path: root/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main
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Diffstat (limited to 'subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main')
6 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/BoundScopePropagator.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/BoundScopePropagator.java
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index 00000000..ecca6117
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+++ b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/BoundScopePropagator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPConstraint;
9import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPObjective;
10import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPSolver;
11import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPVariable;
12import org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.primitive.IntObjectMaps;
13import org.eclipse.collections.api.factory.primitive.IntSets;
14import org.eclipse.collections.api.map.primitive.MutableIntObjectMap;
15import org.eclipse.collections.api.set.primitive.MutableIntSet;
16import tools.refinery.store.dse.propagation.BoundPropagator;
17import tools.refinery.store.dse.propagation.PropagationResult;
18import tools.refinery.store.model.Interpretation;
19import tools.refinery.store.model.Model;
20import tools.refinery.store.query.ModelQueryAdapter;
21import tools.refinery.store.representation.cardinality.*;
22import tools.refinery.store.tuple.Tuple;
24class BoundScopePropagator implements BoundPropagator {
25 private final Model model;
26 private final ModelQueryAdapter queryEngine;
27 private final Interpretation<CardinalityInterval> countInterpretation;
28 private final MPSolver solver;
29 private final MPObjective objective;
30 private final MutableIntObjectMap<MPVariable> variables = IntObjectMaps.mutable.empty();
31 private final MutableIntSet activeVariables = IntSets.mutable.empty();
32 private final TypeScopePropagator[] propagators;
33 private boolean changed = true;
35 public BoundScopePropagator(Model model, ScopePropagator storeAdapter) {
36 this.model = model;
37 queryEngine = model.getAdapter(ModelQueryAdapter.class);
38 countInterpretation = model.getInterpretation(storeAdapter.getCountSymbol());
39 solver = MPSolver.createSolver("GLOP");
40 solver.suppressOutput();
41 objective = solver.objective();
42 initializeVariables();
43 countInterpretation.addListener(this::countChanged, true);
44 var propagatorFactories = storeAdapter.getTypeScopePropagatorFactories();
45 propagators = new TypeScopePropagator[propagatorFactories.size()];
46 for (int i = 0; i < propagators.length; i++) {
47 model.checkCancelled();
48 propagators[i] = propagatorFactories.get(i).createPropagator(this);
49 }
50 }
52 ModelQueryAdapter getQueryEngine() {
53 return queryEngine;
54 }
56 private void initializeVariables() {
57 var cursor = countInterpretation.getAll();
58 while (cursor.move()) {
59 var interval = cursor.getValue();
60 if (!interval.equals(CardinalityIntervals.ONE)) {
61 int nodeId = cursor.getKey().get(0);
62 createVariable(nodeId, interval);
63 activeVariables.add(nodeId);
64 }
65 }
66 }
68 private MPVariable createVariable(int nodeId, CardinalityInterval interval) {
69 double lowerBound = interval.lowerBound();
70 double upperBound = getUpperBound(interval);
71 var variable = solver.makeNumVar(lowerBound, upperBound, "x" + nodeId);
72 variables.put(nodeId, variable);
73 return variable;
74 }
76 private void countChanged(Tuple key, CardinalityInterval fromValue, CardinalityInterval toValue,
77 boolean ignoredRestoring) {
78 int nodeId = key.get(0);
79 if ((toValue == null || toValue.equals(CardinalityIntervals.ONE))) {
80 if (fromValue != null && !fromValue.equals(CardinalityIntervals.ONE)) {
81 removeActiveVariable(toValue, nodeId);
82 }
83 return;
84 }
85 if (fromValue == null || fromValue.equals(CardinalityIntervals.ONE)) {
86 activeVariables.add(nodeId);
87 }
88 var variable = variables.get(nodeId);
89 if (variable == null) {
90 createVariable(nodeId, toValue);
91 markAsChanged();
92 return;
93 }
94 double lowerBound = toValue.lowerBound();
95 double upperBound = getUpperBound(toValue);
96 if (variable.lb() != lowerBound) {
97 variable.setLb(lowerBound);
98 markAsChanged();
99 }
100 if (variable.ub() != upperBound) {
101 variable.setUb(upperBound);
102 markAsChanged();
103 }
104 }
106 private void removeActiveVariable(CardinalityInterval toValue, int nodeId) {
107 var variable = variables.get(nodeId);
108 if (variable == null || !activeVariables.remove(nodeId)) {
109 throw new AssertionError("Variable not active: " + nodeId);
110 }
111 if (toValue == null) {
112 variable.setBounds(0, 0);
113 } else {
114 // Until queries are flushed and the constraints can be properly updated,
115 // the variable corresponding to the (previous) multi-object has to stand in for a single object.
