From baba88758a0ea5f671ab4a2aeacec374bed938c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kristóf Marussy Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2021 17:12:45 +0200 Subject: Add initial prototype --- .../antlr/internal/ | 12761 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12761 insertions(+) create mode 100644 org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.parent/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide/src/main/xtext-gen/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ (limited to 'org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.parent/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide/src/main/xtext-gen/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/') diff --git a/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.parent/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide/src/main/xtext-gen/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ b/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.parent/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide/src/main/xtext-gen/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1169b189 --- /dev/null +++ b/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.parent/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide/src/main/xtext-gen/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ @@ -0,0 +1,12761 @@ +package org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language.ide.contentassist.antlr.internal; + +import; +import org.eclipse.xtext.*; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*; +import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; +import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens; +import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.AbstractInternalContentAssistParser; +import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.DFA; +import; + + + +import org.antlr.runtime.*; +import java.util.Stack; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.ArrayList; + +@SuppressWarnings("all") +public class InternalProblemParser extends AbstractInternalContentAssistParser { + public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { + "", "", "", "", "RULE_INT", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'refers'", "'pred'", "'='", "'*'", "'true'", "'false'", "'unknown'", "'!'", "'?'", "'class'", "'.'", "'extends'", "'['", "']'", "','", "'opposite'", "'('", "')'", "':='", "';'", "':'", "'scope'", "'..'", "'::'", "'abstract'", "'contains'", "'error'", "'+'", "'+='" + }; + public static final int RULE_STRING=6; + public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=8; + public static final int T__19=19; + public static final int T__15=15; + public static final int T__37=37; + public static final int T__16=16; + public static final int T__38=38; + public static final int T__17=17; + public static final int T__39=39; + public static final int T__18=18; + public static final int T__11=11; + public static final int T__33=33; + public static final int T__12=12; + public static final int T__34=34; + public static final int T__13=13; + public static final int T__35=35; + public static final int T__14=14; + public static final int T__36=36; + public static final int EOF=-1; + public static final int T__30=30; + public static final int T__31=31; + public static final int T__32=32; + public static final int RULE_ID=5; + public static final int RULE_WS=9; + public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=10; + public static final int T__26=26; + public static final int T__27=27; + public static final int T__28=28; + public static final int RULE_INT=4; + public static final int T__29=29; + public static final int T__22=22; + public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=7; + public static final int T__23=23; + public static final int T__24=24; + public static final int T__25=25; + public static final int T__20=20; + public static final int T__21=21; + + // delegates + // delegators + + + public InternalProblemParser(TokenStream input) { + this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); + } + public InternalProblemParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { + super(input, state); + + } + + + public String[] getTokenNames() { return InternalProblemParser.tokenNames; } + public String getGrammarFileName() { return "InternalProblem.g"; } + + + private ProblemGrammarAccess grammarAccess; + + public void setGrammarAccess(ProblemGrammarAccess grammarAccess) { + this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess; + } + + @Override + protected Grammar getGrammar() { + return grammarAccess.getGrammar(); + } + + @Override + protected String getValueForTokenName(String tokenName) { + return tokenName; + } + + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleProblem" + // InternalProblem.g:53:1: entryRuleProblem : ruleProblem EOF ; + public final void entryRuleProblem() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:54:1: ( ruleProblem EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:55:1: ruleProblem EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getProblemRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleProblem(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getProblemRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleProblem" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleProblem" + // InternalProblem.g:62:1: ruleProblem : ( ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* ) ; + public final void ruleProblem() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:66:2: ( ( ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:67:2: ( ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:67:2: ( ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:68:3: ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getProblemAccess().getStatementsAssignment()); + // InternalProblem.g:69:3: ( rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment )* + loop1: + do { + int alt1=2; + int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA1_0==RULE_ID||LA1_0==12||(LA1_0>=18 && LA1_0<=20)||LA1_0==32||LA1_0==35||LA1_0==37) ) { + alt1=1; + } + + + switch (alt1) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:69:4: rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_3); + rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop1; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getProblemAccess().getStatementsAssignment()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleProblem" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStatement" + // InternalProblem.g:78:1: entryRuleStatement : ruleStatement EOF ; + public final void entryRuleStatement() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:79:1: ( ruleStatement EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:80:1: ruleStatement EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleStatement(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStatement" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleStatement" + // InternalProblem.g:87:1: ruleStatement : ( ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleStatement() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:91:2: ( ( ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:92:2: ( ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:92:2: ( ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:93:3: ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:94:3: ( rule__Statement__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:94:4: rule__Statement__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Statement__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleStatement" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleClassDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:103:1: entryRuleClassDeclaration : ruleClassDeclaration EOF ; + public final void entryRuleClassDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:104:1: ( ruleClassDeclaration EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:105:1: ruleClassDeclaration EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleClassDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleClassDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleClassDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:112:1: ruleClassDeclaration : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleClassDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:116:2: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:117:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:117:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:118:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:119:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:119:4: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleClassDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleReferenceDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:128:1: entryRuleReferenceDeclaration : ruleReferenceDeclaration EOF ; + public final void entryRuleReferenceDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:129:1: ( ruleReferenceDeclaration EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:130:1: ruleReferenceDeclaration EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleReferenceDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleReferenceDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleReferenceDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:137:1: ruleReferenceDeclaration : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleReferenceDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:141:2: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:142:2: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:142:2: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:143:3: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:144:3: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:144:4: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleReferenceDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRulePredicateDefinition" + // InternalProblem.g:153:1: entryRulePredicateDefinition : rulePredicateDefinition EOF ; + public final void entryRulePredicateDefinition() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:154:1: ( rulePredicateDefinition EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:155:1: rulePredicateDefinition EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + rulePredicateDefinition(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRulePredicateDefinition" + + + // $ANTLR start "rulePredicateDefinition" + // InternalProblem.g:162:1: rulePredicateDefinition : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void rulePredicateDefinition() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:166:2: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:167:2: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:167:2: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:168:3: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:169:3: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:169:4: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rulePredicateDefinition" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleParameter" + // InternalProblem.g:178:1: entryRuleParameter : ruleParameter EOF ; + public final void entryRuleParameter() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:179:1: ( ruleParameter EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:180:1: ruleParameter EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleParameter(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getParameterRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleParameter" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleParameter" + // InternalProblem.g:187:1: ruleParameter : ( ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleParameter() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:191:2: ( ( ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:192:2: ( ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:192:2: ( ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:193:3: ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:194:3: ( rule__Parameter__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:194:4: rule__Parameter__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Parameter__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleParameter" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleConjunction" + // InternalProblem.g:203:1: entryRuleConjunction : ruleConjunction EOF ; + public final void entryRuleConjunction() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:204:1: ( ruleConjunction EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:205:1: ruleConjunction EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleConjunction(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleConjunction" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleConjunction" + // InternalProblem.g:212:1: ruleConjunction : ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleConjunction() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:216:2: ( ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:217:2: ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:217:2: ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:218:3: ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:219:3: ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:219:4: rule__Conjunction__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleConjunction" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleLiteral" + // InternalProblem.g:228:1: entryRuleLiteral : ruleLiteral EOF ; + public final void entryRuleLiteral() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:229:1: ( ruleLiteral EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:230:1: ruleLiteral EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getLiteralRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleLiteral(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getLiteralRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleLiteral" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleLiteral" + // InternalProblem.g:237:1: ruleLiteral : ( ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleLiteral() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:241:2: ( ( ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:242:2: ( ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:242:2: ( ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:243:3: ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:244:3: ( rule__Literal__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:244:4: rule__Literal__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Literal__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleLiteral" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleNegativeLiteral" + // InternalProblem.g:253:1: entryRuleNegativeLiteral : ruleNegativeLiteral EOF ; + public final void entryRuleNegativeLiteral() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:254:1: ( ruleNegativeLiteral EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:255:1: ruleNegativeLiteral EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleNegativeLiteral(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleNegativeLiteral" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleNegativeLiteral" + // InternalProblem.g:262:1: ruleNegativeLiteral : ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleNegativeLiteral() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:266:2: ( ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:267:2: ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:267:2: ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:268:3: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:269:3: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:269:4: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleNegativeLiteral" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAtom" + // InternalProblem.g:278:1: entryRuleAtom : ruleAtom EOF ; + public final void entryRuleAtom() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:279:1: ( ruleAtom EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:280:1: ruleAtom EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleAtom(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAtom" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleAtom" + // InternalProblem.g:287:1: ruleAtom : ( ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleAtom() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:291:2: ( ( ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:292:2: ( ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:292:2: ( ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:293:3: ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:294:3: ( rule__Atom__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:294:4: rule__Atom__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleAtom" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAssertion" + // InternalProblem.g:303:1: entryRuleAssertion : ruleAssertion EOF ; + public final void entryRuleAssertion() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:304:1: ( ruleAssertion EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:305:1: ruleAssertion EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleAssertion(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAssertion" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleAssertion" + // InternalProblem.g:312:1: ruleAssertion : ( ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleAssertion() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:316:2: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:317:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:317:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:318:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:319:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:319:4: rule__Assertion__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleAssertion" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleScopeDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:328:1: entryRuleScopeDeclaration : ruleScopeDeclaration EOF ; + public final void entryRuleScopeDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:329:1: ( ruleScopeDeclaration EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:330:1: ruleScopeDeclaration EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleScopeDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleScopeDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleScopeDeclaration" + // InternalProblem.g:337:1: ruleScopeDeclaration : ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleScopeDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:341:2: ( ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:342:2: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:342:2: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:343:3: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:344:3: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:344:4: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleScopeDeclaration" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypeScope" + // InternalProblem.g:353:1: entryRuleTypeScope : ruleTypeScope EOF ; + public