tag name0.9.56 (5db23e983087feec0b8d0e13aeb9760234f427c1)
tag date2018-09-18 10:44:40 -0400
tagged byLibravatar netblue30 <>
tagged objectcommit d8b179d088...
Version 0.9.56
* modif: removed CFG_CHROOT_DESKTOP configuration option * modif: removed compile time --enable-network=restricted * modif: removed compile time --disable-bind * modif: --net=none allowed even if networking was disabled at compile time or at run time * modif: allow system users to run the sandbox * support wireless devices in --net option * support tap devices in --net option (tunneling support) * allow IP address configuration if the parent interface specified by --net is not configured (--netmask) * support for firetunnel utility * disable U2F devices (--nou2f) * add --private-cache to support private ~/.cache * support full paths in private-lib * globbing support in private-lib * support for local user directories in firecfg (--bindir) * new profiles: ms-excel, ms-office, ms-onenote, ms-outlook, ms-powerpoint, * new profiles: ms-skype, ms-word, riot-desktop, gnome-mpv, snox, gradio, * new profiles: standardnotes-desktop, shellcheck, patch, flameshot, * new profiles: rview, rvim, vimcat, vimdiff, vimpager, vimtutor, xxd, * new profiles: Beaker, electrum, clamtk, pybitmessage, dig, whois, * new profiles: jdownloader, Fluxbox, Blackbox, Awesome, i3 * new profiles: start-tor-browser.desktop