116 variable.setBounds(1, 1);
117 }
118 markAsChanged();
119 }
121 MPConstraint makeConstraint() {
122 return solver.makeConstraint();
123 }
125 MPVariable getVariable(int nodeId) {
126 var variable = variables.get(nodeId);
127 if (variable != null) {
128 return variable;
129 }
130 var interval = countInterpretation.get(Tuple.of(nodeId));
131 if (interval == null || interval.equals(CardinalityIntervals.ONE)) {
132 interval = CardinalityIntervals.NONE;
133 } else {
134 activeVariables.add(nodeId);
135 markAsChanged();
136 }
137 return createVariable(nodeId, interval);
138 }
140 void markAsChanged() {
141 changed = true;
142 }
144 @Override
145 public PropagationResult propagateOne() {
146 queryEngine.flushChanges();
147 if (!changed) {
148 return PropagationResult.UNCHANGED;
149 }
150 changed = false;
151 for (var propagator : propagators) {
152 model.checkCancelled();
153 if (!propagator.updateBounds()) {
154 // Avoid logging GLOP error to console by checking for inconsistent constraints in advance.
155 return PropagationResult.REJECTED;
156 }
157 }
158 var result = PropagationResult.UNCHANGED;
159 if (activeVariables.isEmpty()) {
160 return checkEmptiness();
161 }
162 var iterator = activeVariables.intIterator();
163 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
164 int nodeId = iterator.next();
165 var variable = variables.get(nodeId);
166 if (variable == null) {
167 throw new AssertionError("Missing active variable: " + nodeId);
168 }
169 result = result.andThen(propagateNode(nodeId, variable));
170 if (result.isRejected()) {
171 return result;
172 }
173 }
174 return result;
175 }
177 private PropagationResult checkEmptiness() {
178 model.checkCancelled();
179 var emptinessCheckingResult = solver.solve();
180 return switch (emptinessCheckingResult) {
181 case OPTIMAL, UNBOUNDED -> PropagationResult.UNCHANGED;
182 case INFEASIBLE -> PropagationResult.REJECTED;
183 default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to check for consistency: " + emptinessCheckingResult);
184 };
185 }
187 private PropagationResult propagateNode(int nodeId, MPVariable variable) {
188 objective.setCoefficient(variable, 1);
189 try {
190 model.checkCancelled();
191 objective.setMinimization();
192 var minimizationResult = solver.solve();
193 int lowerBound;
194 switch (minimizationResult) {
195 case OPTIMAL -> lowerBound = RoundingUtil.roundUp(objective.value());
196 case UNBOUNDED -> lowerBound = 0;
197 case INFEASIBLE -> {
198 return PropagationResult.REJECTED;
199 }
200 default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to solve for minimum of %s: %s"
201 .formatted(variable, minimizationResult));
202 }
204 model.checkCancelled();
205 objective.setMaximization();
206 var maximizationResult = solver.solve();
207 UpperCardinality upperBound;
208 switch (maximizationResult) {
209 case OPTIMAL -> upperBound = UpperCardinalities.atMost(RoundingUtil.roundDown(objective.value()));
210 // Problem was feasible when minimizing, the only possible source of {@code UNBOUNDED_OR_INFEASIBLE} is
211 // an unbounded maximization problem. See https://github.com/google/or-tools/issues/3319
212 case UNBOUNDED, INFEASIBLE -> upperBound = UpperCardinalities.UNBOUNDED;
213 default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to solve for maximum of %s: %s"
214 .formatted(variable, minimizationResult));
215 }
217 var newInterval = CardinalityIntervals.between(lowerBound, upperBound);
218 var oldInterval = countInterpretation.put(Tuple.of(nodeId), newInterval);
219 if (newInterval.lowerBound() < oldInterval.lowerBound() ||
220 newInterval.upperBound().compareTo(oldInterval.upperBound()) > 0) {
221 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to refine multiplicity %s of node %d to %s"
222 .formatted(oldInterval, nodeId, newInterval));
223 }
224 return newInterval.equals(oldInterval) ? PropagationResult.UNCHANGED : PropagationResult.PROPAGATED;
225 } finally {
226 objective.setCoefficient(variable, 0);
227 }
228 }
230 private static double getUpperBound(CardinalityInterval interval) {
231 var upperBound = interval.upperBound();
232 if (upperBound instanceof FiniteUpperCardinality finiteUpperCardinality) {
233 return finiteUpperCardinality.finiteUpperBound();
234 } else if (upperBound instanceof UnboundedUpperCardinality) {
235 return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
236 } else {
237 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown upper bound: " + upperBound);
238 }
239 }
