#!/bin/bash # This file is part of Firejail project # Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Firejail Authors # License GPL v2 export MALLOC_CHECK_=3 export MALLOC_PERTURB_=$(($RANDOM % 255 + 1)) export LC_ALL=C echo "TESTING: profile conditional (test/profiles/conditional.exp)" ./conditional.exp echo "TESTING: profile recursivity (test/profiles/profile_recursivity.exp)" ./profile_recursivity.exp echo "TESTING: profile application name (test/profiles/profile_appname.exp)" ./profile_appname.exp echo "TESTING: profile syntax (test/profiles/profile_syntax.exp)" ./profile_syntax.exp echo "TESTING: profile syntax 2 (test/profiles/profile_syntax2.exp)" ./profile_syntax2.exp echo "TESTING: ignore command (test/profiles/ignore.exp)" ./ignore.exp echo "TESTING: profile read-only (test/profiles/profile_readonly.exp)" ./profile_readonly.exp echo "TESTING: profile read-only links (test/profiles/profile_readonly.exp)" ./profile_followlnk.exp echo "TESTING: profile no permissions (test/profiles/profile_noperm.exp)" ./profile_noperm.exp # GitHub CI doesn't have a /run/user/$UID directory. Using it to test a small number of profiles. UID=`id -u` if [ -d "/run/user/$UID" ]; then PROFILES=`ls /etc/firejail/*.profile` echo "TESTING: default profiles installed in /etc" else PROFILES=`ls /etc/firejail/fi*.profile /etc/firejail/fl*.profile /etc/firejail/free*.profile` echo "TESTING: small number of default profiles installed in /etc" fi for PROFILE in $PROFILES do echo "TESTING: $PROFILE" ./test-profile.exp $PROFILE done