.TH FIREJAIL-CONFIG 5 "MONTH YEAR" "VERSION" "firejail.config man page" .SH NAME firejail.config \- Firejail run time configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION /etc/firejail/firejail.config is the system-wide configuration file for Firejail. It allows the system administrator to enable or disable a number of features and Linux kernel security technologies used by Firejail sandbox. The file contains keyword-argument pairs, one per line. Use 'yes' or 'no' as configuration values. Note that some of these features can also be enabled or disabled at compile time. Most features are enabled by default both at compile time and at run time. .TP \fBbind Enable or disable bind support, default enabled. .TP \fBchroot Enable or disable chroot support, default enabled. .TP \fBfile-transfer Enable or disable file transfer support, default enabled. .TP \fBnetwork Enable or disable networking features, default enabled. .TP \fBrestricted-network Enable or disable restricted network support, default disabled. If enabled, networking features should also be enabled (network yes). Restricted networking grants access to --interface and --net=ethXXX only to root user. Regular users are only allowed --net=none. .TP \fBsecomp Enable or disable seccomp support, default enabled. .TP \fBuserns Enable or disable user namespace support, default enabled. .TP \fBx11 Enable or disable X11 sandboxing support, default enabled. .TP \fBforce-nonewprivs Force use of nonewprivs. This mitigates the possibility of a user abusing firejail's features to trick a privileged (suid or file capabilities) process into loading code or configuration that is partially under their control. Default disabled. .TP \fBxephyr-screen Screen size for --x11=xephyr, default 800x600. Run /usr/bin/xrandr for a full list of resolutions available on your specific setup. Examples: .br .br xephyr-screen 640x480 .br xephyr-screen 800x600 .br xephyr-screen 1024x768 .br xephyr-screen 1280x1024 .SH FILES /etc/firejail/firejail.config .SH LICENSE Firejail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. .PP Homepage: http://firejail.wordpress.com .SH SEE ALSO \&\flfirejail\fR\|(1), \&\flfiremon\fR\|(1), \&\flfirecfg\fR\|(1), \&\flfirejail-profile\fR\|(5) \&\flfirejail-login\fR\|(5)