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/LowerTypeScopePropagator.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/LowerTypeScopePropagator.java
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index 00000000..2be92464
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+++ b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/LowerTypeScopePropagator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8import tools.refinery.store.dse.transition.DesignSpaceExplorationBuilder;
9import tools.refinery.store.dse.transition.objectives.Criteria;
10import tools.refinery.store.dse.transition.objectives.Objectives;
11import tools.refinery.store.model.ModelStoreBuilder;
12import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.AnyQuery;
13import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.Query;
14import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.RelationalQuery;
15import tools.refinery.store.query.term.Variable;
16import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.ReasoningBuilder;
17import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.literal.CountCandidateLowerBoundLiteral;
18import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.representation.PartialRelation;
20import java.util.Collection;
21import java.util.List;
23import static tools.refinery.store.query.literal.Literals.check;
24import static tools.refinery.store.query.term.int_.IntTerms.*;
25import static tools.refinery.store.reasoning.literal.PartialLiterals.may;
26import static tools.refinery.store.reasoning.translator.multiobject.MultiObjectTranslator.MULTI_VIEW;
28class LowerTypeScopePropagator extends TypeScopePropagator {
29 private final int lowerBound;
31 private LowerTypeScopePropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter, int lowerBound, RelationalQuery allQuery,
32 RelationalQuery multiQuery) {
33 super(adapter, allQuery, multiQuery);
34 this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
35 }
37 @Override
38 protected void doUpdateBounds() {
39 constraint.setLb((lowerBound - getSingleCount()));
40 }
42 public static class Factory extends TypeScopePropagator.Factory {
43 private final PartialRelation type;
44 private final int lowerBound;
45 private final RelationalQuery allMay;
46 private final RelationalQuery multiMay;
48 public Factory(PartialRelation type, int lowerBound) {
49 this.type = type;
50 this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
51 allMay = Query.of(type.name() + "#may", (builder, instance) -> builder.clause(
52 may(type.call(instance))
53 ));
54 multiMay = Query.of(type.name() + "#multiMay", (builder, instance) -> builder.clause(
55 may(type.call(instance)),
56 MULTI_VIEW.call(instance)
57 ));
58 }
60 @Override
61 public TypeScopePropagator createPropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter) {
62 return new LowerTypeScopePropagator(adapter, lowerBound, allMay, multiMay);
63 }
65 @Override
66 protected Collection<AnyQuery> getQueries() {
67 return List.of(allMay, multiMay);
68 }
70 @Override
71 public void configure(ModelStoreBuilder storeBuilder) {
72 super.configure(storeBuilder);
74 var requiredObjects = Query.of(type.name() + "#required", Integer.class, (builder, output) -> builder
75 .clause(Integer.class, candidateLowerBound -> List.of(
76 new CountCandidateLowerBoundLiteral(candidateLowerBound, type, List.of(Variable.of())),
77 output.assign(sub(constant(lowerBound), candidateLowerBound)),
78 check(greater(output, constant(0)))
79 )));
81 storeBuilder.getAdapter(ReasoningBuilder.class).objective(Objectives.value(requiredObjects));
82 storeBuilder.tryGetAdapter(DesignSpaceExplorationBuilder.class).ifPresent(dseBuilder ->
83 dseBuilder.accept(Criteria.whenNoMatch(requiredObjects)));
84 }
85 }
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/RoundingUtil.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/RoundingUtil.java
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index 00000000..986771a1
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8final class RoundingUtil {
9 private static final double TOLERANCE = 0.01;
11 private RoundingUtil() {
12 throw new IllegalStateException("This is a static utility class and should not be instantiated directly");
13 }
15 public static int roundUp(double value) {
16 double ceil = Math.ceil(value - TOLERANCE);
17 int intCeil = (int) ceil;
18 return Math.max(intCeil, 0);
19 }
21 public static int roundDown(double value) {
22 double floor = Math.floor(value + TOLERANCE);
23 int intFloor = (int) floor;
24 return Math.max(intFloor, 0);
25 }
