/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Firejail Authors * * This file is part of firejail project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "firejail.h" void usage(void) { printf("firejail - version %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by\n"); printf("restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux\n"); printf("namespaces.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: firejail [options] [program and arguments]\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -- - signal the end of options and disables further option processing.\n"); printf(" --allow-debuggers - allow tools such as strace and gdb inside the sandbox.\n"); printf(" --allow-private-blacklist - allow blacklisting files in private\n"); printf("\thome directories.\n"); printf(" --allusers - all user home directories are visible inside the sandbox.\n"); printf(" --apparmor - enable AppArmor confinement.\n"); printf(" --appimage - sandbox an AppImage application.\n"); printf(" --audit[=test-program] - audit the sandbox.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --bandwidth=name|pid - set bandwidth limits.\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BIND printf(" --bind=dirname1,dirname2 - mount-bind dirname1 on top of dirname2.\n"); printf(" --bind=filename1,filename2 - mount-bind filename1 on top of filename2.\n"); #endif printf(" --blacklist=filename - blacklist directory or file.\n"); printf(" -c - execute command and exit.\n"); printf(" --caps - enable default Linux capabilities filter.\n"); printf(" --caps.drop=all - drop all capabilities.\n"); printf(" --caps.drop=capability,capability - blacklist capabilities filter.\n"); printf(" --caps.keep=capability,capability - whitelist capabilities filter.\n"); printf(" --caps.print=name|pid - print the caps filter.\n"); printf(" --cgroup=tasks-file - place the sandbox in the specified control group.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_CHROOT printf(" --chroot=dirname - chroot into directory.\n"); #endif printf(" --cpu=cpu-number,cpu-number - set cpu affinity.\n"); printf(" --cpu.print=name|pid - print the cpus in use.\n"); printf(" --csh - use /bin/csh as default shell.\n"); printf(" --debug - print sandbox debug messages.\n"); printf(" --debug-blacklists - debug blacklisting.\n"); printf(" --debug-caps - print all recognized capabilities.\n"); printf(" --debug-check-filename - debug filename checking.\n"); printf(" --debug-errnos - print all recognized error numbers.\n"); printf(" --debug-protocols - print all recognized protocols.\n"); printf(" --debug-syscalls - print all recognized system calls.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_WHITELIST printf(" --debug-whitelists - debug whitelisting.\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --defaultgw=address - configure default gateway.\n"); #endif printf(" --dns=address - set DNS server.\n"); printf(" --dns.print=name|pid - print DNS configuration.\n"); printf(" --env=name=value - set environment variable.\n"); printf(" --force - attempt to start a new sandbox inside the existing sandbox.\n"); printf(" --fs.print=name|pid - print the filesystem log.\n"); printf(" --get=name|pid filename - get a file from sandbox container.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_GIT_INSTALL printf(" --git-install - download, compile and install mainline git version\n"); printf("\tof Firejail.\n"); printf(" --git-uninstall - uninstall mainline git version of Firejail\n"); #endif printf(" --help, -? - this help screen.\n"); printf(" --hostname=name - set sandbox hostname.\n"); printf(" --hosts-file=file - use file as /etc/hosts.\n"); printf(" --ignore=command - ignore command in profile files.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --interface=name - move interface in sandbox.\n"); printf(" --ip=address - set interface IP address.\n"); printf(" --ip=none - no IP address and no default gateway are configured.\n"); printf(" --ip6=address - set interface IPv6 address.\n"); printf(" --iprange=address,address - configure an IP address in this range.\n"); #endif printf(" --ipc-namespace - enable a new IPC namespace.\n"); printf(" --join=name|pid - join the sandbox.