions' id 'refinery-sonarqube' } configurations { jmh { extendsFrom implementation } } sourceSets { jmh { java.srcDirs = ['src/jmh/java'] resources.srcDirs = ['src/jmh/resources'] compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath compileClasspath += sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath } } dependencies { jmhImplementation libs.jmh.core jmhAnnotationProcessor libs.jmh.annprocess } tasks.register('jmh', JavaExec) { dependsOn tasks.named('jmhClasses') main = 'org.openjdk.jmh.Main' classpath = sourceSets.jmh.compileClasspath + sourceSets.jmh.runtimeClasspath } eclipse.classpath.file.whenMerged { classpath -> for (entry in classpath.entries) { if (entry in org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.AbstractClasspathEntry) { // Workaround from if (entry.entryAttributes['gradle_scope'] == 'jmh') { // Allow test helper classes to be used in benchmarks from Eclipse // and do not expose JMH dependencies to the main source code. entry.entryAttributes['test'] = true } else { // Workaround based on // def usedBy = new LinkedHashSet( Arrays.asList((entry.entryAttributes['gradle_used_by_scope'] ?: '').split(',')) ) if (['main', 'test', 'testFixtures'].any { e -> usedBy.contains(e) }) { // main and test sources are also used by jmh sources. usedBy += 'jmh' } if (!usedBy.empty) { entry.entryAttributes['gradle_used_by_scope'] = usedBy.join(',') } } } } } { properties['sonar.tests'] += [ 'src/jmh/java', ] }