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/ScopePropagator.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/ScopePropagator.java
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index 00000000..25b1966c
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8import com.google.ortools.Loader;
9import tools.refinery.store.dse.propagation.PropagationBuilder;
10import tools.refinery.store.model.ModelStoreBuilder;
11import tools.refinery.store.model.ModelStoreConfiguration;
12import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.representation.PartialRelation;
13import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.translator.TranslationException;
14import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.translator.multiobject.MultiObjectTranslator;
15import tools.refinery.store.representation.Symbol;
16import tools.refinery.store.representation.cardinality.CardinalityInterval;
17import tools.refinery.store.representation.cardinality.FiniteUpperCardinality;
19import java.util.*;
21public class ScopePropagator implements ModelStoreConfiguration {
22 private final Symbol<CardinalityInterval> countSymbol;
23 private final Map<PartialRelation, CardinalityInterval> scopes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
24 private final List<TypeScopePropagator.Factory> typeScopePropagatorFactories = new ArrayList<>();
26 public ScopePropagator() {
27 this(MultiObjectTranslator.COUNT_STORAGE);
28 }
30 public ScopePropagator(Symbol<CardinalityInterval> countSymbol) {
31 if (countSymbol.arity() != 1) {
32 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Count symbol must have arty 1, got %s with arity %d instead"
33 .formatted(countSymbol, countSymbol.arity()));
34 }
35 if (!countSymbol.valueType().equals(CardinalityInterval.class)) {
36 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Count symbol must have CardinalityInterval values");
37 }
38 if (countSymbol.defaultValue() != null) {
39 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Count symbol must default value null");
40 }
41 this.countSymbol = countSymbol;
42 }
44 public ScopePropagator scope(PartialRelation type, CardinalityInterval interval) {
45 if (type.arity() != 1) {
46 throw new TranslationException(type, "Only types with arity 1 may have scopes, got %s with arity %d"
47 .formatted(type, type.arity()));
48 }
49 var newValue = scopes.compute(type, (ignoredKey, oldValue) ->
50 oldValue == null ? interval : oldValue.meet(interval));
51 if (newValue.isEmpty()) {
52 throw new TranslationException(type, "Unsatisfiable scope for type %s".formatted(type));
53 }
54 return this;
55 }
57 public ScopePropagator scopes(Map<PartialRelation, CardinalityInterval> scopes) {
58 return scopes(scopes.entrySet());
59 }
61 public ScopePropagator scopes(Collection<Map.Entry<PartialRelation, CardinalityInterval>> scopes) {
62 for (var entry : scopes) {
63 scope(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
64 }
65 return this;
66 }
68 @Override
69 public void apply(ModelStoreBuilder storeBuilder) {
70 createTypeScopePropagatorFactories();
71 Loader.loadNativeLibraries();
72 for (var factory : typeScopePropagatorFactories) {
73 factory.configure(storeBuilder);
74 }
75 storeBuilder.getAdapter(PropagationBuilder.class)
76 .propagator(model -> new BoundScopePropagator(model, this));
77 }
79 private void createTypeScopePropagatorFactories() {
80 for (var entry : scopes.entrySet()) {
81 var type = entry.getKey();
82 var bounds = entry.getValue();
83 if (bounds.lowerBound() > 0) {
84 var lowerFactory = new LowerTypeScopePropagator.Factory(type, bounds.lowerBound());
85 typeScopePropagatorFactories.add(lowerFactory);
86 }
87 if (bounds.upperBound() instanceof FiniteUpperCardinality finiteUpperCardinality) {
88 var upperFactory = new UpperTypeScopePropagator.Factory(type,
89 finiteUpperCardinality.finiteUpperBound());
90 typeScopePropagatorFactories.add(upperFactory);
91 }
92 }
93 }
95 Symbol<CardinalityInterval> getCountSymbol() {
96 return countSymbol;
97 }
99 List<TypeScopePropagator.Factory> getTypeScopePropagatorFactories() {
100 return typeScopePropagatorFactories;
101 }
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/TypeScopePropagator.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/TypeScopePropagator.java
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index 00000000..bb50656b
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2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8import com.google.ortools.linearsolver.MPConstraint;
9import tools.refinery.store.model.ModelStoreBuilder;
10import tools.refinery.store.query.ModelQueryBuilder;
