tag name0.9.58-rc1 (55742867f2916cccc0248673571feb82a78119fb)
tag date2019-01-21 12:53:45 -0500
tagged byLibravatar netblue30 <>
tagged objectcommit 76a20bceda...
Version 0.9.58-rc1
* work in progress * --disable-mnt rework * --net.print command * GitLab CI/CD integration: disto specific builds * profile parser enhancements and conditional handling support for HAS_APPIMAGE, HAS_NODBUS, BROWSER_DISABLE_U2F * profile name support * added explicit nonewprivs support to join option * add mincore syscall to default seccomp list * new profiles: QMediathekView, aria2c, Authenticator, checkbashisms * new profiles: devilspie, devilspie2, easystroke, github-desktop, min * new profiles: bsdcat, bsdcpio, bsdtar, lzmadec, lbunzip2, lbzcat * new profiles: lbzip2, lzcat, lzcmp, lzdiff, lzegrep, lzfgrep, lzgrep * new profiles: lzless, lzma, lzmainfo, lzmore, unlzma, unxz, xzcat * new profiles: xzcmp, xzdiff, xzegrep, xzfgrep, xzgrep, xzless, xzmore * new profiles: lzip, artha, nitroshare, nitroshare-cli, nitroshare-nmh * new profiles: nirtoshare-send, nitroshare-ui, mencoder, gnome-pie * new profiles: masterpdfeditor, QOwnNotes, aisleriot, Mendeley * new profiles: feedreader, ocenaudio, mpsyt, thunderbird-wayland * new profiles: supertuxcart, ghostwriter, gajim-history-manager