\n"); printf(" --join-filesystem=name|pid - join the mount namespace.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --join-network=name|pid - join the network namespace.\n"); #endif printf(" --join-or-start=name|pid - join the sandbox or start a new one.\n"); printf(" --list - list all sandboxes.\n"); printf(" --ls=name|pid dir_or_filename - list files in sandbox container.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx - set interface MAC address.\n"); #endif printf(" --machine-id - preserve /etc/machine-id\n"); #ifdef HAVE_SECCOMP printf(" --memory-deny-write-execute - seccomp filter to block attempts to create\n"); printf("\tmemory mappings that are both writable and executable.\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --mtu=number - set interface MTU.\n"); #endif printf(" --name=name - set sandbox name.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --net=bridgename - enable network namespaces and connect to this bridge.\n"); printf(" --net=ethernet_interface - enable network namespaces and connect to this\n"); printf("\tEthernet interface.\n"); printf(" --net=none - enable a new, unconnected network namespace.\n"); printf(" --netfilter[=filename] - enable the default client network filter.\n"); printf(" --netfilter6=filename - enable the IPv6 network filter.\n"); printf(" --netns=name - Run the program in a named, persistent network namespace.\n"); printf(" --netstats - monitor network statistics.\n"); #endif printf(" --nice=value - set nice value.\n"); printf(" --no3d - disable 3D hardware acceleration.\n"); printf(" --noblacklist=filename - disable blacklist for file or directory .\n"); printf(" --noexec=filename - remount the file or directory noexec nosuid and nodev.\n"); printf(" --nogroups - disable supplementary groups.\n"); printf(" --nonewprivs - sets the NO_NEW_PRIVS prctl.\n"); printf(" --noprofile - do not use a security profile.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_USERNS printf(" --noroot - install a user namespace with only the current user.\n"); #endif printf(" --nosound - disable sound system.\n"); printf(" --novideo - disable video devices.\n"); printf(" --nowhitelist=filename - disable whitelist for file or directory .\n"); printf(" --output=logfile - stdout logging and log rotation.\n"); printf(" --output-stderr=logfile - stdout and stderr logging and log rotation.\n"); printf(" --overlay - mount a filesystem overlay on top of the current filesystem.\n"); printf(" --overlay-named=name - mount a filesystem overlay on top of the current\n"); printf("\tfilesystem, and store it in name directory.\n"); printf(" --overlay-tmpfs - mount a temporary filesystem overlay on top of the\n"); printf("\tcurrent filesystem.\n"); printf(" --overlay-clean - clean all overlays stored in $HOME/.firejail directory.\n"); printf(" --private - temporary home directory.\n"); printf(" --private=directory - use directory as user home.\n"); printf(" --private-home=file,directory - build a new user home in a temporary\n"); printf("\tfilesystem, and copy the files and directories in the list in\n"); printf("\tthe new home.\n"); printf(" --private-bin=file,file - build a new /bin in a temporary filesystem,\n"); printf("\tand copy the programs in the list.\n"); printf(" --private-dev - create a new /dev directory with a small number of\n"); printf("\tcommon device files.\n"); printf(" --private-etc=file,directory - build a new /etc in a temporary\n"); printf("\tfilesystem, and copy the files and directories in the list.\n"); printf(" --private-tmp - mount a tmpfs on top of /tmp directory.\n"); printf(" --private-opt=file,directory - build a new /opt in a temporary filesystem.\n"); printf(" --profile=filename - use a custom profile.\n"); printf(" --profile-path=directory - use this directory to look for profile files.\n"); printf(" --protocol=protocol,protocol,protocol - enable protocol filter.\n"); printf(" --protocol.print=name|pid - print the protocol filter.\n"); printf(" --put=name|pid src-filename dest-filename - put a file in sandbox\n"); printf("\tcontainer.\n"); printf(" --quiet - turn off Firejail's output.\n"); printf(" --read-only=filename - set directory or file read-only..