/* * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Firejail Authors * * This file is part of firejail project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "firejail.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include pid_t dhclient4_pid = 0; pid_t dhclient6_pid = 0; typedef struct { char *version_arg; char *pid_file; char *leases_file; uint8_t generate_duid; char *duid_leases_file; pid_t *pid; ptrdiff_t arg_offset; } Dhclient; static const Dhclient dhclient4 = { .version_arg = "-4", .pid_file = RUN_DHCLIENT_4_PID_FILE, .leases_file = RUN_DHCLIENT_4_LEASES_FILE, .generate_duid = 1, .pid = &dhclient4_pid, .arg_offset = offsetof(Bridge, arg_ip_dhcp) }; static const Dhclient dhclient6 = { .version_arg = "-6", .pid_file = RUN_DHCLIENT_6_PID_FILE, .leases_file = RUN_DHCLIENT_6_LEASES_FILE, .duid_leases_file = RUN_DHCLIENT_4_LEASES_FILE, .pid = &dhclient6_pid, .arg_offset = offsetof(Bridge, arg_ip6_dhcp) }; static void dhcp_run_dhclient(char *dhclient_path, const Dhclient *client) { char *argv[256] = { dhclient_path, client->version_arg, "-pf", client->pid_file, "-lf", client->leases_file, }; int i = 6; if (client->generate_duid) argv[i++] = "-i"; if (client->duid_leases_file) { argv[i++] = "-df"; argv[i++] = client->duid_leases_file; } if (arg_debug) argv[i++] = "-v"; if (*(uint8_t *)((char *)&cfg.bridge0 + client->arg_offset)) argv[i++] = cfg.bridge0.devsandbox; if (*(uint8_t *)((char *)&cfg.bridge1 + client->arg_offset)) argv[i++] = cfg.bridge1.devsandbox; if (*(uint8_t *)((char *)&cfg.bridge2 + client->arg_offset)) argv[i++] = cfg.bridge2.devsandbox; if (*(uint8_t *)((char *)&cfg.bridge3 + client->arg_offset)) argv[i++] = cfg.bridge3.devsandbox; sbox_run_v(SBOX_ROOT | SBOX_CAPS_NETWORK | SBOX_CAPS_NET_SERVICE | SBOX_SECCOMP, argv); } static pid_t dhcp_read_pidfile(const Dhclient *client) { // We have to run dhclient as a forking daemon (not pass the -d option), // because we want to be notified of a successful DHCP lease by the parent process exit. int tries = 0; pid_t found = 0; while (found == 0 && tries < 10) { if (tries >= 1) usleep(100000); FILE *pidfile = fopen(client->pid_file, "r"); if (pidfile) { long pid; if (fscanf(pidfile, "%ld", &pid) == 1) found = (pid_t) pid; fclose(pidfile); } ++tries; } if (found == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot get dhclient %s PID from %s\n", client->version_arg, client->pid_file); exit(1); } return found; } static void dhcp_start_dhclient(char *dhclient_path, const Dhclient *client) { dhcp_run_dhclient(dhclient_path, client); *(client->pid) = dhcp_read_pidfile(client); } static void dhcp_waitll(const char *ifname) { sbox_run(SBOX_ROOT | SBOX_CAPS_NETWORK | SBOX_SECCOMP, 3, PATH_FNET, "waitll", ifname); } static void dhcp_waitll_all() { if (cfg.bridge0.arg_ip6_dhcp) dhcp_waitll(cfg.bridge0.devsandbox); if (cfg.bridge1.arg_ip6_dhcp) dhcp_waitll(cfg.bridge1.devsandbox); if (cfg.bridge2.arg_ip6_dhcp) dhcp_waitll(cfg.bridge2.devsandbox); if (cfg.bridge3.arg_ip6_dhcp) dhcp_waitll(cfg.bridge3.devsandbox); } void dhcp_start(void) { if (!any_dhcp()) return; char *dhclient_path = "/sbin/dhclient"; struct stat s; if (stat(dhclient_path, &s) == -1) { dhclient_path = "/usr/sbin/dhclient"; if (stat(dhclient_path, &s) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: dhclient was not found.\n"); exit(1); } } EUID_ROOT(); if (mkdir(RUN_DHCLIENT_DIR, 0700)) errExit("mkdir"); if (any_ip_dhcp()) { dhcp_start_dhclient(dhclient_path, &dhclient4); if (arg_debug) printf("Running dhclient -4 in the background as pid %ld\n", (long) dhclient4_pid); } if (any_ip6_dhcp()) { dhcp_waitll_all(); dhcp_start_dhclient(dhclient_path, &dhclient6); if (arg_debug) printf("Running dhclient -6 in the background as pid %ld\n", (long) dhclient6_pid); if (dhclient4_pid == dhclient6_pid) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: dhclient -4 and -6 have the same PID: %ld\n", (long) dhclient4_pid); exit(1); } } }