11import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.AnyQuery;
12import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.RelationalQuery;
13import tools.refinery.store.query.resultset.ResultSet;
14import tools.refinery.store.tuple.Tuple;
16import java.util.Collection;
18abstract class TypeScopePropagator {
19 private final BoundScopePropagator adapter;
20 private final ResultSet<Boolean> allNodes;
21 private final ResultSet<Boolean> multiNodes;
22 protected final MPConstraint constraint;
24 protected TypeScopePropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter, RelationalQuery allQuery,
25 RelationalQuery multiQuery) {
26 this.adapter = adapter;
27 var queryEngine = adapter.getQueryEngine();
28 allNodes = queryEngine.getResultSet(allQuery);
29 multiNodes = queryEngine.getResultSet(multiQuery);
30 constraint = adapter.makeConstraint();
31 constraint.setBounds(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
32 var cursor = multiNodes.getAll();
33 while (cursor.move()) {
34 var variable = adapter.getVariable(cursor.getKey().get(0));
35 constraint.setCoefficient(variable, 1);
36 }
37 allNodes.addListener(this::allChanged);
38 multiNodes.addListener(this::multiChanged);
39 }
41 protected abstract void doUpdateBounds();
43 public boolean updateBounds() {
44 doUpdateBounds();
45 return constraint.lb() <= constraint.ub();
46 }
48 protected int getSingleCount() {
49 return allNodes.size() - multiNodes.size();
50 }
52 private void allChanged(Tuple ignoredKey, Boolean ignoredOldValue, Boolean ignoredNewValue) {
53 adapter.markAsChanged();
54 }
56 private void multiChanged(Tuple key, Boolean ignoredOldValue, Boolean newValue) {
57 var variable = adapter.getVariable(key.get(0));
58 constraint.setCoefficient(variable, Boolean.TRUE.equals(newValue) ? 1 : 0);
59 adapter.markAsChanged();
60 }
62 public abstract static class Factory {
63 public abstract TypeScopePropagator createPropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter);
65 protected abstract Collection<AnyQuery> getQueries();
67 public void configure(ModelStoreBuilder storeBuilder) {
68 storeBuilder.getAdapter(ModelQueryBuilder.class).queries(getQueries());
69 }
70 }
diff --git a/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/UpperTypeScopePropagator.java b/subprojects/store-reasoning-scope/src/main/java/tools/refinery/store/reasoning/scope/UpperTypeScopePropagator.java
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index 00000000..4aba5aac
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2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 The Refinery Authors <https://refinery.tools/>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
5 */
6package tools.refinery.store.reasoning.scope;
8import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.AnyQuery;
9import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.Query;
10import tools.refinery.store.query.dnf.RelationalQuery;
11import tools.refinery.store.reasoning.representation.PartialRelation;
13import java.util.Collection;
14import java.util.List;
16import static tools.refinery.store.reasoning.literal.PartialLiterals.must;
17import static tools.refinery.store.reasoning.translator.multiobject.MultiObjectTranslator.MULTI_VIEW;
19class UpperTypeScopePropagator extends TypeScopePropagator {
20 private final int upperBound;
22 private UpperTypeScopePropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter, int upperBound, RelationalQuery allQuery,
23 RelationalQuery multiQuery) {
24 super(adapter, allQuery, multiQuery);
25 this.upperBound = upperBound;
26 }
28 @Override
29 protected void doUpdateBounds() {
30 constraint.setUb((upperBound - getSingleCount()));
31 }
33 public static class Factory extends TypeScopePropagator.Factory {
34 private final int upperBound;
35 private final RelationalQuery allMust;
36 private final RelationalQuery multiMust;
38 public Factory(PartialRelation type, int upperBound) {
39 this.upperBound = upperBound;
40 allMust = Query.of(type.name() + "#must", (builder, instance) -> builder.clause(
41 must(type.call(instance))
42 ));
43 multiMust = Query.of(type.name() + "#multiMust", (builder, instance) -> builder.clause(
44 must(type.call(instance)),
45 MULTI_VIEW.call(instance)
46 ));
47 }
49 @Override
50 public TypeScopePropagator createPropagator(BoundScopePropagator adapter) {
51 return new UpperTypeScopePropagator(adapter, upperBound, allMust, multiMust);
52 }
54 @Override
55 protected Collection<AnyQuery> getQueries() {
56 return List.of(allMust, multiMust);
57 }
58 }