#!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout 10 spawn $env(SHELL) match_max 100000 # directory with ~ send -- "firejail --blacklist=~/.config\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 1\n";exit} "Child process initialized" } sleep 1 send -- "ls -al ~/.config\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 2\n";exit} "cannot open directory" } send -- "exit\r" sleep 1 # directory with ~ in profile file send -- "firejail --profile=blacklist1.profile\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 3\n";exit} "Child process initialized" } sleep 1 send -- "ls -al ~/.config\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 4\n";exit} "cannot open directory" } send -- "exit\r" sleep 1 # directory with space send -- "firejail \"--blacklist=dir with space\"\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 5\n";exit} "Child process initialized" } sleep 1 send -- "ls -al \"dir with space\"\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 6\n";exit} "cannot open directory" } send -- "exit\r" sleep 1 # directory with space in profile send -- "firejail --profile=blacklist2.profile\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 7\n";exit} "Child process initialized" } sleep 1 send -- "ls -al \"dir with space\"\r" expect { timeout {puts "TESTING ERROR 8\n";exit} "cannot open directory" } puts "\n"