final void entryRuleTypeScope() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:354:1: ( ruleTypeScope EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:355:1: ruleTypeScope EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleTypeScope(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypeScope" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleTypeScope" + // InternalProblem.g:362:1: ruleTypeScope : ( ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleTypeScope() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:366:2: ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:367:2: ( ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:367:2: ( ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:368:3: ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:369:3: ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:369:4: rule__TypeScope__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleTypeScope" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:378:1: entryRuleMultiplicity : ruleMultiplicity EOF ; + public final void entryRuleMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:379:1: ( ruleMultiplicity EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:380:1: ruleMultiplicity EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:387:1: ruleMultiplicity : ( ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:391:2: ( ( ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:392:2: ( ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:392:2: ( ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:393:3: ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:394:3: ( rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:394:4: rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRangeMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:403:1: entryRuleRangeMultiplicity : ruleRangeMultiplicity EOF ; + public final void entryRuleRangeMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:404:1: ( ruleRangeMultiplicity EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:405:1: ruleRangeMultiplicity EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleRangeMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRangeMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleRangeMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:412:1: ruleRangeMultiplicity : ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleRangeMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:416:2: ( ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:417:2: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:417:2: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:418:3: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:419:3: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:419:4: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleRangeMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleExactMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:428:1: entryRuleExactMultiplicity : ruleExactMultiplicity EOF ; + public final void entryRuleExactMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:429:1: ( ruleExactMultiplicity EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:430:1: ruleExactMultiplicity EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleExactMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleExactMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleExactMultiplicity" + // InternalProblem.g:437:1: ruleExactMultiplicity : ( ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) ) ; + public final void ruleExactMultiplicity() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:441:2: ( ( ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:442:2: ( ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:442:2: ( ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:443:3: ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityAccess().getExactValueAssignment()); + // InternalProblem.g:444:3: ( rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment ) + // InternalProblem.g:444:4: rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityAccess().getExactValueAssignment()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleExactMultiplicity" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUpperBound" + // InternalProblem.g:453:1: entryRuleUpperBound : ruleUpperBound EOF ; + public final void entryRuleUpperBound() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:454:1: ( ruleUpperBound EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:455:1: ruleUpperBound EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleUpperBound(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUpperBound" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleUpperBound" + // InternalProblem.g:462:1: ruleUpperBound : ( ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleUpperBound() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:466:2: ( ( ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:467:2: ( ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:467:2: ( ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:468:3: ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:469:3: ( rule__UpperBound__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:469:4: rule__UpperBound__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__UpperBound__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleUpperBound" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleQualifiedName" + // InternalProblem.g:478:1: entryRuleQualifiedName : ruleQualifiedName EOF ; + public final void entryRuleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalProblem.g:479:1: ( ruleQualifiedName EOF ) + // InternalProblem.g:480:1: ruleQualifiedName EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleQualifiedName" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleQualifiedName" + // InternalProblem.g:487:1: ruleQualifiedName : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleQualifiedName() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:491:2: ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:492:2: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:492:2: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:493:3: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalProblem.g:494:3: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:494:4: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__QualifiedName__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleQualifiedName" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleLogicValue" + // InternalProblem.g:503:1: ruleLogicValue : ( ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleLogicValue() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:507:1: ( ( ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:508:2: ( ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:508:2: ( ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:509:3: ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:510:3: ( rule__LogicValue__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:510:4: rule__LogicValue__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__LogicValue__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleLogicValue" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleShortLogicValue" + // InternalProblem.g:519:1: ruleShortLogicValue : ( ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleShortLogicValue() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:523:1: ( ( ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:524:2: ( ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:524:2: ( ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:525:3: ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalProblem.g:526:3: ( rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives ) + // InternalProblem.g:526:4: rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleShortLogicValue" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Statement__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:534:1: rule__Statement__Alternatives : ( ( ruleClassDeclaration ) | ( rulePredicateDefinition ) | ( ruleAssertion ) | ( ruleScopeDeclaration ) ); + public final void rule__Statement__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:538:1: ( ( ruleClassDeclaration ) | ( rulePredicateDefinition ) | ( ruleAssertion ) | ( ruleScopeDeclaration ) ) + int alt2=4; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 20: + case 35: + { + alt2=1; + } + break; + case 12: + case 37: + { + alt2=2; + } + break; + case RULE_ID: + case 18: + case 19: + { + alt2=3; + } + break; + case 32: + { + alt2=4; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt2) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:539:2: ( ruleClassDeclaration ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:539:2: ( ruleClassDeclaration ) + // InternalProblem.g:540:3: ruleClassDeclaration + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getClassDeclarationParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleClassDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getClassDeclarationParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:545:2: ( rulePredicateDefinition ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:545:2: ( rulePredicateDefinition ) + // InternalProblem.g:546:3: rulePredicateDefinition + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getPredicateDefinitionParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rulePredicateDefinition(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getPredicateDefinitionParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalProblem.g:551:2: ( ruleAssertion ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:551:2: ( ruleAssertion ) + // InternalProblem.g:552:3: ruleAssertion + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getAssertionParserRuleCall_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleAssertion(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getAssertionParserRuleCall_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalProblem.g:557:2: ( ruleScopeDeclaration ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:557:2: ( ruleScopeDeclaration ) + // InternalProblem.g:558:3: ruleScopeDeclaration + { + before(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getScopeDeclarationParserRuleCall_3()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleScopeDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getScopeDeclarationParserRuleCall_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Statement__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3" + // InternalProblem.g:567:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 : ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) ) ); + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:571:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) ) ) + int alt3=2; + int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA3_0==22) ) { + alt3=1; + } + else if ( (LA3_0==11||LA3_0==36) ) { + alt3=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt3) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:572:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:572:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:573:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:574:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:574:4: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:578:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:578:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:579:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:580:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:580:4: rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1" + // InternalProblem.g:588:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 : ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:592:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) ) ) + int alt4=2; + int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA4_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt4=1; + } + else if ( (LA4_0==23) ) { + alt4=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt4) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:593:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:593:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:594:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:595:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:595:4: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:599:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:599:2: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:600:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:601:3: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:601:4: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0" + // InternalProblem.g:609:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 : ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) ) | ( 'refers' ) ); + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:613:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) ) | ( 'refers' ) ) + int alt5=2; + int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA5_0==36) ) { + alt5=1; + } + else if ( (LA5_0==11) ) { + alt5=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt5) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:614:2: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:614:2: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:615:3: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentAssignment_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:616:3: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:616:4: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentAssignment_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:620:2: ( 'refers' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:620:2: ( 'refers' ) + // InternalProblem.g:621:3: 'refers' + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getRefersKeyword_0_1()); + match(input,11,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getRefersKeyword_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0" + // InternalProblem.g:630:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 : ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) ) | ( 'pred' ) ); + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:634:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) ) | ( 'pred' ) ) + int alt6=2; + int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA6_0==37) ) { + alt6=1; + } + else if ( (LA6_0==12) ) { + alt6=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt6) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:635:2: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:635:2: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:636:3: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:637:3: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:637:4: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:641:2: ( 'pred' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:641:2: ( 'pred' ) + // InternalProblem.g:642:3: 'pred' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getPredKeyword_0_1()); + match(input,12,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getPredKeyword_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Literal__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:651:1: rule__Literal__Alternatives : ( ( ruleAtom ) | ( ruleNegativeLiteral ) ); + public final void rule__Literal__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:655:1: ( ( ruleAtom ) | ( ruleNegativeLiteral ) ) + int alt7=2; + int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA7_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt7=1; + } + else if ( (LA7_0==18) ) { + alt7=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt7) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:656:2: ( ruleAtom ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:656:2: ( ruleAtom ) + // InternalProblem.g:657:3: ruleAtom + { + before(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getAtomParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleAtom(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getAtomParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:662:2: ( ruleNegativeLiteral ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:662:2: ( ruleNegativeLiteral ) + // InternalProblem.g:663:3: ruleNegativeLiteral + { + before(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNegativeLiteralParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleNegativeLiteral(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getLiteralAccess().getNegativeLiteralParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Literal__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0" + // InternalProblem.g:672:1: rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 : ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:676:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) ) ) + int alt8=2; + alt8 = dfa8.predict(input); + switch (alt8) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:677:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:677:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:678:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:679:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:679:4: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:683:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:683:2: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:684:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:685:3: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:685:4: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1" + // InternalProblem.g:693:1: rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 : ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) ) | ( '=' ) ); + public final void rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:697:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) ) | ( '=' ) ) + int alt9=2; + int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA9_0==39) ) { + alt9=1; + } + else if ( (LA9_0==13) ) { + alt9=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt9) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:698:2: ( ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:698:2: ( ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:699:3: ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementAssignment_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:700:3: ( rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:700:4: rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementAssignment_1_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:704:2: ( '=' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:704:2: ( '=' ) + // InternalProblem.g:705:3: '=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1_1()); + match(input,13,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:714:1: rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives : ( ( ruleRangeMultiplicity ) | ( ruleExactMultiplicity ) ); + public final void rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:718:1: ( ( ruleRangeMultiplicity ) | ( ruleExactMultiplicity ) ) + int alt10=2; + int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA10_0==RULE_INT) ) { + int LA10_1 = input.LA(2); + + if ( (LA10_1==33) ) { + alt10=1; + } + else if ( (LA10_1==EOF||LA10_1==21||(LA10_1>=24 && LA10_1<=25)) ) { + alt10=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 10, 1, input); + + throw nvae; + } + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 10, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt10) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:719:2: ( ruleRangeMultiplicity ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:719:2: ( ruleRangeMultiplicity ) + // InternalProblem.g:720:3: ruleRangeMultiplicity + { + before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getRangeMultiplicityParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleRangeMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getRangeMultiplicityParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:725:2: ( ruleExactMultiplicity ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:725:2: ( ruleExactMultiplicity ) + // InternalProblem.g:726:3: ruleExactMultiplicity + { + before(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getExactMultiplicityParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleExactMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getMultiplicityAccess().getExactMultiplicityParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Multiplicity__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__UpperBound__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:735:1: rule__UpperBound__Alternatives : ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) ); + public final void rule__UpperBound__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:739:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) | ( '*' ) ) + int alt11=2; + int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA11_0==RULE_INT) ) { + alt11=1; + } + else if ( (LA11_0==14) ) { + alt11=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt11) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:740:2: ( RULE_INT ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:740:2: ( RULE_INT ) + // InternalProblem.g:741:3: RULE_INT + { + before(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getINTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:746:2: ( '*' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:746:2: ( '*' ) + // InternalProblem.g:747:3: '*' + { + before(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1()); + match(input,14,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getUpperBoundAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__UpperBound__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__LogicValue__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:756:1: rule__LogicValue__Alternatives : ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) | ( ( 'unknown' ) ) ); + public final void rule__LogicValue__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:760:1: ( ( ( 'true' ) ) | ( ( 'false' ) ) | ( ( 'unknown' ) ) ) + int alt12=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 15: + { + alt12=1; + } + break; + case 16: + { + alt12=2; + } + break; + case 17: + { + alt12=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt12) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:761:2: ( ( 'true' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:761:2: ( ( 'true' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:762:3: ( 'true' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getTRUEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:763:3: ( 'true' ) + // InternalProblem.g:763:4: 'true' + { + match(input,15,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getTRUEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:767:2: ( ( 'false' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:767:2: ( ( 'false' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:768:3: ( 'false' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:769:3: ( 'false' ) + // InternalProblem.g:769:4: 'false' + { + match(input,16,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalProblem.g:773:2: ( ( 'unknown' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:773:2: ( ( 'unknown' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:774:3: ( 'unknown' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getUNKNOWNEnumLiteralDeclaration_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:775:3: ( 'unknown' ) + // InternalProblem.g:775:4: 'unknown' + { + match(input,17,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getLogicValueAccess().getUNKNOWNEnumLiteralDeclaration_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__LogicValue__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives" + // InternalProblem.g:783:1: rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives : ( ( ( '!' ) ) | ( ( '?' ) ) ); + public final void rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:787:1: ( ( ( '!' ) ) | ( ( '?' ) ) ) + int alt13=2; + int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA13_0==18) ) { + alt13=1; + } + else if ( (LA13_0==19) ) { + alt13=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 13, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt13) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:788:2: ( ( '!' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:788:2: ( ( '!' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:789:3: ( '!' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:790:3: ( '!' ) + // InternalProblem.g:790:4: '!' + { + match(input,18,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getFALSEEnumLiteralDeclaration_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalProblem.g:794:2: ( ( '?' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:794:2: ( ( '?' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:795:3: ( '?' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getUNKNOWNEnumLiteralDeclaration_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:796:3: ( '?' ) + // InternalProblem.g:796:4: '?' + { + match(input,19,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getShortLogicValueAccess().getUNKNOWNEnumLiteralDeclaration_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ShortLogicValue__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:804:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:808:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:809:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_4); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:816:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:820:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:821:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:821:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:822:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:823:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 )? + int alt14=2; + int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA14_0==35) ) { + alt14=1; + } + switch (alt14) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:823:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:831:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:835:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:836:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:843:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl : ( 'class' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:847:1: ( ( 'class' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:848:1: ( 'class' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:848:1: ( 'class' ) + // InternalProblem.g:849:2: 'class' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getClassKeyword_1()); + match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getClassKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:858:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:862:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:863:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_6); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:870:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:874:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:875:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:875:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:876:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getNameAssignment_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:877:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:877:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getNameAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3" + // InternalProblem.g:885:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:889:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:890:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_6); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:897:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:901:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:902:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:902:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:903:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_3()); + // InternalProblem.g:904:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 )? + int alt15=2; + int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA15_0==11||LA15_0==22||LA15_0==36) ) { + alt15=1; + } + switch (alt15) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:904:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4" + // InternalProblem.g:912:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:916:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:917:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_6); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:924:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:928:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:929:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:929:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:930:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_4()); + // InternalProblem.g:931:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 )* + loop16: + do { + int alt16=2; + int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA16_0==25) ) { + alt16=1; + } + + + switch (alt16) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:931:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop16; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5" + // InternalProblem.g:939:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:943:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:944:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:950:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl : ( '.' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:954:1: ( ( '.' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:955:1: ( '.' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:955:1: ( '.' ) + // InternalProblem.g:956:2: '.' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_5()); + match(input,21,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0" + // InternalProblem.g:966:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:970:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:971:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:978:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl : ( 'extends' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:982:1: ( ( 'extends' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:983:1: ( 'extends' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:983:1: ( 'extends' ) + // InternalProblem.g:984:2: 'extends' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getExtendsKeyword_3_0_0()); + match(input,22,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getExtendsKeyword_3_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1" + // InternalProblem.g:993:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:997:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:998:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1004:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1008:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1009:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1009:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1010:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_3_0_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1011:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1011:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Alternatives_3_0_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_3_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1020:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1024:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1025:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1032:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl : ( '[' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1036:1: ( ( '[' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1037:1: ( '[' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1037:1: ( '[' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1038:2: '[' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_3_0_1_1_0()); + match(input,23,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_3_0_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1047:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1051:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1052:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1059:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1063:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1064:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1064:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:1065:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1066:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 )? + int alt17=2; + int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA17_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt17=1; + } + switch (alt17) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1066:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2" + // InternalProblem.g:1074:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1078:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1079:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1085:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl : ( ']' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1089:1: ( ( ']' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1090:1: ( ']' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1090:1: ( ']' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1091:2: ']' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3_0_1_1_2()); + match(input,24,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3_0_1_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1101:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1105:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1106:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1113:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1117:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1118:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1118:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1119:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:1120:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1120:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1128:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1132:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1133:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1139:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1143:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1144:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1144:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:1145:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1146:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 )* + loop18: + do { + int alt18=2; + int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA18_0==25) ) { + alt18=1; + } + + + switch (alt18) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1146:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop18; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getGroup_3_0_1_1_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1155:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1159:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1160:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1167:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1171:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1172:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1172:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1173:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_0_1_1_1_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_0_1_1_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1182:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1186:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1187:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1193:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1197:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1198:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1198:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1199:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1200:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1200:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_3_0_1_1_1_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1209:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1 ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1213:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1214:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_11); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1221:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1225:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1226:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1226:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1227:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_4_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_4_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1236:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1 : rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1240:1: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1241:2: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1247:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1251:1: ( ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1252:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1252:1: ( ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1253:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1254:2: ( rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1254:3: rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__Group_4__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1263:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1267:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1268:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1275:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1279:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1280:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1280:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1281:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:1282:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1282:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Alternatives_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1290:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1294:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1295:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1302:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1306:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1307:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1307:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1308:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1309:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1309:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:1317:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1321:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1322:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1329:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl : ( '[' ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1333:1: ( ( '[' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1334:1: ( '[' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1334:1: ( '[' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1335:2: '[' + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2()); + match(input,23,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3" + // InternalProblem.g:1344:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1348:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1349:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_14); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1356:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1360:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1361:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1361:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1362:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_3()); + // InternalProblem.g:1363:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1363:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4" + // InternalProblem.g:1371:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1375:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1376:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1383:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl : ( ']' ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1387:1: ( ( ']' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1388:1: ( ']' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1388:1: ( ']' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1389:2: ']' + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_4()); + match(input,24,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5" + // InternalProblem.g:1398:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1402:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1403:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1410:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1414:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1415:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1415:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1416:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getNameAssignment_5()); + // InternalProblem.g:1417:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1417:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getNameAssignment_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6" + // InternalProblem.g:1425:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1429:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1430:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1436:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1440:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1441:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1441:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:1442:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getGroup_6()); + // InternalProblem.g:1443:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 )? + int alt19=2; + int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA19_0==26) ) { + alt19=1; + } + switch (alt19) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1443:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getGroup_6()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group__6__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1452:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1 ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1456:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1457:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1464:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl : ( 'opposite' ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1468:1: ( ( 'opposite' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1469:1: ( 'opposite' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1469:1: ( 'opposite' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1470:2: 'opposite' + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeKeyword_6_0()); + match(input,26,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeKeyword_6_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1479:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1 : rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1483:1: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1484:2: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1490:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1494:1: ( ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1495:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1495:1: ( ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1496:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeAssignment_6_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1497:2: ( rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1497:3: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeAssignment_6_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__Group_6__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1506:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1510:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1511:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1518:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1522:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1523:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1523:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1524:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:1525:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1525:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Alternatives_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1533:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1537:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1538:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1545:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1549:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1550:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1550:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1551:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1552:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1552:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:1560:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1564:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1565:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1572:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1576:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1577:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1577:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1578:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2()); + match(input,27,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3" + // InternalProblem.g:1587:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1591:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1592:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1599:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1603:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1604:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1604:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:1605:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_3()); + // InternalProblem.g:1606:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 )? + int alt20=2; + int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA20_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt20=1; + } + switch (alt20) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1606:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4" + // InternalProblem.g:1614:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1618:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1619:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1626:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1630:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1631:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1631:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1632:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4()); + match(input,28,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5" + // InternalProblem.g:1641:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1645:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1646:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1653:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1657:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1658:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1658:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:1659:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_5()); + // InternalProblem.g:1660:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 )? + int alt21=2; + int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA21_0==29) ) { + alt21=1; + } + switch (alt21) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1660:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6" + // InternalProblem.g:1668:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1672:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1673:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1679:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl : ( '.' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1683:1: ( ( '.' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1684:1: ( '.' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1684:1: ( '.' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1685:2: '.' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_6()); + match(input,21,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_6()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group__6__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1695:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1699:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1700:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_19); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1707:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1711:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1712:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1712:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1713:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorAssignment_0_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:1714:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1714:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorAssignment_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1722:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1726:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1727:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1733:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl : ( ( 'pred' )? ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1737:1: ( ( ( 'pred' )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1738:1: ( ( 'pred' )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1738:1: ( ( 'pred' )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:1739:2: ( 'pred' )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getPredKeyword_0_0_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1740:2: ( 'pred' )? + int alt22=2; + int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA22_0==12) ) { + alt22=1; + } + switch (alt22) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1740:3: 'pred' + { + match(input,12,FOLLOW_2); + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getPredKeyword_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_0_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1749:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1753:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1754:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1761:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1765:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1766:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1766:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1767:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersAssignment_3_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:1768:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1768:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersAssignment_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1776:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1780:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1781:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1787:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1791:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1792:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1792:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:1793:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_3_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1794:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 )* + loop23: + do { + int alt23=2; + int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA23_0==25) ) { + alt23=1; + } + + + switch (alt23) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1794:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop23; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1803:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1807:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1808:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1815:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1819:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1820:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1820:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1821:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1830:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1834:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1835:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1841:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1845:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1846:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1846:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1847:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersAssignment_3_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1848:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1848:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersAssignment_3_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_3_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1857:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1861:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1862:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1869:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl : ( ':=' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1873:1: ( ( ':=' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1874:1: ( ':=' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1874:1: ( ':=' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1875:2: ':=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getColonEqualsSignKeyword_5_0()); + match(input,29,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getColonEqualsSignKeyword_5_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1884:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1888:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1889:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_21); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1896:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1900:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1901:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1901:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1902:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesAssignment_5_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1903:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1903:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesAssignment_5_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2" + // InternalProblem.g:1911:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1915:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1916:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1922:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1926:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1927:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1927:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:1928:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_5_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:1929:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 )* + loop24: + do { + int alt24=2; + int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA24_0==30) ) { + alt24=1; + } + + + switch (alt24) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:1929:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_22); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop24; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getGroup_5_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1938:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1 ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1942:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1943:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1950:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl : ( ';' ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1954:1: ( ( ';' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1955:1: ( ';' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1955:1: ( ';' ) + // InternalProblem.g:1956:2: ';' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_5_2_0()); + match(input,30,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getSemicolonKeyword_5_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1" + // InternalProblem.g:1965:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1 : rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1969:1: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:1970:2: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:1976:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1980:1: ( ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1981:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:1981:1: ( ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:1982:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesAssignment_5_2_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:1983:2: ( rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1983:3: rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesAssignment_5_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__Group_5_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:1992:1: rule__Parameter__Group__0 : rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl rule__Parameter__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__Parameter__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:1996:1: ( rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl rule__Parameter__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:1997:2: rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl rule__Parameter__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Parameter__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2004:1: rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2008:1: ( ( ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2009:1: ( ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2009:1: ( ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2010:2: ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2011:2: ( rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2011:3: rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2019:1: rule__Parameter__Group__1 : rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Parameter__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2023:1: ( rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2024:2: rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2030:1: rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2034:1: ( ( ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2035:1: ( ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2035:1: ( ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2036:2: ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2037:2: ( rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2037:3: rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2046:1: rule__Conjunction__Group__0 : rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2050:1: ( rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2051:2: rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2058:1: rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2062:1: ( ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2063:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2063:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2064:2: ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2065:2: ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2065:3: rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2073:1: rule__Conjunction__Group__1 : rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2077:1: ( rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2078:2: rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2084:1: rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2088:1: ( ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2089:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2089:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:2090:2: ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2091:2: ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 )* + loop25: + do { + int alt25=2; + int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA25_0==25) ) { + alt25=1; + } + + + switch (alt25) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2091:3: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop25; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2100:1: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0 : rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2104:1: ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2105:2: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); + rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2112:1: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2116:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2117:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2117:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2118:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2127:1: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1 : rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2131:1: ( rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2132:2: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2138:1: rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2142:1: ( ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2143:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2143:1: ( ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2144:2: ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2145:2: ( rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2145:3: rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2154:1: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0 : rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2158:1: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2159:2: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2166:1: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl : ( '!' ) ; + public final void rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2170:1: ( ( '!' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2171:1: ( '!' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2171:1: ( '!' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2172:2: '!' + { + before(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getExclamationMarkKeyword_0()); + match(input,18,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getExclamationMarkKeyword_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2181:1: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1 : rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2185:1: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2186:2: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2192:1: rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2196:1: ( ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2197:1: ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2197:1: ( ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2198:2: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getAtomAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2199:2: ( rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2199:3: rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getAtomAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__NegativeLiteral__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2208:1: rule__Atom__Group__0 : rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2212:1: ( rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2213:2: rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_23); + rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2220:1: rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2224:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2225:1: ( ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2225:1: ( ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2226:2: ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2227:2: ( rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2227:3: rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2235:1: rule__Atom__Group__1 : rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl rule__Atom__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2239:1: ( rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl rule__Atom__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2240:2: rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl rule__Atom__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_23); + rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2247:1: rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2251:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2252:1: ( ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2252:1: ( ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:2253:2: ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosureAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2254:2: ( rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 )? + int alt26=2; + int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA26_0==38) ) { + alt26=1; + } + switch (alt26) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2254:3: rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosureAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:2262:1: rule__Atom__Group__2 : rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl rule__Atom__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2266:1: ( rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl rule__Atom__Group__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2267:2: rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl rule__Atom__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2274:1: rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2278:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2279:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2279:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2280:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2()); + match(input,27,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__3" + // InternalProblem.g:2289:1: rule__Atom__Group__3 : rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl rule__Atom__Group__4 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2293:1: ( rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl rule__Atom__Group__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2294:2: rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl rule__Atom__Group__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2301:1: rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2305:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2306:1: ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2306:1: ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:2307:2: ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup_3()); + // InternalProblem.g:2308:2: ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0 )? + int alt27=2; + int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA27_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt27=1; + } + switch (alt27) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2308:3: rule__Atom__Group_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__4" + // InternalProblem.g:2316:1: rule__Atom__Group__4 : rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2320:1: ( rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2321:2: rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2327:1: rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2331:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2332:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2332:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2333:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4()); + match(input,28,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2343:1: rule__Atom__Group_3__0 : rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3__1 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2347:1: ( rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2348:2: rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2355:1: rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2359:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2360:1: ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2360:1: ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2361:2: ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_3_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2362:2: ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2362:3: rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2370:1: rule__Atom__Group_3__1 : rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2374:1: ( rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2375:2: rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2381:1: rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2385:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2386:1: ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2386:1: ( ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:2387:2: ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup_3_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2388:2: ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 )* + loop28: + do { + int alt28=2; + int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA28_0==25) ) { + alt28=1; + } + + + switch (alt28) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2388:3: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop28; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getGroup_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2397:1: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0 : rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1 ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2401:1: ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2402:2: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2409:1: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2413:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2414:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2414:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2415:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getCommaKeyword_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2424:1: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1 : rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2428:1: ( rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2429:2: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2435:1: rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2439:1: ( ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2440:1: ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2440:1: ( ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2441:2: ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2442:2: ( rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2442:3: rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__Group_3_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2451:1: rule__Assertion__Group__0 : rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2455:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2456:2: rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); + rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2463:1: rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2467:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2468:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2468:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2469:2: ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2470:2: ( rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2470:3: rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getAlternatives_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2478:1: rule__Assertion__Group__1 : rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2482:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2483:2: rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2489:1: rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl : ( '.' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2493:1: ( ( '.' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2494:1: ( '.' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2494:1: ( '.' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2495:2: '.' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1()); + match(input,21,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getFullStopKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2505:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2509:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2510:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2517:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2521:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2522:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2522:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2523:2: ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationAssignment_0_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2524:2: ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2524:3: rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationAssignment_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2532:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2536:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2537:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2544:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2548:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2549:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2549:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2550:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_0_1()); + match(input,27,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2" + // InternalProblem.g:2559:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2563:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2564:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2571:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2575:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2576:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2576:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:2577:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:2578:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 )? + int alt29=2; + int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA29_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt29=1; + } + switch (alt29) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2578:3: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3" + // InternalProblem.g:2586:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2590:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2591:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_25); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2598:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2602:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2603:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2603:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2604:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_0_3()); + match(input,28,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_0_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4" + // InternalProblem.g:2613:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2617:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2618:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_26); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2625:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl : ( ':' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2629:1: ( ( ':' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2630:1: ( ':' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2630:1: ( ':' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2631:2: ':' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getColonKeyword_0_0_4()); + match(input,31,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getColonKeyword_0_0_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5" + // InternalProblem.g:2640:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2644:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2645:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2651:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2655:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2656:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2656:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2657:2: ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueAssignment_0_0_5()); + // InternalProblem.g:2658:2: ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2658:3: rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueAssignment_0_0_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2667:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2671:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2672:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2679:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2683:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2684:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2684:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2685:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2686:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2686:3: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2694:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2698:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2699:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2705:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2709:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2710:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2710:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:2711:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0_2_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2712:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 )* + loop30: + do { + int alt30=2; + int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA30_0==25) ) { + alt30=1; + } + + + switch (alt30) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2712:3: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop30; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_0_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2721:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2725:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2726:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2733:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2737:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2738:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2738:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2739:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_0_2_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_0_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2748:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2752:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2753:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2759:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2763:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2764:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2764:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2765:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2766:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2766:3: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_0_2_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2775:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2779:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2780:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_27); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2787:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2791:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2792:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2792:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:2793:2: ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueAssignment_0_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2794:2: ( rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 )? + int alt31=2; + int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( ((LA31_0>=18 && LA31_0<=19)) ) { + alt31=1; + } + switch (alt31) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2794:3: rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueAssignment_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2802:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2806:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2807:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2814:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2818:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2819:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2819:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2820:2: ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationAssignment_0_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2821:2: ( rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2821:3: rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationAssignment_0_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2" + // InternalProblem.g:2829:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2833:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2834:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2841:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2845:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2846:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2846:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2847:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_1_2()); + match(input,27,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3" + // InternalProblem.g:2856:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2860:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2861:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2868:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2872:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2873:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2873:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? ) + // InternalProblem.g:2874:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1_3()); + // InternalProblem.g:2875:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 )? + int alt32=2; + int LA32_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA32_0==RULE_ID) ) { + alt32=1; + } + switch (alt32) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2875:3: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4" + // InternalProblem.g:2883:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2887:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2888:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2894:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2898:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2899:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2899:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2900:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_1_4()); + match(input,28,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_1_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2910:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2914:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2915:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2922:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2926:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2927:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2927:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2928:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:2929:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2929:3: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2937:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2941:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2942:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2948:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2952:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2953:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2953:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:2954:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1_3_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:2955:2: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 )* + loop33: + do { + int alt33=2; + int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA33_0==25) ) { + alt33=1; + } + + + switch (alt33) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:2955:3: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop33; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getGroup_0_1_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:2964:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1 ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2968:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:2969:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:2976:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2980:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:2981:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:2981:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:2982:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_1_3_1_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_1_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:2991:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1 : rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:2995:1: ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:2996:2: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3002:1: rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3006:1: ( ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3007:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3007:1: ( ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3008:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:3009:2: ( rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3009:3: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__Group_0_1_3_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3018:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3022:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3023:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3030:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl : ( 'scope' ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3034:1: ( ( 'scope' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3035:1: ( 'scope' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3035:1: ( 'scope' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3036:2: 'scope' + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getScopeKeyword_0()); + match(input,32,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getScopeKeyword_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3045:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3049:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3050:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_28); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3057:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3061:1: ( ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3062:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3062:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3063:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesAssignment_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:3064:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3064:3: rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:3072:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3076:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3077:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_28); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3084:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3088:1: ( ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3089:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3089:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:3090:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getGroup_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:3091:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 )* + loop34: + do { + int alt34=2; + int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA34_0==25) ) { + alt34=1; + } + + + switch (alt34) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:3091:3: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop34; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getGroup_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3" + // InternalProblem.g:3099:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3103:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3104:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3110:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl : ( '.' ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3114:1: ( ( '.' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3115:1: ( '.' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3115:1: ( '.' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3116:2: '.' + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_3()); + match(input,21,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3126:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1 ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3130:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3131:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3138:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3142:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3143:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3143:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3144:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_0()); + match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3153:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1 : rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3157:1: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3158:2: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3164:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3168:1: ( ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3169:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3169:1: ( ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3170:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesAssignment_2_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:3171:2: ( rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3171:3: rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesAssignment_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__Group_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3180:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__0 : rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3184:1: ( rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3185:2: rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_29); + rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3192:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3196:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3197:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3197:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3198:2: ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3199:2: ( rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3199:3: rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3207:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__1 : rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3211:1: ( rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3212:2: rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl rule__TypeScope__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3219:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3223:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3224:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3224:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3225:2: ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getAlternatives_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:3226:2: ( rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3226:3: rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__Alternatives_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getAlternatives_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:3234:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__2 : rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3238:1: ( rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3239:2: rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3245:1: rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3249:1: ( ( ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3250:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3250:1: ( ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3251:2: ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:3252:2: ( rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3252:3: rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getMultiplicityAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3261:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0 : rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3265:1: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3266:2: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_30); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3273:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3277:1: ( ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3278:1: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3278:1: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3279:2: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getLowerBoundAssignment_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3280:2: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3280:3: rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getLowerBoundAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3288:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1 : rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3292:1: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3293:2: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3300:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl : ( '..' ) ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3304:1: ( ( '..' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3305:1: ( '..' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3305:1: ( '..' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3306:2: '..' + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_1()); + match(input,33,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getFullStopFullStopKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2" + // InternalProblem.g:3315:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2 : rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3319:1: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3320:2: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3326:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3330:1: ( ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3331:1: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3331:1: ( ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3332:2: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getUpperBoundAssignment_2()); + // InternalProblem.g:3333:2: ( rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3333:3: rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getUpperBoundAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3342:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3346:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3347:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_32); + rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__QualifiedName__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3354:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3358:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3359:1: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3359:1: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3360:2: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3369:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1 : rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3373:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3374:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3380:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3384:1: ( ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3385:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3385:1: ( ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* ) + // InternalProblem.g:3386:2: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalProblem.g:3387:2: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 )* + loop35: + do { + int alt35=2; + int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA35_0==34) ) { + alt35=1; + } + + + switch (alt35) { + case 1 : + // InternalProblem.g:3387:3: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_33); + rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop35; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0" + // InternalProblem.g:3396:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0 : rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3400:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalProblem.g:3401:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3408:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '::' ) ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3412:1: ( ( '::' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3413:1: ( '::' ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3413:1: ( '::' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3414:2: '::' + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,34,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getColonColonKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1" + // InternalProblem.g:3423:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1 : rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3427:1: ( rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalProblem.g:3428:2: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalProblem.g:3434:1: rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3438:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3439:1: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3439:1: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3440:2: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_1_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getQualifiedNameAccess().getIDTerminalRuleCall_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__QualifiedName__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment" + // InternalProblem.g:3450:1: rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment : ( ruleStatement ) ; + public final void rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3454:1: ( ( ruleStatement ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3455:2: ( ruleStatement ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3455:2: ( ruleStatement ) + // InternalProblem.g:3456:3: ruleStatement + { + before(grammarAccess.getProblemAccess().getStatementsStatementParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleStatement(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getProblemAccess().getStatementsStatementParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Problem__StatementsAssignment" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3465:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0 : ( ( 'abstract' ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3469:1: ( ( ( 'abstract' ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3470:2: ( ( 'abstract' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3470:2: ( ( 'abstract' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3471:3: ( 'abstract' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAbstractKeyword_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3472:3: ( 'abstract' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3473:4: 'abstract' + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAbstractKeyword_0_0()); + match(input,35,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAbstractKeyword_0_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getAbstractAbstractKeyword_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__AbstractAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2" + // InternalProblem.g:3484:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2 : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3488:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3489:2: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3489:2: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3490:3: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__NameAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3499:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3503:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3504:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3504:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3505:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3506:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3507:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3518:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3522:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3523:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3523:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3524:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_1_1_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3525:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3526:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_1_1_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_1_1_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_1_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3537:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3541:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3542:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3542:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3543:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_1_1_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3544:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3545:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_1_1_1_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_1_1_1_1_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getSuperTypesClassDeclarationCrossReference_3_0_1_1_1_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__SuperTypesAssignment_3_0_1_1_1_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3556:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1 : ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3560:1: ( ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3561:2: ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3561:2: ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) + // InternalProblem.g:3562:3: ruleReferenceDeclaration + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsReferenceDeclarationParserRuleCall_3_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleReferenceDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsReferenceDeclarationParserRuleCall_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_3_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3571:1: rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1 : ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) ; + public final void rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3575:1: ( ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3576:2: ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3576:2: ( ruleReferenceDeclaration ) + // InternalProblem.g:3577:3: ruleReferenceDeclaration + { + before(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsReferenceDeclarationParserRuleCall_4_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleReferenceDeclaration(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getClassDeclarationAccess().getReferenceDeclarationsReferenceDeclarationParserRuleCall_4_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ClassDeclaration__ReferenceDeclarationsAssignment_4_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3586:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0 : ( ( 'contains' ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3590:1: ( ( ( 'contains' ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3591:2: ( ( 'contains' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3591:2: ( ( 'contains' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3592:3: ( 'contains' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentContainsKeyword_0_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3593:3: ( 'contains' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3594:4: 'contains' + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentContainsKeyword_0_0_0()); + match(input,36,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentContainsKeyword_0_0_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getContainmentContainsKeyword_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ContainmentAssignment_0_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3605:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3609:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3610:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3610:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3611:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3612:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3613:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getReferenceTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__ReferenceTypeAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3" + // InternalProblem.g:3624:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3 : ( ruleMultiplicity ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3628:1: ( ( ruleMultiplicity ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3629:2: ( ruleMultiplicity ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3629:2: ( ruleMultiplicity ) + // InternalProblem.g:3630:3: ruleMultiplicity + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityParserRuleCall_3_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityParserRuleCall_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__MultiplicityAssignment_3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5" + // InternalProblem.g:3639:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5 : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3643:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3644:2: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3644:2: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3645:3: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_5_0()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_5_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__NameAssignment_5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3654:1: rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3658:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3659:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3659:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3660:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeReferenceDeclarationCrossReference_6_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3661:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:3662:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeReferenceDeclarationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_6_1_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeReferenceDeclarationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_6_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getReferenceDeclarationAccess().getOppositeReferenceDeclarationCrossReference_6_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ReferenceDeclaration__OppositeAssignment_6_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3673:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0 : ( ( 'error' ) ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3677:1: ( ( ( 'error' ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3678:2: ( ( 'error' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3678:2: ( ( 'error' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3679:3: ( 'error' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorErrorKeyword_0_0_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3680:3: ( 'error' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3681:4: 'error' + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorErrorKeyword_0_0_0_0()); + match(input,37,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorErrorKeyword_0_0_0_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getErrorErrorKeyword_0_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__ErrorAssignment_0_0_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3692:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1 : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3696:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3697:2: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3697:2: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3698:3: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__NameAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3707:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0 : ( ruleParameter ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3711:1: ( ( ruleParameter ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3712:2: ( ruleParameter ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3712:2: ( ruleParameter ) + // InternalProblem.g:3713:3: ruleParameter + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersParameterParserRuleCall_3_0_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleParameter(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersParameterParserRuleCall_3_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3722:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1 : ( ruleParameter ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3726:1: ( ( ruleParameter ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3727:2: ( ruleParameter ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3727:2: ( ruleParameter ) + // InternalProblem.g:3728:3: ruleParameter + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersParameterParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleParameter(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getParametersParameterParserRuleCall_3_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__ParametersAssignment_3_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3737:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1 : ( ruleConjunction ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3741:1: ( ( ruleConjunction ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3742:2: ( ruleConjunction ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3742:2: ( ruleConjunction ) + // InternalProblem.g:3743:3: ruleConjunction + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesConjunctionParserRuleCall_5_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleConjunction(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesConjunctionParserRuleCall_5_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3752:1: rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1 : ( ruleConjunction ) ; + public final void rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3756:1: ( ( ruleConjunction ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3757:2: ( ruleConjunction ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3757:2: ( ruleConjunction ) + // InternalProblem.g:3758:3: ruleConjunction + { + before(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesConjunctionParserRuleCall_5_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleConjunction(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getPredicateDefinitionAccess().getBodiesConjunctionParserRuleCall_5_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__PredicateDefinition__BodiesAssignment_5_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3767:1: rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3771:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3772:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3772:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3773:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3774:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3775:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getParameterTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__ParameterTypeAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3786:1: rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1 : ( RULE_ID ) ; + public final void rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3790:1: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3791:2: ( RULE_ID ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3791:2: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3792:3: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getParameterAccess().getNameIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Parameter__NameAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3801:1: rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0 : ( ruleLiteral ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3805:1: ( ( ruleLiteral ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3806:2: ( ruleLiteral ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3806:2: ( ruleLiteral ) + // InternalProblem.g:3807:3: ruleLiteral + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleLiteral(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3816:1: rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1 : ( ruleLiteral ) ; + public final void rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3820:1: ( ( ruleLiteral ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3821:2: ( ruleLiteral ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3821:2: ( ruleLiteral ) + // InternalProblem.g:3822:3: ruleLiteral + { + before(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsLiteralParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleLiteral(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getConjunctionAccess().getLiteralsLiteralParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Conjunction__LiteralsAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3831:1: rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1 : ( ruleAtom ) ; + public final void rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3835:1: ( ( ruleAtom ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3836:2: ( ruleAtom ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3836:2: ( ruleAtom ) + // InternalProblem.g:3837:3: ruleAtom + { + before(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getAtomAtomParserRuleCall_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleAtom(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getNegativeLiteralAccess().getAtomAtomParserRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__NegativeLiteral__AtomAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3846:1: rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3850:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3851:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3851:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3852:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3853:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:3854:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__RelationAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3865:1: rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1 : ( ( '+' ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3869:1: ( ( ( '+' ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3870:2: ( ( '+' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3870:2: ( ( '+' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3871:3: ( '+' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosurePlusSignKeyword_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3872:3: ( '+' ) + // InternalProblem.g:3873:4: '+' + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosurePlusSignKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,38,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosurePlusSignKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getTransitiveClosurePlusSignKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__TransitiveClosureAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3884:1: rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3888:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3889:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3889:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3890:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableCrossReference_3_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3891:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3892:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableIDTerminalRuleCall_3_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableCrossReference_3_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3903:1: rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3907:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3908:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3908:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3909:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableCrossReference_3_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3910:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:3911:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableIDTerminalRuleCall_3_1_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableIDTerminalRuleCall_3_1_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getArgumentsVariableCrossReference_3_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Atom__ArgumentsAssignment_3_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3922:1: rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3926:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3927:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3927:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3928:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_0_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3929:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:3930:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_0_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_0_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3941:1: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3945:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3946:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3946:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3947:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_0_2_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3948:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:3949:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_2_0_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_2_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_0_2_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:3960:1: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3964:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3965:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3965:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3966:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_0_2_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:3967:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:3968:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_2_1_1_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_0_2_1_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_0_2_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_0_2_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5" + // InternalProblem.g:3979:1: rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5 : ( ruleLogicValue ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3983:1: ( ( ruleLogicValue ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3984:2: ( ruleLogicValue ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3984:2: ( ruleLogicValue ) + // InternalProblem.g:3985:3: ruleLogicValue + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueLogicValueEnumRuleCall_0_0_5_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleLogicValue(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueLogicValueEnumRuleCall_0_0_5_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_0_5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0" + // InternalProblem.g:3994:1: rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0 : ( ruleShortLogicValue ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:3998:1: ( ( ruleShortLogicValue ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:3999:2: ( ruleShortLogicValue ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:3999:2: ( ruleShortLogicValue ) + // InternalProblem.g:4000:3: ruleShortLogicValue + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueShortLogicValueEnumRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleShortLogicValue(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getValueShortLogicValueEnumRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ValueAssignment_0_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:4009:1: rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4013:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4014:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4014:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4015:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:4016:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:4017:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_1_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getRelationRelationCrossReference_0_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__RelationAssignment_0_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0" + // InternalProblem.g:4028:1: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4032:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4033:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4033:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4034:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_1_3_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:4035:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:4036:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_3_0_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_3_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_1_3_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1" + // InternalProblem.g:4047:1: rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1 : ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ; + public final void rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4051:1: ( ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4052:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4052:2: ( ( ruleQualifiedName ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4053:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_1_3_1_1_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:4054:3: ( ruleQualifiedName ) + // InternalProblem.g:4055:4: ruleQualifiedName + { + before(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_3_1_1_0_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleQualifiedName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeQualifiedNameParserRuleCall_0_1_3_1_1_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getAssertionAccess().getArgumentsNodeCrossReference_0_1_3_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__Assertion__ArgumentsAssignment_0_1_3_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1" + // InternalProblem.g:4066:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1 : ( ruleTypeScope ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4070:1: ( ( ruleTypeScope ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4071:2: ( ruleTypeScope ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4071:2: ( ruleTypeScope ) + // InternalProblem.g:4072:3: ruleTypeScope + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesTypeScopeParserRuleCall_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleTypeScope(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesTypeScopeParserRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1" + // InternalProblem.g:4081:1: rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1 : ( ruleTypeScope ) ; + public final void rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4085:1: ( ( ruleTypeScope ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4086:2: ( ruleTypeScope ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4086:2: ( ruleTypeScope ) + // InternalProblem.g:4087:3: ruleTypeScope + { + before(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesTypeScopeParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleTypeScope(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getScopeDeclarationAccess().getTypeScopesTypeScopeParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ScopeDeclaration__TypeScopesAssignment_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:4096:1: rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0 : ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4100:1: ( ( ( RULE_ID ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4101:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4101:2: ( ( RULE_ID ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4102:3: ( RULE_ID ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:4103:3: ( RULE_ID ) + // InternalProblem.g:4104:4: RULE_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeClassDeclarationIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getTargetTypeClassDeclarationCrossReference_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__TargetTypeAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0" + // InternalProblem.g:4115:1: rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0 : ( ( '+=' ) ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4119:1: ( ( ( '+=' ) ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4120:2: ( ( '+=' ) ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4120:2: ( ( '+=' ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4121:3: ( '+=' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementPlusSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0()); + // InternalProblem.g:4122:3: ( '+=' ) + // InternalProblem.g:4123:4: '+=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementPlusSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0()); + match(input,39,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementPlusSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getIncrementPlusSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__IncrementAssignment_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2" + // InternalProblem.g:4134:1: rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2 : ( ruleMultiplicity ) ; + public final void rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4138:1: ( ( ruleMultiplicity ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4139:2: ( ruleMultiplicity ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4139:2: ( ruleMultiplicity ) + // InternalProblem.g:4140:3: ruleMultiplicity + { + before(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleMultiplicity(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getTypeScopeAccess().getMultiplicityMultiplicityParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__TypeScope__MultiplicityAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0" + // InternalProblem.g:4149:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0 : ( RULE_INT ) ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4153:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4154:2: ( RULE_INT ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4154:2: ( RULE_INT ) + // InternalProblem.g:4155:3: RULE_INT + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getLowerBoundINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getLowerBoundINTTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__LowerBoundAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2" + // InternalProblem.g:4164:1: rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2 : ( ruleUpperBound ) ; + public final void rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4168:1: ( ( ruleUpperBound ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4169:2: ( ruleUpperBound ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4169:2: ( ruleUpperBound ) + // InternalProblem.g:4170:3: ruleUpperBound + { + before(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getUpperBoundUpperBoundParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleUpperBound(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getRangeMultiplicityAccess().getUpperBoundUpperBoundParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__RangeMultiplicity__UpperBoundAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment" + // InternalProblem.g:4179:1: rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment : ( RULE_INT ) ; + public final void rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalProblem.g:4183:1: ( ( RULE_INT ) ) + // InternalProblem.g:4184:2: ( RULE_INT ) + { + // InternalProblem.g:4184:2: ( RULE_INT ) + // InternalProblem.g:4185:3: RULE_INT + { + before(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityAccess().getExactValueINTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + match(input,RULE_INT,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getExactMultiplicityAccess().getExactValueINTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__ExactMultiplicity__ExactValueAssignment" + + // Delegated rules + + + protected DFA8 dfa8 = new DFA8(this); + static final String dfa_1s = "\17\uffff"; + static final String dfa_2s = "\1\5\1\33\1\uffff\2\5\1\33\1\31\1\25\2\5\1\uffff\2\31\1\5\1\31"; + static final String dfa_3s = "\1\23\1\42\1\uffff\1\5\1\34\2\42\1\37\2\5\1\uffff\2\42\1\5\1\42"; + static final String dfa_4s = "\2\uffff\1\2\7\uffff\1\1\4\uffff"; + static final String dfa_5s = "\17\uffff}>"; + static final String[] dfa_6s = { + "\1\1\14\uffff\2\2", + "\1\4\6\uffff\1\3", + "", + "\1\5", + "\1\6\26\uffff\1\7", + "\1\4\6\uffff\1\3", + "\1\11\2\uffff\1\7\5\uffff\1\10", + "\1\2\11\uffff\1\12", + "\1\13", + "\1\14", + "", + "\1\11\2\uffff\1\7\5\uffff\1\10", + "\1\11\2\uffff\1\7\5\uffff\1\15", + "\1\16", + "\1\11\2\uffff\1\7\5\uffff\1\15" + }; + + static final short[] dfa_1 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_1s); + static final char[] dfa_2 = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(dfa_2s); + static final char[] dfa_3 = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(dfa_3s); + static final short[] dfa_4 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_4s); + static final short[] dfa_5 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_5s); + static final short[][] dfa_6 = unpackEncodedStringArray(dfa_6s); + + class DFA8 extends DFA { + + public DFA8(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { + this.recognizer = recognizer; + this.decisionNumber = 8; + this.eot = dfa_1; + this.eof = dfa_1; + this.min = dfa_2; + this.max = dfa_3; + this.accept = dfa_4; + this.special = dfa_5; + this.transition = dfa_6; + } + public String getDescription() { + return "672:1: rule__Assertion__Alternatives_0 : ( ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__Assertion__Group_0_1__0 ) ) );"; + } + } + + + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_1 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_2 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_3 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000029001C1022L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_4 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000800100000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_5 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_6 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001002600800L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_7 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_8 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_9 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_10 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_11 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000400800L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000800000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000001000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000008000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020200000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000040020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004008000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000200000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000038000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000C0020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002200000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000008000002000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000200000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004010L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000400000002L}); + +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2