tag name0.9.50-rc1 (791b4591362404e73ab5c9a8fa1a49c5b83f39eb)
tag date2017-08-28 09:57:33 -0400
tagged byLibravatar netblue30 <>
tagged objectcommit 20d14f696e...
Version 0.9.50~rc1
* modif: --output split in two commands, --output and --output-stderr * feature: per-profile disable-mnt (--disable-mnt) * feature: per-profile support to set X11 Xephyr screen size (--xephyr-screen) * feature: private /lib directory (--private-lib) * feature: disable CDROM/DVD drive (--nodvd) * feature: disable DVB devices (--notv) * enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug * enhancement: /proc/sys mounting * enhancement: rework IP address assingment for --net options * enhancement: support for newer Xpra versions (2.1+) - set xpra-attach yes in /etc/firejail/firejail.config * enhancement: all profiles use a standard layout style * enhancement: create /usr/local for firecfg if the directory doesn't exist * enhancement: allow full paths in --private-bin * seccomp feature: --memory-deny-write-execute * seccomp feature: seccomp post-exec * seccomp feature: block secondary architecture (--seccomp.block_secondary) * seccomp feature: seccomp syscall groups * seccomp enhancement: print all seccomp filters under --debug * seccomp enhancement: default seccomp list update * new profiles: curl, mplayer2, SMPlayer, Calibre, ebook-viewer, KWrite, * new profiles: Geary, Liferea, peek, silentarmy, IntelliJ IDEA, * new profiles: Android Studio, electron, riot-web, Extreme Tux Racer, * new profiles: Frozen Bubble, Open Invaders, Pingus, Simutrans, SuperTux * new profiles: telegram-desktop, arm, rambox, apktool, baobab, dex2jar, gitg, * new profiles: hashcat, obs, picard, remmina, sdat2img, soundconverter * new profiles: truecraft, gnome-twitch, tuxguitar, musescore, neverball * new profiles: sqlitebrowse, * bugfixes