tag name0.9.46-rc1 (7d3505f46da5d8852dea70c815198794fb583a9a)
tag date2017-04-07 12:37:27 -0400
tagged byLibravatar netblue30 <>
tagged objectcommit 4f4fbc6f5c...
Version 0.9.46~rc1
* development version, work in progress * security: split most of networking code in a separate executable * security: split seccomp filter code configuration in a separate executable * security: split file copying in private option in a separate executable * feature: disable gnupg and systemd directories under /run/user * feature: test coverage (gcov) support * feature: allow root user access to /dev/shm (--noblacklist=/dev/shm) * feature: private /opt directory (--private-opt, profile support) * feature: private /srv directory (--private-srv, profile support) * feature: spoof machine-id (--machine-id, profile support) * feature: allow blacklists under --private (--allow-private-blacklist, profile support) * feature: user-defined /etc/hosts file (--hosts-file, profile support) * feature: support for the real /var/log directory (--writable-var-log, profile support) * feature: config support for firejail prompt in terminals * feature: AppImage type 2 support * feature: pass command line arguments to appimages * feature: allow non-seccomp setup for OverlayFS sandboxes - more work to come * feature: added a number of Python scripts for handling sandboxes * feature: allow local customization using .local files under /etc/firejail * feature: follow-symlink-as-user runtime config option in /etc/firejail/firejail.config * feature: follow-symlink-private-bin option in /etc/firejail/firejail.config * feature: xvfb X11 server support (--x11=xvfb) * feature: allow /tmp directory in mkdir and mkfile profile commands * feature: implemented --noblacklist command, profile support * feature: config support to disable access to /mnt and /media (disable-mnt) * feature: config support to disable join (join) * feature: disabled Go, Rust, and OpenSSL in disable-devel.conf * new profiles: xiphos, Tor Browser Bundle, display (imagemagik), Wire, * new profiles: mumble, zoom, Guayadeque, qemu, keypass2, xed, pluma, * new profiles: Cryptocat, Bless, Gnome 2048, Gnome Calculator, * new profiles: Gnome Contacts, JD-GUI, Lollypop, MultiMC5, PDFSam, Pithos, * new profies: Xonotic, wireshark, keepassx2, QupZilla, FossaMail, * new profiles: Uzbl browser, iridium browser, Thunar, Geeqie, Engrampa * new profiles: Scribus, mousepad, gpicview, keepassxc, cvlc, MediathekView * bugfixes