\n"); printf(" --read-write=filename - set directory or file read-write.\n"); printf(" --rlimit-fsize=number - set the maximum file size that can be created\n"); printf("\tby a process.\n"); printf(" --rlimit-nofile=number - set the maximum number of files that can be\n"); printf("\topened by a process.\n"); printf(" --rlimit-nproc=number - set the maximum number of processes that can be\n"); printf("\tcreated for the real user ID of the calling process.\n"); printf(" --rlimit-sigpending=number - set the maximum number of pending signals\n"); printf("\tfor a process.\n"); printf(" --rmenv=name - remove environment variable in the new sandbox.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --scan - ARP-scan all the networks from inside a network namespace.\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_SECCOMP printf(" --seccomp - enable seccomp filter and apply the default blacklist.\n"); printf(" --seccomp=syscall,syscall,syscall - enable seccomp filter, blacklist the\n"); printf("\tdefault syscall list and the syscalls specified by the command.\n"); printf(" --seccomp.block-secondary - build only the native architecture filters.\n"); printf(" --seccomp.drop=syscall,syscall,syscall - enable seccomp filter, and\n"); printf("\tblacklist the syscalls specified by the command.\n"); printf(" --seccomp.keep=syscall,syscall,syscall - enable seccomp filter, and\n"); printf("\twhitelist the syscalls specified by the command.\n"); printf(" --seccomp.print=name|pid - print the seccomp filter for the sandbox\n"); printf("\tidentified by name or PID.\n"); #endif printf(" --shell=none - run the program directly without a user shell.\n"); printf(" --shell=program - set default user shell.\n"); printf(" --shutdown=name|pid - shutdown the sandbox identified by name or PID.\n"); printf(" --tmpfs=dirname - mount a tmpfs filesystem on directory dirname.\n"); printf(" --top - monitor the most CPU-intensive sandboxes.\n"); printf(" --trace - trace open, access and connect system calls.\n"); printf(" --tracelog - add a syslog message for every access to files or\n"); printf("\tdirectoires blacklisted by the security profile.\n"); printf(" --tree - print a tree of all sandboxed processes.\n"); printf(" --version - print program version and exit.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_NETWORK printf(" --veth-name=name - use this name for the interface connected to the bridge.\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_WHITELIST printf(" --whitelist=filename - whitelist directory or file.\n"); #endif printf(" --writable-etc - /etc directory is mounted read-write.\n"); printf(" --writable-var - /var directory is mounted read-write.\n"); printf(" --writable-var-log - use the real /var/log directory, not a clone.\n"); #ifdef HAVE_X11 printf(" --x11 - enable X11 sandboxing. The software checks first if Xpra is\n"); printf("\tinstalled, then it checks if Xephyr is installed. If all fails, it will\n"); printf("\tattempt to use X11 security extension.\n"); printf(" --x11=none - disable access to X11 sockets.\n"); printf(" --x11=xephyr - enable Xephyr X11 server. The window size is 800x600.\n"); printf(" --x11=xorg - enable X11 security extension.\n"); printf(" --x11=xpra - enable Xpra X11 server.\n"); printf(" --x11=xvfb - enable Xvfb X11 server.\n"); printf(" --xephyr-screen=WIDTHxHEIGHT - set screen size for --x11=xephyr.\n"); #endif printf(" --zsh - use /usr/bin/zsh as default shell.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" $ firejail firefox\n"); printf("\tstart Mozilla Firefox\n"); printf(" $ firejail --debug firefox\n"); printf("\tdebug Firefox sandbox\n"); printf(" $ firejail --private --dns= firefox\n"); printf("\tstart Firefox with a new, empty home directory, and a well-known DNS\n"); printf("\tserver setting.\n"); printf(" $ firejail --net=eth0 firefox\n"); printf("\tstart Firefox in a new network namespace\n"); printf(" $ firejail --x11=xorg firefox\n"); printf("\tstart Firefox and sandbox X11\n"); printf(" $ firejail --list\n"); printf("\tlist all running sandboxes\n"); printf("\n"); printf("License GPL version 2 or later\n"); printf("Homepage: http://firejail.wordpress.com\n"); printf("\n"); }