1. Disable /dev/tcp in bash. Compiled time: --enable-net-redirections, --disable-net-redirections ksh and zsh seem to have it. Tests: a) cat /dev/tcp/www.google.com/80 echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nhost: http://www.google.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" >&3 cat <&3 c) A list of attacks http://www.lanmaster53.com/2011/05/7-linux-shells-using-built-in-tools/ 2. SELinux integration Firefox selinux disabled (RedHat): http://danwalsh.livejournal.com/72697.html Firefox selinux enabled (Gentoo hardened): http://blog.siphos.be/2015/08/why-we-do-confine-firefox/ "desktops are notoriously difficult to use a mandatory access control system on" 3. abstract unix socket bridge, example for ibus: before the sandbox is started socat UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/mysoc,fork ABSTRACT-CONNECT:/tmp/dbus-awBoQTCc & in sandbox socat ABSTRACT-LISTEN:/tmp/dbus-awBoQTCc,fork UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/mysock 5. add support for --ip, --iprange, --mac and --mtu for --interface option 6. --shutdown does not clear sandboxes started with --join